Bonus Poker (Strategy Advice Needed)

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Re: Bonus Poker (Strategy Advice Needed)

Post by Raner »

Thanks Everyone for your posts...
With all your help I figured out how I'm going play VP from now on...
I will be Playing 100% Correct Strategy and Bankroll Management...
Been trying out the bankroll management playing Bonus VP here.(Playing 100% Correct Strategy... Math does not lye...)
I think what is going to work great for me is dividing in half the highest reached point of the top number
to set as the floating lower number as the cashing out point for every hundred dollar session...
This should do nicely because if I set a daily allowance of 1000 dollars a day and if things go real
bad I will have 500 dollars no matter what for that day after I cycle the 10 hundred dollar bills.
But if things go my way then there is no telling what I'll have at the end of the cycle of 10 hundred dollar bills.
The thing I do know is that at the end of the cycle of 10 hundred dollar bills I will be in the positive side of 500 dollars
how much on the positive side will depend on how high the top number reached per hundred dollar bill session for the 10 hundred dollar bill cycle...
The big plus of doing it like this, Is if I happen to get lucky on the first hundred dollar bill and get the top number pretty high and never get to the lower number cash out point then I will not have to cash out till I'm ready... (If I feel the amount of money is high enough... Lets say 1000 Dollars... Because it matches my allowance for the day...)
Oh and needless to say all the hand-pays are coming home with me...(Hell of a DEAL)

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Post by FloridaPhil »

My biggest personal issue is stopping myself from taking high denomination pot shots or moving up in denomination in an attempt to rescue a losing day.  For me it's a work in progress.  My wife never varies her bet, she plays the same game all day and she plays slowly, accurately and methodical.  It's absolutely amazing how cheaply she plays this game.  It's humbling....   

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Post by Raner »

Hi Phil...
My wife is the same way. She plays slow and makes sure the correct cards are selected and that she did not mess up as far as strategy goes. Then she hits the deal button.
It seems like a minute a hand to me...LOL...
But her money lasts a lot longer than mine when the vp machines we are playing on are on the feed me cycle...

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Our biggest enemy is ourselves.  Speed makes a negative game more negative.  Falling behind triggers bigger bets which equals bigger loses.  Greed triggers more greed which gives our profits back to the casino.  Great players master the game, but they also become masters of themselves.  

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Post by case »

Phil said:
Your overall machine odds are determined by the game you play minus your errors These days very few of us have positive games available to us. In addition, very very few of us can play 100% perfect forever. This means there will always be a long term cost to play video poker. The better the game, the better your skill, the better your comps, the less it will cost you.

A realistic goal would be to play the game nearly for free and earn comps that turn your results positive.   If you expect to win long term from white tickets alone, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.   However, miracles do happen, unicorns exist and there is a Santa Clause.

I said if you play perfect...or close to perfect. By that I mean you have to know the strategy for the game you are playing. Of course no one can play perfect all the time.

I never mentioned anything about playing full pay machines. I was just stating the odds of the machine you are playing will work out over time. If you play a 98% machine you can expect those odds minus errors to play out over time. It is math...and it does work.

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Post by Raner »

Hi Case...
My primary game is Dollar Single Line Bonus Poker...
This is the return on the machines I play in Lake Charles Louisiana
99.17 Return... 1-2-3-4-5-8-25-40-80-50-800...
Not full pay but close enough for me...
Bonus Poker has two great benefits I really like.
First... It pays 10 credits for to pairs, In the long hall that equals to a ton of money...
Second... Playing correct strategy is not very difficult because the strategy for bonus poker is just as basic as the one for Jacks or Better...

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Post by case »

Hey Raner
Yes that 2-1 for two pair does add a lot of value to the game. I play bonus poker (among other games) as well.

Often mistakes are made because of speed (as Phil said) or sticky buttons. How often have you seen a card you thought you held disappear as the cards are redealt. Happens to us all.

Good luck to you and enjoy your venture into VP.

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Post by Raner »

Sticky Buttons are a pain ain't they...Case...
A long time ago, I set myself a few rules about picking a video poker machine to play at any casino...
First the obvious ...Check the pay-scale and coin denomination.
1) Must be a slant. Except when playing on a Bar-Top...
2) Must have a good clear and crisp screen with no distortion ...
3) Can't have any sticky buttons...
4) Must have a comfortable seat...
5) Last but not least, A beverage gal that makes the rounds often and brings my beer cold and quick...

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Post by billryan »

Hey Raner
Yes that 2-1 for two pair does add a lot of value to the game. I play bonus poker (among other games) as well.

Often mistakes are made because of speed (as Phil said) or sticky buttons. How often have you seen a card you thought you held disappear as the cards are redealt. Happens to us all.

Good luck to you and enjoy your venture into VP.

If I see that happen twice, I walk away because something in my game is off. Once is negligence, the second time, my mind is distracted.

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Post by Raner »

Hi Bill...
It is hard enough to keep from get distracted on a perfect machine. You really don't need to be playing on a machine that has something that is annoying you.
It will mess up your concentration.
I was a auto master tech for 35 years.
This happened a lot. A person would come in complaining of a rattle. I would go test drive the vehicle and the damn car would have a bunch of rattles.So I would get the customer to go with me and point out what was the rattle he was hearing. The funny thing was that most of the time the loudest rattle was not the one he wanted fixed. Out of all the rattles the car had, His mind was turned to just one particular one...(Funny how the mind works sometimes)

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