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Post by notes1 »

-i never suggested or agreed with boycotting baseball games, that was someone else's proposal.
-i suggested the cheating team should lose their title and 'dishing out a severe penalty to the cheating team'.
-i further suggested the cheating team and players be dealt a punishment that hits their wallet.

i do not know what the exact punishment should be. but, if that punishment is not severe, then maybe boycotting some games, might be appropriate.

i understand the point you are making, i just don't agree with your position. consider the following example; a wall street executive makes a lot of money, pays taxes, buys lots of stuff from local vendors and supports the family. a lot of folks benefit from the income he makes and the spending that goes along with that income. but, this executive has been breaking the law, by doing 'insider' trading. using your argument, we should not send this crook to jail. sending the crook to jail would have a negative financial effect on his family (no income), the government (not paying income tax) and all the vendors he supported with his purchases.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

It always comes down to money and power. You all know this quote....Absolute power corrupts absolutely....There is a select small group throughout the world that pretty much control things....Soros just to name one. I have to say the crybaby dem or should I say socialist libs will whine forever. This year I will watch the buses again take them to the polls offering free lunch, cigarattes, and who knows what else. And if anyone doubts they do this, I have seen it first hand. Worked 35 years in Bridgeport Ct. Also talked to some of the people who were the recipient of the free stuff.

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Post by tech58 »

My belief when starting this thread remains the same.
None of the power groups involved, MLB,players union, owners, broadcasters, sponsors,have anything in mind except protecting their cash-cow!!
One,and only one, group has the POWER and POSSIBLE INCLINATION to demand justice and a restoration of the integrity of the game. That is the FANS!!
"Scorched earth?" Hardly! If just a shadow of this were to happen it would take about 2 days for the message to get across.
Anyone OK with sweeping this under the rug?
Then you are NOT a true Baseball FAN!!

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:18 pm
ant reb's comment, ' we have a corrupt leader who seems intent on deliberately breaking every standard of honesty integrity and princip le'. this is an example of the pot calling the kettle black. what they accuse reps of doing the dems have already done. how many laws have the clinton's broken?

conservatives tried running a candidate who had strong religious and moral beliefs....mitt romney. what did the dems do, harry reid (dem senate leader), stood on the senate floor and stated that romney did not pay federal taxes. years later, when asked about this lie, his response was 'he didn't win, did he!' candy crowley, liberal cnn debate moderator, wrongly took the side of obama during the debate, when obama was on the ropes. the dems and their media minions have been corrupt, sneaky, liars and without integrity for years.

conservatives tried playing 'nice' and got clobbered. they decided to support trump, who not only ran on a platform that we believe in, but could fight it out with the liberals. does he have some baggage, yes, but we are all better off with his accomplishments.
standard right wing response when trumps "baggage" is shown....bring up clinton. you have no response to the myriad trump faults and corruption, you can only say "well they did it tooooo..." says it all right there. ill save this post of hours for five years from now when the world is in total chaos and all americans are in misery . you watch...

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Post by notes1 »

typical liberal response...just make something up. tell me where i brought up CLINTON!!!! i mentioned harry reid, candy crowley and obama, and it was all the truth. i didn't even get to the clinton lengthy list of criminal activities.

as far as trump's faults, he certainly has some, but after multiple dem investigations, there are NO proven corruption charges. all were made up by your team's never ending quest to undo an election. maybe you forget the mueller investigation report that stated, no american knowingly assisted the russians in the 2016 election. no one includes all of the trumps and his campaign.

i have said many times, liberals are smart, clever, nasty and mean, they will stop at nothing to gain power. but, trump has beaten them to pulp with each failed effort. no doubt, your team will keep on trying and losing.

in the meantime, i am satisfied with record low unemployment for nearly every group in america, faster rising wages for the lower income group, improved trade agreements, a healthy economy, reduced regulations, isis had the sh$t kicked out of them, and a reversal of liberal policies.

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Post by advantage playe »

TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE !

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Post by tech58 »

Nice try Notes truth thru-out your post. :up:
However rational arguments mean nothing to brain-washed progressive libs. like AR.
Their agenda is clear: Destroy the economic engine that provides American greatness.
Redistribute the private property of those who have to buy the votes of those who
Medical care run by the socialist government,with the efficiency of the post office
and the demeanor of the IRS.
Their list of plans goes on and on but they rarely talk about their one-world socialist agenda because if they did they could never get elected. So as you stated they lie and they cheat and the sneak around like thieves in the night.
The deviousness of their leadership, pelosi,schumer,reid,the gang-of-three,shiftless or whatever his name is, has been on display for months now and the American voter had better be paying attention.
Notes it was either you or OMT who provided a pair of Churchill quotes a while ago that i will never forget: "Socialism is shared misery."
However another of his quotes: "The best argument against a democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.", is cause for concern in America today.
BTW how many of those average voters do you think actually believe that our governmental system IS a democracy?

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:05 am
typical liberal response...just make something up. tell me where i brought up CLINTON!!!! i mentioned harry reid, candy crowley and obama, and it was all the truth. i didn't even get to the clinton lengthy list of criminal activities.

as far as trump's faults, he certainly has some, but after multiple dem investigations, there are NO proven corruption charges. all were made up by your team's never ending quest to undo an election. maybe you forget the mueller investigation report that stated, no american knowingly assisted the russians in the 2016 election. no one includes all of the trumps and his campaign.

i have said many times, liberals are smart, clever, nasty and mean, they will stop at nothing to gain power. but, trump has beaten them to pulp with each failed effort. no doubt, your team will keep on trying and losing.

in the meantime, i am satisfied with record low unemployment for nearly every group in america, faster rising wages for the lower income group, improved trade agreements, a healthy economy, reduced regulations, isis had the sh$t kicked out of them, and a reversal of liberal policies.
go back and read all your posts just in this thread alone, you mention clinton specifically, and then after you do go get some professional help. ive gone back and read all your posts for quite some time. you have real anger and insecurity problems and you stretch and distort and lie all over the place. people believe what they want to believe and youre a typical example. youre about as convincing as a parrot.

ive seen youre past so called debates with billryan and hamburglar, you got owned everytime. at one point you threw in the towel and told them people shouldnot post political comments unless its a solution. all i see from you is fox news stupidity.

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

Edited to add I have nothing to add

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Post by notes1 »

AR, again, i challenge you to be specific where i mentioned the name CLINTON, before you brought it up. another lie!

BR and daburglar owned me, you have a reading comprehension problem.

i get it, you are trump hater, so be it. but, some of us, don't live in a fairy tale world of liberal promises and prefer actual results. i have repeatedly listed the results that trump has produced, while you just blather on with no facts.

i prefer a country with borders that are enforced, a country where folks are encouraged to work for living instead of milk off of others, a country where we acknowledged there are two sexes as opposed to whatever crazy number you liberals come up with, a country citizens are allowed to protect themselves, a country that supports capitalism rather than socialism, a country where personal responsibility is expected and a country where one is supposed to obey the law instead of choosing laws to break. i support a safety net for those truly in need, but not to be used for those who are just too lazy.

conservatives had to deal with 8 years of obama liberalism. we didn't disobey the law, we didn't burn down or damage buildings, we didn't attack the police and we didn't riot in the streets.

as far as your comment, 'you have nothing to add', you never added any insight to begin with. nothing gained nothing lost.

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