Trouble in Paradise?

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Trouble in Paradise?

Post by New2vp »

[QUOTE=Casino Knight]No VP worries for me, so long as The Fort keeps allowing me to make withdrawals every couple of weeks and comping me all the lobster and crap I can eat. So far, so doggone good. I always knew people in that part of the country were full of shiiite......AHAHAHAHA   gigglesnort *wheeze*[/QUOTE]What do you think, Ted? Do you suppose the researchers at James Madison could study whether "unnecessary capitalization" leads to the more serious condition of "unnecessary 'crap-utilization'"? At this point, it may be too late to salvage anything of benefit.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=Tedlark]Why would a "recreational player" be so concerned about payback percentages if they were playing for entertainment purposes?[/quote]Because better payback allows all players to play more hands with the same money.[quote=TedLark]Second, what was the purpose behind the last 7 sentences that Phil wrote? Please Phil, why are you continually jumping on Bob D? I'm really thinking that he knocked over your garbage can late one night. Did he egg your car? TP your palm tree? Let the air out of your car's tire? [/quote][quote=FloridaPhil]I guess the difference for us is playing small satisfies our need
for excitement.  We think it's amazing that casinos offer us free 
rooms, food and drinks for playing a quarter game with a 3% house edge.
   Over a year's time they make money and we get cheap vacations.  We
could go out and buy a $250,000 camper and drive it around.   Nothing
wrong with it if that's your thing, but playing VP is a lot cheaper and
more fun for us.   Our friends wonder how we can spend so much time in a
casino without going broke.   It's not that hard if you use your head.On the other hand, if all we had to play were 90% slots, we would be forced to reevaluate.[/quote]I don't see anything in my last seven sentences that even alludes to Bob Dancer.  Why are you combing my posts looking for controversy?  Is Bob Dancer your Brother-in-law, business partner or sleep-in buddy?  I'm making a joke here.  I hope you take it as such.  I've said this many times, but I guess some still don't get it.   I
do not know the person behind  the pseudonym "Bob Dancer".  The
pseudonym "Bob Dancer" is the world's expert on VP.   You can not
discuss VP strategy without mentioning this name.  When you write books
and become a public expert on something, you expect people to comment on
your statements.  This is actually desirable.  When I mention the
pseudonym "Bob Dancer', I am talking about his strategy or something
posted under the pseudonym, not an actual human being."Bob Dancer" represents the professional side of VP.   Recreational players can learn from those players.  Where Recreational players get in trouble is when they copy professional tactics without professional advantages, skills and dedication.  This happens when there is only one side of the game represented.  I am pointing out the differences in the two types of play.  I actually think I give "Bob Dancer" a lot of respect on this forum.  He is a good businessman and has helped players like me play more VP for less and enjoy the game to it's fullest.   I think his Advantage Play strategy is fine if you want to use it.   I think it had more usefulness back when you could actually find a positive VP game.I think he attacks me on this forum because he believes what I say is bad for the book and software business.  This is not true.   I recommend all players learn everything they can about the game.   I can think of no one with more credible knowledge of VP than him. There are as many ways to enjoy this game as their are players.  When I got to this forum over 8 years ago, there was only one way represented.  We now have two forums where the two groups can discuss VP in peace.  The troublemakers, if you want to call us that, are isolated from each other and it seems to be working.   As long as it remains that way, I think we can all benefit.

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Post by Tedlark »

Come on Phil, start with what you wrote about AP players moving to sports betting instead of video poker right on through what you wrote about the video poker classes at South Pointe. Are you now trying to say that what you wrote wasn't aimed at Bob D? Come on.

My point is that this is the recreational play forum yet you routinely work Bob D. into your posts. Because this is the recreational play forum you really shouldn't even be mentioning him here.

Edited to add: I guess I should have been a bit clearer than mud and stated the last seven sentences in Phil's originating post in this thread.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

What good is a strategy if no one questions it?   The pseudonym "Bob Dancer" acts like he lives in a bubble where everyone plays at South Point, has a 180 IQ and millions of dollars in the bank.  Maybe all his friends and clients are like that,  the rest of us aren't.   All I am trying to do is promote VP strictly for the enjoyment of the game itself where making a profit if it occurs is a serendipity result.

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Post by Tedlark »

If the strategy is successful what questions need to be asked?

I disagree with the statement you made "All I am trying to do is promote VP strictly for the enjoyment of the game itself where making a profit if it occurs is a serendipity result." If this in fact were true then you wouldn't have tried to promote your "Cheap System, a.k.a. CS" here. If this were in fact true then you wouldn't continually speak out against playing higher denomination video poker because, as you've stated many times before, you don't care what a person does with their money. These are contradictory statements made by you in various posts.

The only advice I've ever voluntarilly offered was to tell people to ALWAYS play at max coin at a denomination they can comfortably do this at. Other than that I don't care one bit how a person plays as long as they are happy and content.

I consider you a "forum friend" but your continual assault on the pseudonym known as Bob Dancer just screams jealousy. To me at least. I didn't even touch on your posts regarding how a father should react is his prospective son-in-law was, or aspired to be, a professional gambler.

I have never met Bob Dancer but I haven't ruled that out from happening. I believe in some of his teachings and use those that benefit me. What doesn't, I just don't use it.

My point is that people all have varying degrees of what makes them happy and if playing .05 denomination makes them happy, good for them and if playing $100 denomination video poker makes others happy, good for them too. I play video poker in a way that makes me happy. I don't try to push my values or beliefs on people and in return I ask that they just not try to push theirs on me. If they differ of course.

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=Casino Knight]No VP worries for me, so long as The Fort keeps allowing me to make withdrawals every couple of weeks and comping me all the lobster and crap I can eat. So far, so doggone good. I always knew people in that part of the country were full of shiiite......AHAHAHAHA   gigglesnort *wheeze*[/QUOTE]What do you think, Ted? Do you suppose the researchers at James Madison could study whether "unnecessary capitalization" leads to the more serious condition of "unnecessary 'crap-utilization'"? At this point, it may be too late to salvage anything of benefit.[/QUOTE]

It was a pretty funny, obvious typo/Freudian slip in CK's post, don't you think? Eating lots of lobster and crab in the middle of the southwestern US is itself a bit ironic...when the word "crap" appears, whether inadvertently or intentionally, it invites silliness.

So why don't you tell me what is really bothering you this time....

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Post by DaBurglar »

Ted, I'm actually in agreement with some of what you have been saying to Phil in regards his persistent criticism of B. Dancer and the various issues and elements surrounding Dancer's posts, etc. But I also agree with some of Phil's actual points and questions directed at Dancer... it's a classic example of individual taste as to how much or how often is enough.

But I think the real, primary issue that engenders most, if not all of the "hostility" and criticism of Dancer is quite simply the arrogance and insensitivity that often exists in Dancer's posts....for someone whose job really is "sales" and customer relations, I've often wondered why Dancer manifests the tone he often does, and his brief explanations, that he "doesn't suffer fools at all" just adds fuel to the conflagration....also, not tipping ( and being seemingly proud of it) rubs some of us the wrong way....

Maybe deep down he really is a friendly person... I'd donate a kidney to save his life if he needed it, and I'd rather get along than not get along with just about anyone, even you. But some people just are not interested in that...

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Post by New2vp »

It was a pretty funny, obvious typo/Freudian slip in CK's post, don't you think? Eating lots of lobster and crab in the middle of the southwestern US is itself a bit ironic...when the word "crap" appears, whether inadvertently or intentionally, it invites silliness.Yes, I noticed CK's malapropism prior to your comment. Since you seemed so self-tickled with your mild word play, I thought you could appreciate the additional level of sarcasm manufactured by weaving in a portmanteau with a reference to a recent post. It appears that my verbal wit went at least one degree too far, so to you it seemed more like pun-ishment than pun. I'll try to aim lower in the future to avoid losing you.

So why don't you tell me what is really bothering you this time....Oh … so, you ascribe being bothered as primary causation for one's postings? Since you post an order of magnitude more often than I do, I guess that helps to explain a lot. But, sorry, you missed the mark once again. I'm happy as could be. But I should also express sympathy if you believe that your frequency of posts apparently reveals some measure of being disturbed.

I hope the rest of your day is better for you.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

This forum is for common everyday Recreational players who wish to share information. When someone posts a win.  I'm happy for them.  I don't try to rain on their parade by insulting them or questioning their strategy.  Over 99% of the players on this forum play negative VP games.   Players who play negative VP games are owed answers just as much as those who play positive games.    Our expert refuses to answer any questions related to negative games other than to say he does not play them.  Why?  Could it be the difference between human played positive and negative VP results are not affected by math?The number of players who can actually find and play VP with an advantage is severely limited and getting smaller every day.   It won't be long until our expert will be talking to himself.   Let's get our VP discussions out of the past and into the present.  Players are eager for this information.   It's time for a new book about VP games that actually exist.   I predict it would be a best seller.

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Post by Gronbog »

Could it be the difference between human played positive and negative VP results are not affected by math?I've showed in previous threads that this statement is not true.

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