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Post by DaBurglar »

not one item on my post below came from Gaffney, o reilly or anyone else. simple research.

the islamic terrorist/soldier of isis in NICE, aimed his truck for a candy store, to kill as many children as possible. keep defending these barbarians.

reading/research is FUNdamental.Nah see you need to stop this notes1, you really do....it is not fair or right to say things like this......NO ONE IS defending these "barabarians"  (I have a different term for them, HOMICIDAL CRIMINALS and Sick Bastards....barbarians is too general and vague....some barbarians of the past, like Vikings and Mongols for instance actually contributed quite a bit to the advancement of civilization and history as we know it today.   The idiotic, simpleton villains who insist on listening to the words of a few egotistical, narcisstic IMAMS who tell them they will get to screw 70-plus virgins inside "GOD's" palace in the 7th Heaven if they commit these heinous acts  are NOT at all in the same historical context, or place as "BArbarians"....)But seriously, you need to stop making these false, absurd leaps of logic to define and label those of us who take opposite views of yours.........ok?     Make your arguments and your points, cite your examples and "research" etc, just don't do things like this or what you did earlier with ME insinuating I HATE the USA.That being said, this quote from you:according to the british newspaper, THE TIMES, april 11,
2016, citing a survey poll, 'more than 100,000 british muslims
sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit other terror

according to a poll conducted by the polling company for WOMANTREND,
june 1010, 2015. 100% of those polled were muslim and 100% lived in the
usa. among the results;

-33% said if there was a conflict, shariah law should be considered supreme, instead of the us constitution/bill of rights
-51% agree muslims in America should have the choice of being governed by shariah law
-25% agree 'violence against americans here in the usa can be justified as part of a global jihad'.
The blue portion specifically......you claim the poll conducted on 06/10/2105 (1 year ago) by WOMANTREND  was conducted amongst a sampling that was 100% MUSLIMS who were  living in the USA...ok fine.....how many people exactly did this involve????          And since this is a WOMAN's magazine, can you please show us whether or not the people polled were all Women  or a MIX of men and women.So two things we need (unless you just want to post the actual URL/website address or link, which would be the simplest, easiest and MOST HONEST reply to my questions):1)  How many MUSLIMS were polled exactly?2)  Was it Only Women, or Both sexes?Thanks in advance and I look forward to reviewing the info.

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Post by notes1 »

I believe the poll involved 600 people, equal proportion of men/women.

this and many more polls/surveys are available at RELIGION OF PEACE .COM website.

in the future, why don't you limit ALL your posts, to only those that quote sources, if you are going to demand that from others.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I believe the poll involved 600 people, equal proportion of men/women.

this and many more polls/surveys are available at RELIGION OF PEACE .COM website.

in the future, why don't you limit ALL your posts, to only those that quote sources, if you are going to demand that from others. GAHHHHH  unreal!!!    You stink....absolutely STINK at debating!!!!Wtf!   I am not DEMANDING anything....I am asking/requesting/entreating/inviting you to clarify or provide the source on the data you utilize to make your arguments (when you choose to do so).... you state these "FACTS" in such a way that base such FINAL and absolute conclusions upon these very "FACTS"......if Ia m going to disagree or disprove them, OBVIOUSLY I need the source to do so!!!!!    Gahhhhhhh!!!What I post is most of the time my own PERSONAL opinion or experience or interpretation etc.......and I write and post in such a way and with such language that it is OBVIOUSLY SO (i.e. MY Personal opinion or reflection).......when needed I will provide data or info sources, but most of the time it is not needed.   I do not need to provide you with a source when I am citing historical narratives of facts, like when I say the Japanese Invaded Indo china in WWII and were ultimately kicked out in 1945 and the Country returned to the French as a Colony.  That is waht is called "GENERAL KNOWLEDGE" and is not in need of a cited source.......the info you posted that I asked for further clarification on is NOT general knowledge, and you are using it to support a conclusion that is really just your personal perception and opinion about Muslims.Now, thanks for providing the actual website,  I will look forward to examining it and LEARNING something NEW!!!!   And I say that with 100% SINCERITY!!!Finally, the poll you cited involves 600 people in TOTAL you say.....ok great.    WHat is the total number of MUSLIMS in the USA??!!   I do not know the exact answer, but I am confident it is way way way more than 600!    Ergo, that LIMITS severely the conclusions that can be drawn about this "POLL" you are using to put forth a conclusion about Muslims in the USA.    That is ALL I AM SAYING.....for now anyway!

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Post by notes1 »

from what I read, average sample size for a poll is 1000.

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Post by notes1 »

a frequent poster here has quoted from USA TODAY, as a credible news source.

headline tonight; ATTACKER WIELDING AX INJURES SEVERAL ON GERMAN TRAIN. turns out the attacker was an afghan refugee, who just happened to be carrying a knife and an ax, and according to reports from eyewitnesses, shouted 'ALLAHU AHBAR'.

wonder what the headline might say if a white cop shot a black American? each media outlet is promoting an agenda.

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