Double up or not

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Re: Double up or not

Post by onemoretry »

I was playing a machine recently, I'm not sure exactly where, that offered three options regarding double up. They were yes, no, or no and don't ask me again. I liked having that last option.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

if anyone finds a double up feature that gives tier or cash back credit please give a shout out.

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Post by DaBurglar »

So with your last line, you AREN'T 100% CERTAIN then? I suppose?No ted, I am 100% certain about what I said.   Here is the part of my post in question: And I am 100% certain in AC you get nothing for
doubling up as far as comps or tier credits, etc. I'm guessing if your
"action" was high enough you could talk to a host for your doubling up
to be taken into account...????
As you can plainly see there is a period  "." after the first sentence ending with ETC, where I say with 100% certainty that AC does not give squat for doubling up whenever a player simply chooses to use it....The second sentence is where I SPECULATE that if.....IF a player were betting large amounts per hand/per double up, he/she/it might ask the casino management/host to have this taken into consideration and thus, earn something from all their doubling up.I sincerely hope that clears that up for you.

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Post by DaBurglar »

In addition to myself and my own experience of losing with it, I know of no one else who has said they do well with it, instead more than a few claim it's bad. How come Bob dancer doesn't emphasize it more, or use it more??? Why wouldn't you be encouraged to double up always at least one time the lower level wins ( like straights, three of a kinds etc. Much like I used to at various times years ago?)

Bob doesn't really promote the game because he really doesn't promate that playing negative VP (after factoring in comps). When VP plus comps is a net positive, then playing Double Up slows down your equity.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I kinda understand what you are saying here, and I would agree if the most important aspect of your VP experience is this "equity" you reference......however to myself, I want actual real MONEY far more than free buffets, free second rate appliances, free t-shirts & hoodies etc.    It would seem that, while not adding to your comp/tier credit totals, Doubling up indeed might increase your actual bankroll and cash in hand, at least somewhat....?     Also, why not SPORADICALLY hit double UP, for instance, say whenever you hit 2 pair on DB or DDB where you "only" get your money back, no profit?   By doubling up once on this you turn it into a profitable hand......sure, its 50-50 but if you get on a roll....?   You see where I'm going......Yes, I'll allow for those times when the "equity" you speak of really is in something you really want, like a specific, exceptionally good quality gift or giveaway, or perhaps a type of wine or spirit, etc.    For some people, this (hitting double up) could be a more desirable thing......thought for food I guess. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

I was playing a machine recently, I'm not sure exactly where, that offered three options regarding double up. They were yes, no, or no and don't ask me again. I liked having that last option.The format you speak of here is what AC server based systems have in place......a window utility pops up with the Yes-NO on either side, and in the middle is a check box to select "Don't assk again" (i.e. TURN THIS crap OFF!)

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Post by FAA »

I like keeping it on. It allows me a nice definitive FU tap right before I cash out with a quad or even a full house. That's an easy $45-$125. Now that's satisfaction.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I like keeping it on. It allows me a nice definitive FU tap right before I cash out with a quad or even a full house. That's an easy $45-$125. Now that's satisfaction.

Yes, no kidding! Now think about this FAA, you've been plodding along on a typical 97% crap VP game that you find in AC, the Casinos confident in the fact that most uneducated or lazy VP players indulging in such games will leave a good chunk of their stake with the casinos....however, with this double up utility comes the chance (50/50) to get some, all, or more-than-all of the {97%}eroded{97%} stake back, by purposely hitting double up on a big hit, like a quad, or a few full houses...if this suddenly began happening, en masse, at a casino, whereby players were using and hitting the double up to great success, do you think the casinos would sit by and just take it ( or wait it out)??? Or do you think they'll pull the plug??

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Post by Vman96 »

[QUOTE=FAA] I like keeping it on. It allows me a nice definitive FU tap right before I cash out with a quad or even a full house. That's an easy $45-$125. Now that's satisfaction.

Yes, no kidding! Now think about this FAA, you've been plodding along on a typical 97% crap VP game that you find in AC, the Casinos confident in the fact that most uneducated or lazy VP players indulging in such games will leave a good chunk of their stake with the casinos....however, with this double up utility comes the chance (50/50) to get some, all, or more-than-all of the {97%}eroded{97%} stake back, by purposely hitting double up on a big hit, like a quad, or a few full houses...if this suddenly began happening, en masse, at a casino, whereby players were using and hitting the double up to great success, do you think the casinos would sit by and just take it ( or wait it out)??? Or do you think they'll pull the plug??

If you truly got the masses to mostly play double up on negative games, then the casino might be tempted to get rid of it because it is extra variance to them with no gain. Casinos don't like variance unless it gains them profit.

But I know it wouldn't matter in St. Louis. 80% of VP play is either Ultimate X or STP/Double STP. Neither of those games allow double up.

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Post by DaBurglar »

If you truly got the masses to mostly play double up on negative games, then the casino might be tempted to get rid of it because it is extra variance to them with no gain. Casinos don't like variance unless it gains them profit.

But I know it wouldn't matter in St. Louis. 80% of VP play is either Ultimate X or STP/Double STP. Neither of those games allow double up. Hmmm.....this is interesting.    If only we really could start some kind of "push" to get players to at least try to double up a certain percentage of their hands during any given session....I wonder what would really happen?As for your observation on games like STP / Ult X in St. Louis.....Are you serious, 80% of the games are those absurd gimmick games????   What on earth???    In AC, there are LOTS and LOTS of STP and UltX as well.....why exactly are these gimmick games so prevalent and popular with casinos??  Obviously they must be HUGE money makers to be so prevalent....why is that exactly, if they truly operate like regular VIDEO POKER games at their heart??(My reason for asking is this:  It has long been my observation and contention that on STP, the average quality of hands is seemingly much worse than a typical single line "normal" video poker game.....just what I have seen and feel, and I know at least a few other people who agree, hence the common complaint "I never get good hands when I have a multiplier"  etc.    I know there is perception bias involved, but I have watched these games intently many times and it really does seem like you get a lot more crapola on these gimmicky games)Double up is rarely offered on anything other than single line regular VP, although in AC I do know of a few rare multi line games where double up is offered, but they are not gimmick/multiplier games, just regular multiline games (like JOB, Bonus Poker etc.)

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Post by billryan »

Casinos offer gimmick games because customers like them.
Lets face it, most VP players are pretty clueless and when they see a game that offers a big payoff they jump on it.
They also almost always fail to learn the proper payout for the game. In Ultimate X,I think, its better to go for flushes and straights as they garner bigger multipliers for the next hand. I haven't played it a whole lot as only SP has the right paytable and it's an expensive game there.
Heck, in Vegas, so few people know how to play the game that a virtual cottage industry has popped up around scavenging the game when people cash out and leave multipliers on the machine.
A few people have mastered the game and do well but most people might as well torch their money in the parking lot.

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