Gun rights are so important.....

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Re: Gun rights are so important.....

Post by DaBurglar »

I think there is already for felons, but they still get them through friends and off the streets.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

This is a valid point mamma, and I agree with it's premise. I would also remind anyone reading this thread that I am not arguing or advocating anything like a "ban" or outlawing all forms of gun ownership.... I'm like most reasonable, middle of the road people who simply think the government should at the very least TRY to enforce and implement the same level and type of regulation and oversight for firearms that they do for other issues and things that are also part of everyday life....Like driving and owning motor vehicles, or owning and maintaining homes and properties.

The NRA, which is really just the lobby and mouthpiece for the firearm industry to safeguard the significant profit margins they enjoy on their products, goes out of its way to oppose any and all forms of gun oversight and restrictions....Any arguments that this is NOT the case are ignorant and disengenuous.

Law abiding, responsible citizens should indeed have the choice of owning a firearm, with certain limits such as round capacity and nature of the gun....There is absolutely no reason for someone living in the USA to have 50 or 100 round magazines, nor own a military style assault rifle or a automatic weapon. None.

Violent felons, mentally ill or unstable people, and children under the age of 18 have no business owning a gun except possibly bonafide hunting rifles in the case of older teens (15-17) who are otherwise responsible and upstanding.

Just because some people will skirt, circumvent and otherwise violate laws and regs doesn't mean we cease to have such laws and regs. The fact is, in a state like Indiana for instance, which has far less stringent regs and restrictions than many of its neighbors, a citizen can go to a "firearms" show and purchase any and all guns being sold, with little or no checking or enforcement/application of existing laws by the dealer's and sellers....This happens all the time all over the country.

I'm simply saying gun regulations and oversight should be consistent across the country, just as driving and vehicle ownership currently is....Right now, if a person has outstanding traffic issues or warrants in one state, this prevents he or she from registering a car or driving or having a valid license in other states....Why would firearms not be enforced in a similar manner or degree???

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Post by Tedlark »

By the way, there are thousands of forums out there on which people can post mind numbing stuff all day long...Why not take your self described act of protecting the helpless masses from villains like myself over there to one of these thousands of other forums???

Because much like:darkness there is light; Yin there is Yang; evil there is goodness,we have the villain DaBurglar and the hero Tedlark.


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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=DaBurglar] By the way, there are thousands of forums out there on which people can post mind numbing stuff all day long...Why not take your self described act of protecting the helpless masses from villains like myself over there to one of these thousands of other forums???

Because much like:darkness there is light; Yin there is Yang; evil there is goodness,we have the villain DaBurglar and the hero Tedlark.


What in the....Huh???

Is there a shrink in the house?

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Post by paco13 »

Are there any seamstresses in the house? We need a mask and a cape.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Are there any seamstresses in the house? We need a mask and a cape.PACO, what exactly do you envision these masks and capes looking or appearing like?   Draw a sketch or mock up if you can, I would be interested to see your concept!

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