Let's try something different....

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Re: Let's try something different....

Post by doris13 »

never had a dog although i do love them.i have had cats since i'm 5 years old and i could never live without 1.my "kids" are very sweet and love me for who i am and i couldn't ask for anything more.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Still miss my German Shepard every day and he died 30 years ago. He loved everyone, but had a fierce bark that would scare away the devil. Everyone loved him and he was great with our daughter. I have a little 10 foot aluminum semi v boat and small 3 hp motor. When my daughter was about 6, the three of us would go out in it. " Walter " sat in the bow. his German name was as long as this sentence so we called him Walter for short. In the lake, he would lean over and drink the fresh water while we trolled. In the salt water, he would grab the bluefish in the boat and keep them from snapping us. He would effortlessly jump over the tailgate and into the bed of my Ford pickup. The hardest day of my life to this day was when he had both a stroke and heart attack at the same time. He couldn't even raise his head to drink. His heart was all over the place. When I carried him to the truck, he still got so excited, though he couldn't move except the tip of his tail. That ride to the vet and carrying that 100 pound baby in for his final trip still brings tears to my eyes as I type this.

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Post by doris13 »

i am so sorry olds,i know just how you feel.i found my boy oreo laying on the basement floor unable to move and we carried him to the car and vet but there was nothing they could do to save him.i too have tears in my eyes just thinking about him.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Oreo...what a great name Doris. I too am sorry for your loss of him. I must say, now that I am on this thread and reading these posts it seems like it just happened yesterday for me. Since we lost Walter, we became cat people about 26 years ago. A feral litter was born under our shed. The mother eventually brought them out to us. We adopted them all. The last one lived to be nearly 20. We had two other shelter cats that we lost due to old age 2 years ago. Since then, any that show up looking for homes we have taken to our own vet at our expense and had the works done for them. Our vet has found good homes for all of them and we even visit one of them. We are in between our own house cats now. Still not quite over the loss of our last two. We never go looking for them. They always find us. One huge big old battle scarred Tom Cat who was very wild adopted us many years ago. We named him Butchie. We never had him in the house though but he thought our yard and deck was his and he would even chase the mailman every day growling. After a few days of that, we had to take him to a farmer we know who was looking for a big tom like Butchie to help keep the barn free of rodents. Butchie fit the ticket for him and that became his new home. When I finally got him into the carrier to take him to the farm, I weighed him. I knew what the carrier weighed and Butchie clocked in at just under 26 pounds. Now that is a lot of mice. A pound or so of that was probably from us since we left regular cat food out for him as well but most of that was all muscle, gristle, and scars. He just came to us that way. I would have loved to know hit prior cat life history.

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Post by billryan »

"There is one best place to bury a dog. "If you bury him in this spot, he will come to you when you call - come to you over the grim, dim frontier of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. "And though you call a dozen living dogs to heel, they shall not growl at him, nor resent his coming, for he belongs there. "People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his footfall, who hear no whimper, people who may never really have had a dog. Smile at them, for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and which is well worth the knowing. "The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master." --- Ben Hur Lampman ---

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Post by Carcounter »

I have an 11 &1/2 year old Golden/Lab mix. My best friend. I live in a small 1/2 mile square town at the Jersey Shore and we have averaged 2 to 3 walks per day since he was a pup. Figure over 10,000 walks with Bailey. He is slowing down considerably. It will be very tough when he is gone.

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Post by notes1 »

I have an 11 &1/2 year old Golden/Lab mix. My best friend. I live in a small 1/2 mile square town at the Jersey Shore and we have averaged 2 to 3 walks per day since he was a pup. Figure over 10,000 walks with Bailey. He is slowing down considerably. It will be very tough when he is gone.

all those walks probably helped him to his age, good for you/good for him.

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Post by FAA »

Sounds like good exercise for you both. 

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Post by Carcounter »

Yes on both. He is on a prescription dog food to keep his weight down and looks good for his age.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I am not very computer savvy but if you want to see my dogs go to www.serenitycavaliers.com
I attempted to use HTML code to make your website accessible with a mere click but for whatever reason it errors out that way, but it STILL works if someone simply cuts and pastes the address into the address bar and hits <enter>, or simply highlights the entire   www.serenitycavaliers.com        itself and selects OPEN LINK with a right mouse click it works!!!VERY Nice website EDOG.

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