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Re: Normally, I shy away from such subjects.....

Post by notes1 »

AR, barack obama never sought to divide????? who is the one that said elections have consequences? who said, republicans can sit in the back of the bus? who endorsed allowing trans men to use the same shower facilities as teenage girls? who told us that obama care would allow one to keep their doctor, keep their plan and save the average family $1500/year?

liberals have a short memory. you all think obama was liked by all, nothing could be farther from the truth. the difference is that for 8 years, conservatives criticized his policies BUT never resorted to violence or not obeying the law. liberals and the media minions have been investigating, harassing, falsely accusing trump of crimes, since he came down the escalator. they have resorted to labeling his supporters as racists, bigots, etc. and why, because we believe in borders, legal immigration, thinking 50 million abortions since roe v wade in america may be too much, not allowing criminals doing time to vote, not giving free healthcare to illegal aliens and actually rewarding work, as opposed to rewarding laziness.

the country was divided long before trump came along and it was your party that did it. that is what one gets for playing identity politics. now, it is coming back to bite your own party in the butt. couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people. it is so enjoyable to watch liberals eating their own.

liberals are smart, clever, nasty and mean. proof, watch how they are treating BERNIE, now that he is the front runner and they know the country will never elect a socialist.

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Post by tech58 »

Bernies rant about transforming the country is as far from electable as you can get.

Why let's just transform the system of a country, which has produced the greatest good for the greatest number of people in the history of the world, into socialist totalitarianism, which FAILED every time in history that it has been tried. That system is producing much suffering in the world today. Almost as much as religion's are.

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Post by notes1 »

divisiveness! within the last week alone, there are 3 stories of conservatives being attacked, likely by liberals, simply because of their political beliefs. NO media news coverage.

what if those who were attacked were gay or black or trans or liberal? it would be front page news.

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Post by tech58 »

To a lib. you are divisive if you disagree with any part of their progressive agenda.
Socialist big government, check. Income redistribution, check. Sexual disorientation is not a mental illness it's a source of pride, check. Antifa goon skull-cracking is ok resisting is not, check.
The list goes on and on. One shred of disagreement, and your divisive.
I repeat, we must not compromise with them, we must DEFEAT THEM!!
TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!

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