Building wealth is very simple

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Re: Building wealth is very simple

Post by FAA »

Great idea. I spend so much time in Apple stores they may start imposing rent. That's what happens when you cheap out and buy the lowest storage capacity phone. Plan, plan, plan. Then a contingency plan on top of that.

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Post by Carcounter »

So Rachel Maddow got Trump's 2005 tax return and it turns out that in that year he paid a higher effective tax rate than Obama and Bernie. I know I have a different opinion of Trump than others here have, but I believe the economy will be significally better in 2020 and based on that he will get re-elected. I subscribe to James Carville's theory " It's the economy stupid"

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Post by Carcounter »

Can someone explain why Rachel Maddow didn't look at the return and see what was in it before making a fool of herself. I honestly don't understand this behavior.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Trump and today's Republican party is a disaster....But so is the Democratic party and its current activists like this woman with her oversized ego and voice.

I used to be Republican when it was the party of reason and sanity, although I was perfectly fine with conservative Democrats too like Sam Nunn of Georgia back in the 80sand early 90s. Bill Clinton was a conservative Democrats until he allowed Monica Lewinsky to embarrass himself and the country, and then he suddenly became a liberal as far as the idiots who usurped the Republican part were concerned, namely newt Gingrich.....When Gingrich allowed the government to shutter in the mid 90s, and then went after Clinton while cheating and abandoning his stricken wife in the most blatant act of hypocrisy, I became an independent.

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Post by Carcounter »

I won't lie and say I'm an independent. The last Democrat I voted for was Bill Bradley. He was a disaster. Promised to be bi-partisan and was anything but. I'm a Republican for one reason only. I believe they do less damage than the Democrats. That's it.

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Post by billryan »

Trump cut stuck paying the alternate minimum tax, a tax he says he will get rid of. Otherwise, he would have paid less then five million on income of 150 million.

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Post by Carcounter »

I have no problem with him getting rid of the AMT. It has dragged many middle class people into it"s web, myself included. Not what it was intended to do. There has got to be a better way of getting the rich to pay their fair share.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I won't lie and say I'm an independent. The last Democrat I voted for
was Bill Bradley. He was a disaster. Promised to be bi-partisan and was
anything but. I'm a Republican for one reason only. I believe they do
less damage than the Democrats. That's it.
I actually think its the opposite, with the democrats just slightly (and I mean slightlyyyy) less obnoxious and pathetic than the Republicants.   The Republican economic and tax philosophy for the last 25 years has been the broken, absurd and empty vessel known as Supply side (or trickle down) economics, except the Republicans don't even get that right with their OVERLY excessive tax breaks for the uber wealthy.   Its just ridiculous that they keep repeating the same WRONG, INCORRECT and INACCURATE cliches about economics and how it all is "so simple and how their plan works all the time"!The Democrats, when they can take time out from screaming how Abortion and LGBT rights are the things that make America Great, and when they can cease attacking anyone who disagrees with them, are at the very least not as bad when it comes to ensuring all people have things like food, access to health care and housing and education.   They want the right correct things, and appear to have the right motives when it comes to economic policy, but they are clueless in implementing it and always become distracted with meaningless, absurd issues like the previously mentioned things...quite frankly they are the party of immorality and moral turpitude.

I have no problem with him getting rid of the AMT. It has dragged many middle class people into it"s web, myself included. Not what it was intended to do. There has got to be a better way of getting the rich to pay their fair share.I at least applaud you for acknowledging that the rich do not and have not paid anywhere near their appropriate FAIR share of the tax burden for a long long time (since the late 1970s).....the tax cuts that Reagan implemented and which essentially have stuck since then were ridiculously huge and sudden and are the primary reason (along with out of control military spending and HUGE healthcare costs) why the USA racked up 12 Trillion of the current 20 Trillion national debt. (note:  7 to 8 trillion is now known to be DRECTLY the result of the 15 year war on terror and the two unending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.....Afghanistan, the "graveyard of Empires", has successfully defeated or thwarted a long list of ascendant or dominant world powers.....Assyria, Babylon, Greece/Macedonia, Mongols, Ottomans, British, Soviet Union and finally, USA!   You'd think we would have learned something.....SOMETHING by now!)

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Post by Carcounter »

Figuring out a way to a fair tax system is difficult. I don't think the AMT has solved this problem. Maybe a luxury tax on stuff only the rich can afford? I honestly don't know. An indexed flat tax has always seemed like a good idea. Make less than 30k per year, pay no tax. 30-50k, start at 5% work up to 7.5%. 50-100k start at 7.5% work up to 12.5% . And so on.

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Post by billryan »

I have no problem with him getting rid of the AMT. It has dragged many middle class people into it"s web, myself included. Not what it was intended to do. There has got to be a better way of getting the rich to pay their fair share.

So you'd be okay with the government losing 150 million dollars off one guy because it costs you a couple thousand? Wow.
What they need to do is adjust it for inflation. The only reason they don't is they hope they hook a few more little fish each year who moan about it.

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