Gun rights are so important.....

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Re: Gun rights are so important.....

Post by mammajamma »

I think there is already for felons, but they still get them through friends and off the streets.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

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Post by edog743 »

We need to revive the VP contest idea betwixt Ted and DA. What say you Webman?

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Post by billryan »

Yes, because everyone knows how important short term results are .

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Post by Casino Knight »

...And sacred!   Mmmhmm, we just cannot allow the government to deny this crucial, vital right to anyone. Nope, for if we do, before you know it, we'll all no longer be free!

I'm so sick of gun rights advocates with their moronic, hollow, absurd arguments....

How about this argument: ... -brockton/

Be careful out there DB.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar I could very well be right with what I wrote because you come off as a bombastic know it all bag of wind. These same people that you constantly abuse and pick on flat out do not deserve what you heap upon them; you slewing your crap from Mount St. Whatever. It's exactly Ivy League alum's like you that put a bad taste in people's mouths.

You then get mad when people like me wobble your perch every once in a while and I enjoy doing it to you.

But I still dont hate you though.....  What do you think you come off as? I'm not mad, and I don't have a perch, but I am glad I am providing you enjoyment because I KNOW for a fact your life is empty and bereft of it....otherwise you wouldnt post and act the way you do.You actually think these people in the article, whom you claim "I am constantly abusing and picking on", are sitting at home right now going "Damn that awful Burglar-guy on that VP forum....!  And thank god for that knight in make believe armor named Tedlark!  We'll name our NEXT kid after Ted!"....?????    Yeah, you probably do.....        You really should  have clicked the link first before lobbing this latest example of your ignorance....This is a forum.....Forums are things where people post and there is debate and discussion....You do not seem to grasp this simple concept.   I myself however Do grasp it.....I attempt to stir debate and discussion in the APPROPRIATE section with posts like my original post in this thread.   YOU however, with you incessant, pointless, childish attacks are attempting to drive me away and somehow create an illusion that you are illusion that, in your mind, must exist in other delusional people viewing this forum like yourself.     YOU HATE THE FACT that from day one, I have exposed this simple, futile plot on your part and have been "inside" your head, able to see thru and describe exactly who and what you are......and THAT I myself very much DO ENJOY.Lastly, your continued scorn for "Ivy League types" is most are a very envious, insecure really do need therapy Ted.    As for bad tastes in your mouth, chew some gum.....and get used to the fact there are people in this world much smarter than YOU.   I readily accept that there are people much smarter than I....but you most certainly are NOT among them.  But I am pretty smart nonetheless.....obviously that annoys the living crap out you as well....Seriously, drop your prejudicial hatred for "Ivy league types" and place it where it belongs, on not punish all those other wonderfully intelligent and accomplished people (some of whom might be YOUR doctor or lawyer or Senator or whatever....) just because of little ol' me?!?!?!

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=DaBurglar] ...And sacred!   Mmmhmm, we just cannot allow the government to deny this crucial, vital right to anyone. Nope, for if we do, before you know it, we'll all no longer be free!

I'm so sick of gun rights advocates with their moronic, hollow, absurd arguments....

How about this argument: ... -brockton/

Be careful out there DB. [/QUOTE]Ok, first off, what you linked is not an "ARGUMENT" is an example, and a very dubious and questionable one at that, of an unfortunate individual being victimized by either two MORE unfortunate people, or victimized by HIMSELF.If you are able, Casino Knight, explain how exactly having a GUN would have helped this man ward off this alleged crime.   Please, have at it.....WHile you attempt to do that, let me point out what I THINK is going on with this whole "incident".....(yes, this is ONLY my opinion......I am beating Ted to the punch by telling anyone who cares to read this, even though its OBVIOUS to all reasonable people that what people post here is in fact THERE OPINIONS anyway!    Emphasis on the word "reasonable" since that again is something Ted is NOT)If you listen to this guy's story, it just oozes with a lot of BS and inconsistencies.....the biggest one is his so-called crawling away from the spot of the crime because of his fear "they might come back..."   huh?  WHY ON EARTH would they come back after taking his wallet and wheelchair (allegedly)????   Seriously......WHY?    And also......WHY would he crawl AWAY from the actual STREET and instead go down a quiet isolated relatively-deserted alley....and THEN call 911?!?!?!?!      WHen (or how long ago) did this crime take place?    Who, or where, are the cops who investigated?   WHy didnt the news team interview them?    And WHY was the wheelchair merely abandoned in another alley a short ways away AFTER he crime????   Did they simply want to take it for a "joy wheel".....?!?!   That makes no sense at all.....the alleged criminals just tossed a (minimum retail value) $2000 item that they could have pawned or otherwise unloaded for at least 400-500 bucks....why did they take it in the first place?    And,  What made them think this guy's wallet was a prime target, worth the obvious risk of serious jail time or worse if things went south?   Bottom line, I think (again, my OPINION)  this guy made up the story, and the news reporter must have been lacking for any other interesting or bonafide stories prior to his deadline, so he went with this bleeding heart angle about "attitude".....Bottom-Bottom line:  Having a gun in THIS guy's possession would make a lousy situation far worse.   UNLESS he openly displayed the gun in a holster, so that the alleged criminals could see it ahead of their attack and think twice.....but then, the GUN would now become the target of the alleged theft, so, no, the gun doesn't help in this case.   Just watch the segment a few times.....the entire "tone" of the segment and the reporter,  just seems "off", as does the man's whole story.......

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Post by DaBurglar »

We need to revive the VP contest idea betwixt Ted and DA. What say you Webman?The only thing that would make this worth the effort would be a LOSER-LEAVES-FOREVER clause, which Ted would never agree to.....he would never be willing to risk the possibility that I (me, Myself, Da Burglar) MIGHT end up winning while He (Tedlark) is banished forever, unable to any longer sling and slip and slap at my many posts on this forum....he could never live with the possibility that I would be able to post whatever I want on this forum while he is relegated to nothingness, unable to  <cue Tedlark voiceover> "Protect the forum readers from Da Burglar's many affronts"<end voiceover>As for myself, I have no incentive or reason to engage in this exercise for anything OTHER than what I just laid out above......the only thing worth ME doing this is the possibility to have this child put in the "permanent time-out box" unless he agrees to that, forget it.However, even if he does, there are still a few details that must be worked out before proceeding.....but first things first.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar has backed out of any challenge between himself and me at least twice now.

Another of the differences between DaBurglar and me is that I don't need to post rambling, mind numbing things on this forum like he does and for him to possibly lose that ability is something he doesn't like to think about. Where else would he be able to call people names other than here? I've shown that I can stop posting anytime I want for any period of time I want.

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Post by DaBurglar »

   DaBurglar has backed out of any challenge between himself and me at least twice now.

Another of the differences between DaBurglar and me is that I don't need to post rambling, mind numbing things on this forum like he does and for him to possibly lose that ability is something he doesn't like to think about. Where else would he be able to call people names other than here? I've shown that I can stop posting anytime I want for any period of time I want.

As I have said numerous times already, you need professional help....This "mind numbing" symptom you claim you are experiencing is most alarming...To say that my posts are the equivalent of booze or drugs, or even things like gambling which when done in excess can have a "numbing" effect, also suggests the possibility of a problem with addiction... or a Stroke!!!

Now please, Notice I'm not declaring you are definitely an alcoholic or drug/gambling addict, I'm merely pointing out the symptoms similarity....Bottom line, get the help you need, and deserve.

I'm actually serious....

As for "not posting", I've taken numerous "breaks" myself of various lengths and degrees.....And if can bring yourself to try and read my previous post again, I clearly.... CLEARLY....State I shall indeed accept a challenge if....IF the stakes are permanent banishment.

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Post by DaBurglar »

By the way, there are thousands of forums out there on which people can post mind numbing stuff all day long...Why not take your self described act of protecting the helpless masses from villains like myself over there to one of these thousands of other forums???

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