It takes a special person...

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Re: It takes a special person...

Post by DaBurglar »

never blamed Clinton for first wtc attack, simply pointed it all started before bush was in office, defeating your assertion that bush/cheney are responsible for all that has happened.

common signs of a liberal;
-when out debated, resort to name calling
-when out argued, change the subject
-when defeated, assert the subject matter is too complicated for ordinary folks to understand

are you sure you did not get that Harvard degree via mail order?Oh come on.........seriously?    Are you sure you are in your 60s and not some 17 year old frustrated twit???You really need to believe all of this huh?   That's why you posted it, because once someone writes something down it "comes alive" or  "becomes real".....Because if you really do have a conscience, or really are the upstanding citizen you like to portray yourself as, then deep deep down you know you just wrote a load of crap ......And You "defeated" "ASSERTION" was regarding the fact that Bush/cheney (and the whole gang / chorus of NeoCons)   Wrongfully invaded Iraq, messed the whole place up and incompetently created a total VOID/Vacuum that was filled by things much much MUCH worse than Saddam Hussein with Imaginary Atom Bombs.     Who do you think was responsible for Abu Gharib?   I mean PERSONALLY did we "free" all the innocent civilians we have killed?  That is why they want to KILL us now ....... if they did not have a good enough reason before, we have now given them one by arrogantly destroying their way of life and giving them nothing in return except chaos and more arrogance.   In this regard you are just like another poster on this website......Everything you want to fling at me YOU yourself are actually guilty of........

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Post by DaBurglar »


if one takes all the military out of Iraq, you will most definitely cut down on casualties there. how many have died around the globe as a result of letting the terrorists have free reign. if one does not fight them on their turf, you will end up fighting them on your own.

.huh?What's your plan?  Your end game?   how does this all get solved or fixed?   Seriously, make an effort to answer......You asked it, now answer it:   HOW MANY HAVE DIED around the globe when "we" let the terrorists have "free reign"???    seriously, how many?    and where?  and what do you mean by free reign?     Who did this?   Obama?How does creating the total wreck that is Iraq and the middle east ........... how does BLOWING 3-4 Trillion (no one really knows exactly how much) bucks on what we have now in does all this constitute "Fighting THEM" on their own turf?     Seriously make an answer, because it seems to me WE (us, the USA) created  THEM (ISIS, ISIL the bad dudes and whoever comes after them once they are gone) and GAVE them the impetus to do what they are doing.And how much PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY are you willing to plop in the laps of the Iraqis who NOW refuse to fight for themselves, to use all the state of the art weapons and training "WE" gave them??? (stuff  that YOU and I and everyone else who pays the taxes you constantly whine about gave them!)

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Post by notes1 »

'frustrated twit", what did I say, liberals resort to name calling.

the middle east has been screwed up for centuries, due to those who live there, long before the 2nd Iraq war. we know saddam had wmd, he used them on his own people. the war did not have the result we were promised, the Iraq people are so screwed up, they would not take the opportunity for freedom when it was given to them.

we have eight years of cajoling, talking nice to these folks, putting the blame on our country and what have we gotten, more attacks and more dead. it is not working.

in ww2, American soldiers sometimes killed the captured enemy, due to lack of resources to guard them at the time. not right, but i was not there and I am tired of folks judging others, who reacted in a time of crisis. just like the cops today, who often need to make split second decisions, regarding life and death.

you are one hell of a second guesser and Monday morning quarterback.

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Post by DaBurglar »

'frustrated twit", what did I say, liberals resort to name calling.
I have no idea what Liberals do, but I did not "resort" to anything.....I asked a question, just like you did when you inquired about the source of my Harvard diploma.   I asked IF you were a Twit, but , ahem, the question was rhetorical in nature so that does mean I did not actually want an answer, but you answered it anyway (in your own manner of course )  .....  the middle east has been screwed up for centuries, due to those who live there, long before the 2nd Iraq war. we know saddam had wmd, he used them on his own people. the war did not have the result we were promised, the Iraq people are so screwed up, they would not take the opportunity for freedom when it was given to them.
What is the point of all this other than to totally trash the iraqi people?   If the place is so screwed up, why not get the hell out of there?   Keeping the terrorists off "OUR TURF" does not require us to keep trashing IRAQ.   And Saddam only had Poison Gas, which we knew about since 1981 so using that as weak justification for the mess, the absolute total MESS GW Bush & Co. created is ridiculous.  
e have eight years of cajoling, talking nice to these folks, putting the blame on our country and what have we gotten, more attacks and more dead. it is not working.

in ww2, American soldiers sometimes killed the captured enemy, due to lack of resources to guard them at the time. not right, but i was not there and I am tired of folks judging others, who reacted in a time of crisis. just like the cops today, who often need to make split second decisions, regarding life and death.

you are one hell of a second guesser and Monday morning quarterback. I am really not sure anymore what you are are all over the map, except for the common thread of your obvious disdain for obama and need to blame him (and him alone I guess) for everything.    All this other stuff is just noise.....What WWII incident are you talking about with Americans killing captured enemy?   Seriously, I am a WWII buff and I freely admit I do not know at all what you are talking about.Also, you speak far too casually about violence, death, war and all the horrors we see and have seen.     Your flippant comment about reacting in a crisis as an excuse is disturbing to say the least.   That is NOT at all what people like me and others are "JUDGING"  when you drag cops into this discussion........COPS/AGENTS  et al,  receive training, lots of it and therefore are accountable.   There is no way you are going to tell me these incidents of cops abusing and killing black suspects is UNDERSTANDABLE because they were "In a crisis" that required split second decisions.   That is beyond ridiculous.   same with the guy who had his neck broke, or the numerous victims who were UNARMED.Likewise the Military has oodles of training and support.....there is a definite chain of command so there is no questions about who is responsible.    Reacting in a crisis is a regrettable situation, but still requires the RIGHT decision to be made.   nothing else is acceptable, EVER.   It cant be any other way, otherwise, the whole concept of having  rules and regs goes out the window.   Anyone can just claim "I HAD to make a split second decision and I did!"  and they are off the hook........I am not going to accept that type of reality.   And neither would YOU,   MR Personal it or not, we all have to live with our actions and the consequences, right?   Isnt that what you rejoice in throwing around whenever you can?Good night and good luck, you need it......  

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Post by jetermacaw »

I guess if we are going to go back in time explain to me why the dummy cats went into Vietnam, did they fly any planes into buildings, oh no they were going to invade us and turn us all communist. How many died in Vietnam. Please don't ever bring up Bush without bringing up Kennedy and Johnson.

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Post by notes1 »

jeter, you watch, he will try to change the subject or say all pols are evil, but will not admit that the dems got us into nam.

fighting the Iraq war has been costly in human and financial terms, but so has the cost been high, not eliminating the enemy and trying to appease them. the amount of time, effort and monies being spent on preventing attacks, providing security at every public event, travel delays, etc also has a financial toll.

the current administration is so committed to non involvement, it let ISIS grow into a world wide terror organization. O left Iraq unattended, after there was some stability/declared victory (according to Biden) and now is forced to put troops back in. all this gets very little media attention and his and H policies are never shown to have a relationship to current events.

the media has made sure the 'fix' was in from the beginning of his administration. they were going to make his presidency a success and deem the previous administration a failure.   

DB is right about one thing, presidents get too much blame and too much credit for things that happen on their watch. Bush did not cause the credit crisis and Obama is not responsible for all terror events.

but, O's tenure has had a tone from the very beginning of blaming one person or group for what he sees as being wrong. how many times was the term 'inherited' used. the country is as divided as I can remember, since the 60's. blacks blame whites, poor blame rich, young blame the old, it goes on and on. all in an effort to get votes and extend the progressive movement.

early on, he got himself involved with the black college professor (who was wrong) and called the police stupid, he took the side of a thug in ferguson (again wrong)(DOJ said 'hands up was all made up)who attacked a cop. he has set a tone that pits one against another. a POTUS is supposed to be a unifier, he is not.

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Post by jetermacaw »

Spot on notes!!!

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Post by jetermacaw »

More cops killed, the blood on his hands is getting thicker, he really needs to call off his BLM buddies, if he doesn't it's going to be '67 all over again.

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Post by Lionqueen »

An Army Major who was in Iraq at the end, living and training their officers said when we leave the place would implode - it did. He has also told me that ISIS will never be wiped out because it is not just a group of people but an Ideal.

As for the other, I watched the memorial in Dallas. The Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders each conveyed love and I felt comforted. The mayor, police chief and George spoke and I felt good. For a moment I felt our country united until O got up there and started unraveling everything that had just been accomplished. A memorial for 5 brave officers should have been solely to comfort grieving families, friends and our nation.

Sorry to butt in but these are just my thoughts.

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Post by notes1 »

good post lionqueen.

hope the cop haters are happy.

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