Superbowl preview

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Re: Superbowl preview

Post by FAA »

Another thread bites the dust. 

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Post by Tedlark »

Yep, very informational thread damaged beyond repair.

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Post by DaBurglar »

   Yep, very informational thread damaged beyond repair.

This thread was never about being informational....Was just supposed to be fun, and it was until someone made a moronic joke about something totally irrelevant, with the joke being so lousy and poorly executed it escaped notice....And THEN, that person became defensive about the joke's non-effective that he just had....HAD to make sure he got credit nonetheless....All of which, again has zip to do with the thread itself.

But let's give Ted full credit for damaging, or killing one more....

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Post by Tedlark »

I used to have that on the back of my XFL jersey: "He Hate Threadkiller."

Speaking of credit, DaBurglar I'll loan you a few bucks if you want to re-up your currently expired Gold status. "EZ Terms Ted" they call me.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

I used to have that on the back of my XFL jersey: "He Hate Threadkiller."

Speaking of credit, DaBurglar I'll loan you a few bucks if you want to re-up your currently expired Gold status. "EZ Terms Ted" they call me.....OK so you've been thoroughly bashed in several areas and fronts so far, so now you are attempting to divert this thread into another area in hopes to to try and "one up" me somewhere else......and what area is this now?   Finances?  Net Worth?  what exactly is the point of this latest jab Ted, where you seemingly mock or criticize the fact I am not a Gold member here, despite the fact I have tried it on several different occasions for numerous months at a time....?seriously, what's your point here?   What do you have to say to the MANY MANY other forum members and posters who also are not Gold Members?   are you taking them on, or taking them to task as well???    Do not dodge this question(s) or try to once again divert this thread into yet another dead zone topic.....answer my questions above.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar you brought up credit and I just expanded on your thought. You'd think a Harvard educated (one degree double major) person would be able to see the value of an annual gold membership to this site. Heck, even silver for that matter. Apparently I was mistaken when I thought that maybe having a degree from Harvard meant increased earnings? As for the, and I use your words: "MANY MANY other forum members and posters who also are not Gold members" my response is that I like all of them. Now before you respond by saying that I HATE you and this is more proof I will say now that I do not hate you or anyone. Hate is a strong word and even you have not done enough to me to be hated by me.

I tried to answer "your questions above" but the website would not allow me to squeeze a post above yours so I had to answer your questions below.Were you asleep in 6th grade grammer class? I'm guessing yes because otherwise you would have said:"answer my above questions" and not: "answer my questions above."

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Post by edog743 »

Unlike you Ted I hate everyone that is not gold. But from what I have been hearing Trump is going to fix that.One less Hamilton in the VP machine a month makes you Gold around here. If you cannot afford that you most likely have a gambling problem.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar you brought up credit and I just expanded on your thought. You'd think a Harvard educated (one degree double major) person would be able to see the value of an annual gold membership to this site. Heck, even silver for that matter. Apparently I was mistaken when I thought that maybe having a degree from Harvard meant increased earnings? As for the, and I use your words: "MANY MANY other forum members and posters who also are not Gold members" my response is that I like all of them. Now before you respond by saying that I HATE you and this is more proof I will say now that I do not hate you or anyone. Hate is a strong word and even you have not done enough to me to be hated by me.

I tried to answer "your questions above" but the website would not allow me to squeeze a post above yours so I had to answer your questions below.Were you asleep in 6th grade grammer class? I'm guessing yes because otherwise you would have said:"answer my above questions" and not: "answer my questions above." Grammar, not "grammer"haha  I win again.......giggle snort  *wheeze*why oh why do you do this to yourself Ted, if you really truly do not "hate" me?   I have not done enough to you to make you hate me????  huh?    Try "I haven't done a damn thing to you..."   Don't even try to turn this around or pretend you are the victim of anything other than your OWN petty BS.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Unlike you Ted I hate everyone that is not gold. But from what I have been hearing Trump is going to fix that.One less Hamilton in the VP machine a month makes you Gold around here. If you cannot afford that you most likely have a gambling problem.One dog lover to are kidding right???? I was conversing with another forum member today, and I was simply noting to this person that I have not actually played video poker since September, 2016, instead focusing on Chess tournaments and several LIVE NL Holdem Poker tournaments...not being subject to AC's "strange, weird, statistically aberrant" Video poker results the last 4-1/2 to 5 Months has happily found me with a nice little extra pile of money!   My Monthly Gaming allotment / "budget" was about 1500 bucks (plus whatever might have been leftover from previous month or winnings).....not seeing that sucked away by AC video poker machines is nice.  Its not a big deal but it does indicate to me that, unlike many many years ago (1995 thru 2007) in Vegas when I played video poker and had many profitable or Break even months, the game(s) today really are NOT at all winnable or profitable except on a VERY exceptional, infrequent basis.But regarding this site////Choosing NOT to perpetually have gold membership here is not an indication of anything at all......I've had it several times for at least several months at a time, and it was always good....I never said it's NOT worth it or its a total waste or ripoff.....MAybe at some point I'll buy it again if it suits me....

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar when your senior year high school year book was published under your picture did it say: "Most likely to use the term "Giggle Snort" too far into adulthood?"

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