Building wealth is very simple

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Re: Building wealth is very simple

Post by Onenickelmiracl »

Make someone else pay for it-that's it.

ko king
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Post by ko king »

Don't get me started on the Obama administration that led an all out attack on the middle class and small business. I remember an article in the Small Business Journal that warned of things to come when he first took office, it all came true. I'm not much of a Republican but the Dems made enemies that won't soon be forgotten. [/QUOTE]

Educate me (I'm serious)....What exactly was this all out attack on middle class and small business???   I missed that, but it sounds serious, help me out here...[/QUOTE]

Like I said the SBA warned about what their plan was prior to it taking place. It was simple they used pretty much every federal and state agency there was in what they labeled as an educational process. The truth was they had studied cost associated with all these government agencies enforcing laws and regulations on the wealthy and large corporations versus cost associated with middle class and small business. What they found was they were losing money fighting the wealthy and large corporations because they had the time, money and muscle to fight back. As they discovered for every $1 they invested going after the middle class and small business it returned $10. Why you ask, because these are the people to easily intimidate and are eager to settle, they don't have the time and real power to fight back. About 80 miles from here they hired and quickly trained over 6K people to build up the enforcers they needed then turned them loose. They came at everyone in waves and all forms, in over 20 years of business I nor anyone else had ever seen anything like it.   

ko king
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Post by ko king »

Trump and today's Republican party is a disaster....But so is the Democratic party and its current activists like this woman with her oversized ego and voice.

I used to be Republican when it was the party of reason and sanity, although I was perfectly fine with conservative Democrats too like Sam Nunn of Georgia back in the 80sand early 90s. Bill Clinton was a conservative Democrats until he allowed Monica Lewinsky to embarrass himself and the country, and then he suddenly became a liberal as far as the idiots who usurped the Republican part were concerned, namely newt Gingrich.....When Gingrich allowed the government to shutter in the mid 90s, and then went after Clinton while cheating and abandoning his stricken wife in the most blatant act of hypocrisy, I became an independent.

Here's another little bit of info. Remember when they trotted William Buffett out to make the claim it was a shame his secretary was paying more taxes than him, turned out he had been fighting the tax folks for several years because he didn't want to pay for what they said he owed. Another story I read concerned the pipeline and why the Dems were so dead set against it. They really didn't have a problem with the oil making it's way from Canada to Texas, it was just they had a preference as to how it got there which was by a certain railroad. I'll let you do some research and discover who owned the railroad hoping to deliver all that oil.

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Post by Carcounter »

billryan, you took what I said about the AMT completely out of context. I have always paid my taxes and never *****ed about it. I just said there has to be a better way. So now a guy who once owned a comic book store and has decided that moving to Las Vegas to play .25 VP games to make $ 7 bucks an hour and get free food is lecturing me on my taxes. Rich.

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Post by Carcounter »

Why do I have this vision of Stuart from the Big Bang Theory in my mind?

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Post by billryan »

billryan, you took what I said about the AMT completely out of context. I have always paid my taxes and never *****ed about it. I just said there has to be a better way. So now a guy who once owned a comic book store and has decided that moving to Las Vegas to play .25 VP games to make $ 7 bucks an hour and get free food is lecturing me on my taxes. Rich.

Yes, I once owned a comic book store, three of them in fact. Sold the last of them in 1989 and they were a great source of income at the time and an even better stepping stone into the next phase of my life.
Yes, I moved to Vegas. The rest of your statement is as false as your saying you didn't ***** about paying taxes.
Why do the ignorant mock what they don't understand?

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Post by billryan »


Don't get me started on the Obama administration that led an all out attack on the middle class and small business. I remember an article in the Small Business Journal that warned of things to come when he first took office, it all came true. I'm not much of a Republican but the Dems made enemies that won't soon be forgotten. [/QUOTE]

Educate me (I'm serious)....What exactly was this all out attack on middle class and small business???   I missed that, but it sounds serious, help me out here...[/QUOTE]

Like I said the SBA warned about what their plan was prior to it taking place. It was simple they used pretty much every federal and state agency there was in what they labeled as an educational process. The truth was they had studied cost associated with all these government agencies enforcing laws and regulations on the wealthy and large corporations versus cost associated with middle class and small business. What they found was they were losing money fighting the wealthy and large corporations because they had the time, money and muscle to fight back. As they discovered for every $1 they invested going after the middle class and small business it returned $10. Why you ask, because these are the people to easily intimidate and are eager to settle, they don't have the time and real power to fight back. About 80 miles from here they hired and quickly trained over 6K people to build up the enforcers they needed then turned them loose. They came at everyone in waves and all forms, in over 20 years of business I nor anyone else had ever seen anything like it.   [/QUOTE]

Does anyone have any idea what he is referring to?

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Post by Carcounter »

I just don't understand why a supposedly successful person would want to spend their life in an unhealthy environment to grind out a few bucks an hour and a free buffet. Something doesn't add up. Don't forget to put a few breadsticks in your pocket on the way out. You

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Post by billryan »

I believe I've eaten at three buffets in the ten months I've lived here. Maybe four. I'm a steakhouse type. Love me a good teriyaki NY Strip. Could eat it several times a week, and generally do. Had a great one last night.
Not sure why you feel the need to say things you have no knowledge of, but it reinforces my original point.
It's bizarre how both you and Phil refer to casinos as unhealthy places when attempting to insult people but go on to spend hours there, and in Phil's case brings his wife along.
I budgeted $36,000 for my first year in Vegas and so far have lived well within that budget.

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Post by Carcounter »

Oh I have knowledge of people like you. Used to see them in the AC casinos a lot before AC's demise. You won't believe what that lifestyle will do to you in a few years.

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