Not one AWAK in 125,000 hands and counting

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Re: Not one AWAK in 125,000 hands and counting

Post by case »

      Why do so many casinos limit your play to 5 coins. I am surviving due to the allowance of betting up to 25 at Mohegan. They used to allow up to 80 units bet and a on a few machines up to 100. You would think they would want the extra action at the higher bet levels, yet these machines were yanked years ago.

I believe casinos got rid of the machines with a bet of 10, 25 coins or more was because many people often hit max bet and assumed it was 5 coins, only to get a huge shock when they realized they had just made a bet many times bigger. Lots of complaints caused most casinos just revert back to 5 coin max. There are a bunch of casinos with 10 coin max but it is gradually disappearing.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

That could very well be case. Too bad a message doesn't pop up that says.....Are you sure you want to bet max bet for xxxxx and list that amount in dollars. Then if the player still answers yes, tough twinkies and no money back. I'm pretty sure Mohegan Sun stopped returning those max bets some time ago. Too many sleazy people were saying they didn't want max bet after they saw their first 5 cards. That is usually what happens with most good things. A few losers and sleazeballs ruin a good thing for everyone. I could elaborate more on other sleazy things these losers do like stealing everything that isn't nailed down, etc. etc. etc. , but then I would have to take another blood pressure pill.

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Post by notes1 »

why is it when the 'doubters' question the integrity of the machines or the state of regulation, the 'believers' demand proof. but, when the reverse occurs, no proof is offered
Innocent until proven guilty versus guilty until proven innocent?[/QUOTE]
 those who follow your outlook end up as passengers on the titanic, stock holders of enron and proud owners of a VW deisel. trust but verify. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

Yea keeping a secret is not that huge of a deal. I imagine the developers of these chips sign a multi-million dollar secrecy clause. I mean if they can keep the public from knowing the last episode of the Bob Newhart show ends it can't be that difficult to hide the fact that the chip makers have exposed some type of loophole in the regulations.

We are putting together a case to submit to the gaming commission with more stats than you can shake a stick at. What will come of it? I doubt nothing. While the gaming commission is there to protect the people they do work for the gaming industry so I doubt they will bite the hand that feeds them. If they did take the time to investigate giving they had the resources and knowledge (most of them don't know the difference between JOB or DDB) I am sure they would close the loophole the chip makers have infiltrated. Spx....can you share some more details & info on what exactly you are doing?     Which casino, gaming commish, etc?I have learned a lot over my many many years both playing in and working with casinos, and researching casinos, the regulatory process and bodies of regulatory agencies.     Since 1992 I have been a player in Vegas, Reno and for the last 7+ years, AC;  from 1993 thru 2005, in my former employment on the west coast, I had the chance, and cause, to interact with a number of casinos and their management as a Vendor/supplier, which afforded me the opportunity to learn a great deal and meet a lot of different people I might not otherwise have met, and which most regular players never learn or meet;   simply by virtue of doing business in Vegas I was able to see and learn a lot of details on how the various processes and components of the gaming industry work.Most recently I have been "digging" and researching the New Jersey gaming industry and all that goes with it....I even had the chance to file a formal complaint (1 so far) and learn a lot just from this single instance and process.....THEREFORE,  I might be able to shed some light on what you have going on and the situation you are pursuing.    I hope that is the case!Regarding "secrecy" and the long held  "BELIEF"  (and it is just that, a BELIEF)  by a number of people here who tend to put absolute faith in the integrity of the Gambling industry, that if.......IF there were some here-to-fore  UNKNOWN or UNREPORTED illicit or illegal practices (i.e. "shenanigans")  that frequently, or even just once-in-a-while, reared their ugly heads in the operation(s) of casinos in any of the US gambling markets, that it is a CERTAINTY that SOMEONE, ANYONE with knowledge or evidence of any of this would immediately divulge these facts to the world!I have never ever subscribed to this naive and absurd form of logic and thinking, and I can think of lots of possible scenarios that would allow such "juicy" info to remain secret, not the least of which involve the ubiquitous confidentiality agreements which, depending on a lot of factors, are not always rendered irrelevant when a case involves "criminal acts or conduct".......

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Post by DaBurglar »

why is it when the 'doubters' question the integrity of the machines or the state of regulation, the 'believers' demand proof. but, when the reverse occurs, no proof is offered
Innocent until proven guilty versus guilty until proven innocent?[/QUOTE]Excellent riposte notes1, and the reply given by onemoretry. (presumed innocent until proven guilty)  which in and of itself has been a bedrock principle of the American Legal system, no longer has quite the meaning or import TODAY that it once did.......these days, with the level of media coverage, 24 hr news cycle, and the fact that anyone with a computer and smartphone now constitutes both a virtual "investigator" AND source of news/reporter,  along with the fact(s) that the majority of criminal cases in the US NEVER ever see the inside of a courtroom because, these days, only the VERY wealthy or the very FAMOUS/Notorious members of society charged with serious crimes get to experience a trial by jury......most everyone else is offered (or coerced?) to accept some type of plea bargain (pleading GUILTY to a theoretically LESSER crime.)   But still, since we are talking specifically about CASINOS and their integrity, and since as of right now NO specific CRIME has been detailed or uncovered, the application of these legal principles is not 100% appropriate.    Right now it is all about PERCEPTION, or OPINIONS....but quite often, that is how great issues (including GREAT CRIMES) start out......Onemoretry, I wanted to get from you at the very least  YOUR understanding of how the investigative and prosecutorial processes with casinos and gaming regulators works.....I did not NEED you to provide the exact, specific workings or HOW things are SUPPOSED to work (because you are correct, I can look up all the TECHINCAL details myself....and I have!)    I wanted to gauge what you understood about the whole process, the issues involved and the objectives therein, because along with the assumption from people like you that "Illicit or illegal" practices in the casino industry could NOT possibly be kept secret, the other naive, overgeneralized assumption, that Casino regulatory bodies (i.e. the "gaming commish") are always "on the ball", that nothing gets by or past them, and that if.....IF they uncover something untoward or downright WRONG in the operation(s) of a casino, they zealously pursue the matter up to and including YANKING the LICENSE of the wayward casino post haste!      Not only are these views naive and simplistic and unrealistic in my opinion, in the case of the second issue (how casinos are regulated, investigated and if warranted, punished) , my own personal research and info gathering and understanding strongly indicates that some regulatory agencies/boards are NOT zealous, nor "sharp and alert" when it comes to the oversight of the casinos under their purview....AND, if (and that's a big "IF") and when something were to be uncovered requiring formal investigation and punishment, the agencies would not be in any kind of hurry or sense of urgency to do so.........In concluding these last few views, I am obviously (and primarily) speaking of the New Jersey Gaming Commission, and what it has undergone over the last decade, and the current state of affairs for new jersey casinos.    <crucial point(s) here>For nearly 33 years (from the time casino gaming first started in 1979 to 2011), the state of New Jersey saw fit, and deemed it important and crucial enough for ensuring the utmost integrity and security to its gaming operations, to have in EACH casino in atlantic city, a Booth, or office right on the casino floor, clearly labeled and marked "NJ Casino / Gaming control Commission", which was staffed 24/7/365 with at least several agents to answer and address any and all customer issues/complaints/concerns, as well as any such issues the CASINO itself might have with operational, regulatory or customer addition to the 3-4 (or more) staff in the booth/office on the casino floor, there were also at various times several "undercover" agents roaming the floor of each casino, looking for any and all instances of underage gaming and drinking, cheating, theft, or any other regulatory, safety and integrity issue related to each casino's operation.       This was the norm for 33 years from 1979 to 2011........and then.........???Governor Christie "deregulated" the AC casinos in 2011, as part of his effort to "revitalize" and jumpstart the sagging (more like "DYING") casino industry in NJ,  He removed the presence of the NJ Gaming Commish from the casino floors and slashed the Nj casino commish agent headcount by 80%.....just took 'em out, suddenly and in one fell swoop!     He then folded what remained into the NJ State Police (although how  that part works exactly I have yet to fully understand.....when someone needs to be arrested or investigated, is it the state police or is it gaming agents who come knocking?)    Someone explain to me how, in this day and age, a governor (and whatever advisers advising him on this issue) can decide that a industry that deals in BILLIONS of DOLLARS in CASH, which has had strict oversight for 33 years since its inception, can all of a suddent see that OVERSIGHT removed or curtailed, and NOT have it impact in some way shape or form?I learned, from speaking with two different employees at the office of gaming control in AC, just off the boardwalk on Tenn. Avenue, that Gov Christie essentially, in 2011, "gave the casinos everything they asked for and wanted".....the implication therefore is that the casinos asked for this removal of oversight!     I know they also received a lot of help financially, and Gov. Christie's hands were all over the whole REVEL Fiasco in pushing that death blow through......I do not have the specific numbers or figures, but I am certain there were a number of "tax benefits and other financial help" extended to the casinos in 2011, along with the push to have the CRDA "revitalize" the entire city of AC (hence the "DO AC" spiel and campaign, which quickly became more an object of derision instead of a marketing rallying cry/slogan.Someone explain to me how, when we live in a time of extensive economic uncertainty, with theft/scams/scandal rife in many industries and levels/sectors of society, a state could actually REMOVE its regulatory eyes & ears, its oversight, from an industry that has always been a primary target for criminals?    How do you justify that?    And does anyone here honestly think that, with AC continuing its nose dive and struggling just to survive, that SOMEONE, in SOME AC CASINO, has not somehow taken advantage of this lack of oversight?     I believe, of course, that someone has, and that as we speak, at least several casinos are  engaging in "juking" at least SOME of their video poker machines such that, we are now seeing the absurd statistical results........I will pause here, but I have much more to say and share, especially since I now have seen and experienced first hand how the remainder of the Regulatory body (i.e. the NJ gaming commish) functions and acts when a complaint is formally made, plus reading between the lines and listening to all that was said and shared, I have come to a few conclusions about the remaining oversight in general of AC casinos!      

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Post by FAA »

I have mixed feelings about the five coin max machines. Thrilled that I not tempted to lose exponentially faster. A bit forlorn that I cannot recoup my losses when they exceed $31, as that is the max quad payout. I certainly do not pine away for twentyfive coin machines. Deathwish paradigm.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I've only see one Florida VP machine with 100 coin max and that was in a small native casino out in the everglades.  I was playing $1 a coin, put in a $100 and hit max.  When I saw it took the whole C note, it was quite a shock.  Luckily I hit a straight and got my money back. They pulled those machines later and now they are all 5 or 10 coin max.  If I had hit a royal or a quad deuce I would have liked them a little better.

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Post by rayj »

I once sat next to a gal at the Desert Diamond in Tucson.  During a span of 4 hours I seen her hit aces without the kicker 4 times and with the kicker twice. You tell me....

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Post by FAA »

Pretty cool day. I assume that you survived four hours w tolerable loss. That's always a win.

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Post by paco13 »

Not only have I experienced this delay you speak of but the last Ace will almost always appear on the next hand dealt.

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