Bloomberg Nailed It (and HIM)

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Re: Bloomberg Nailed It (and HIM)

Post by olds442jetaway »

My building was across from the state welfare office. The fraud was and probably still is massive. Luxury cars would come and go all day long dropping off people to go in and get their checks. Food stamps were sold on the streets, kid swapping was common and on and on. My own agency ordered from catalogs with outrageous prices for everyday office items. When I offered to buy and pay for some myself for our own office, that was refused citing procurement rules. I could have bought the same supplies at either discount stores or closeouts for pennies on the dollar compared to what the govt paid. Not only that, when they decided to change a line of office equipment or supplies, everything went in the dumpster. This happens also right at my wife's own school. I still have a stapler I rescued from the trash that is late 40's vintage that is made and works better than anything you can buy today. These are just small examples, but the waste, fraud, and abuse at all levels of government is massive. One final small example. I remember about 20 years ago when our secretary made an honest mistake and ordered cases of postits instead of individual pads. A big box truck showed up one day and the boxes of postits were stacked to the ceiling. The office manager fearing repercussions, since he had sighed off on the order had the staff stack the heavy boxes in the basement. They were never used and eventually got damp and were thrown out. I don't know the cost, but it wasn't chump change.

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Post by billryan »

I suspect you are drinking something with a bit more kick to it then koolaid.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Would everyone STOP with this idiotic "kool AID"  business.....seriously.I have no idea who or what notes1 is arguing for, or about, or with anymore.Who in their right mind is advocating for FRAUD waste and abuse???    OF COURSE something should be done about it!!!  and as far as anyone can tell, things ARE being done about it......the problem is that in order for fraud waste and abuse to be investigated and prosecuted, they first must actually OCCUR!    Prevention only works when you don't actually KNOW its working!   Do you get that notes1?The fact is there is no such thing as "too much or too little" government......there is RIGHT size, and then there is anything and everything else.   Surely you understand that......Government exists to deal with the problems and issues that the individual himself cannot solve or deal with...its that simple.      And the things you "long for" really are not realistic, as they belong in a world that existed 300 hundred years ago when things were much simpler and the world much smaller.The source of all problems (including corruption & waste) is and are HUMAN BEINGS (and human faults like greed and envy and selfishness.)   Seriously that is why most problems exist, people refusing to act morally or correctly.    How do you counteract or deal with that, if not through government?And what about acts of nature? (some people call them acts of god but I do not approve of that term, and not because I do not believe in God or do not want to involve HIM.....I do believe in him and I know he is NOT responsible for any bad acts or disasters)     Government is needed because we need a FEMA or other massive agencies to deal with hurricanes and earthquakes and FIRES, etc.Finally, in your argument of smaller government (and knowing as we all do the fraud and abuse is rife in the defense industry in particular) what is the correct or proper size of the armed forces?    how "BIG" should that arm of the government truly be?

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Post by notes1 »

it is not the government's money, it is the tax payer's money.

how about spending as much effort to fight abuse/waste as we do to come up with ways to spend it.

keep giving people the option to become reliant on gov and the more that people will make poor decisions, make life choices that are wrong or abdicate their own responsibilities.

offer government flood insurance and people will build houses in a flood plain. do it at yor own peril, not at the taxpayers expense.

yes, we can have too much government, we are currently $20 trillion too much.   

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Post by billryan »

   Pass the Jesusjuice, brother.

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Post by DaBurglar »

   Pass the Jesusjuice, brother.

what the flip is JESUSJUICE????    At least you didnt say KOOL AID again......

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Post by DaBurglar »

it is not the government's money, it is the tax payer's money.

how about spending as much effort to fight abuse/waste as we do to come up with ways to spend it.

keep giving people the option to become reliant on gov and the more that people will make poor decisions, make life choices that are wrong or abdicate their own responsibilities.

offer government flood insurance and people will build houses in a flood plain. do it at yor own peril, not at the taxpayers expense.

yes, we can have too much government, we are currently $20 trillion too much.   If you know even ONE person who honestly would think "HEY I am going to build a house in a FLOOD PLAIN because, afterall, when them there flood waters douse my castle, Uncle Sam will just buy me a NEW one!!  yee haw!",  then I suggest you change everything in your life and start over.....seriously......these incomprehensibly, overly simplistic views and explanations of yours are disturbing to say the least.....that someone of your professed intellect and "informed status" would say or advocate them is disturbing....the fact that STILL, 38% of the republican "Conservatives" in this country advocate and support TRUMP is evidence that the really STUPID, ignorant and arrogant RACIST elements that we knew all along existed in the republican party now drive the bus.     And now you have HANDED the arrogant, bubbleheaded, morally BANKRUPT elements in the Democratic party a blank check to do all kinds of damage these next 3plus years or so, until the next election cycle.    Nice going......And please......20 trillion in debt is MOSTLY (at least 50%) due to the out of control, outsized and moronic level of defense spending that has consumed the vast majority of DISCRETIONARY spending since Reagan's first term, combined with the idiotic economic policies that characterize modern "Conservatism" (namely tax cuts for the filthy rich and massive corporations combined with pathetic levels of oversight for the very people that NEED it most...)      Dont forget, at least 6-7 trillion of that 20trillion is represented by tens of thousands of US military casulaites, millions of Iraqi & Afghan civilian deaths, and NON-Existent infrastructure in two countries that are in worse shape today since we tried to...."HELP....them

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar a mere 7 days ago, 8-03-2016 @1:11pm, you wrote:

"I am no longer going to vigorously debate and re-debate these issues anymore."

So only a mere 7 days elapsed before you went back on your word.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar a mere 7 days ago, 8-03-2016 @1:11pm, you wrote:

"I am no longer going to vigorously debate and re-debate these issues anymore."

So only a mere 7 days elapsed before you went back on your word. Yep I guess so......what do you think should be done about it Ted?  Do you feel WRONGED?   Personally offended??  If I were you I'd report me to the FCC.....or FBI....or vince Mcmahon and the WWE.....don't let me get away with this!!!Of course, the more grounded, rational, and normal folks here might conclude the following:   The inclusion of the word "Vigorously" allows for occasional one shot posts now and then about whatever the topic or issue du jour is......your precise and accurate measurement of the EXACT time betwixt my posts on THIS specific, particular issue du jour clearly (i.e. 7 WHOLE days!)....CLEARLY demonstrates that I am in fact, KEEPING my...."WORD"......When notes1 responds, which he may or may not do, I might wait even LONGER before I post or respond again....or maybe I'll only wait 6 days next time.....either way, look sharp TED.  The forum is depending on YOU to accurately let them know the elapsed time between my posts on these important issues/topics.     Du jour!Once again   ME --->>>      You --->>>> 

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Post by Tedlark »


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