Farewell again

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Re: Farewell again

Post by FloridaPhil »

Billy, you can talk to yourself from now on.  We moved to the Recreational Forum.

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Post by Tedlark »

Phil in you post of June 9, 2017 @6:32 am you stated: "Having a large bankroll keeps you from busting over time."

Would you consider this a half truth? I only ask because what you stated will not keep you from busting over time but having a large bankroll and being a disciplined player is more likely to keep you from busting over time.

I'm not trying to throw kerosene on the fire but I'm just asking for clarity.

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Post by Galeygoo »

This forum is better off with Bob Dancer.
This forum is better off without Florida Phil.
Can't make it any planner.I second that....

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Post by OTABILL »

This forum is better off with Bob Dancer.
This forum is better off without Florida Phil.
Can't make it any planner.

Quite frankly the forum is best served by having both continue to participate. No need for either to leave. Bob provides info for the more serious players. And while I don't agree with some of FP posts such as the cheap strategy, I have found his reports on VP and casinos in Colorado, Florida and the Gulf Coast of value. From my perspective as a recreational player, as hard as it may be to believe, these posts are more useful to me than those of Bob. I have Bob's software and perfecting my skills further are not worth my time or effort.

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Post by Onenickelmiracl »

I dont blame you Bob Dancer. I am so irritated, I foolishly try scanning by the diarrhea of the keyboard, my fingers get sore unable to swipe fast enough.

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Post by Onenickelmiracl »

Maybe Jeffrey Lebowski can fill in for Phil.😅 If they're not the same person.😎

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Post by alpax »

It is a real damn shame that this has to happen again.

I was around just long enough to experience the good days on this forum, things were peaceful with FP and Mr. Dancer.

I understand the whole conflict came about when FP proposed the C.S. to Mr. Dancer as a good (more like viable) recreational strategy. Since Mr. Dancer's main ambition to play VP is about winning (specifically playing under 100%+ conditions with all things considered outside of the VP game itself) and have to uphold a reputation as America's Video Poker expert, he criticized and did not endorse the C.S. because it is a losing strategy (in some cases, the player will lose even more). He offered logical mathematical proof that playing a bad game with 1.5% EV less at single coin and max coin does not provide returns greater than 100% Mr. Dancer did endorse betting one coin at all times if the player accepts losing money to play VP at a cheapest cost.

FP went on a good run that summer. I've done simulations to show that only 1 out of every 6 royals will be a $1000 royal, the other 5 is $62.50.

Ever since, FP grew an obsession with Mr. Dancer. Talking about C.S. is a winning strategy and Mr. Dancer's strategy is not a winnable strategy. As well as other stuff with the radio show and the books and the classes. When FP wanted truce, all Mr. Dancer asked was to stop mentioning about him and the C.S.. Mr. Dancer was protecting this website from phony claims in which C.S. was promoted so heavily.

I personally did make an attempt to restore order so that Mr. Dancer can consider coming back in August 2016 after he left in a "Farewell until August". But it got worse and worse.

Now you get all these BS statements, lies, outrageous claims compounded by repetition, and more indirect bashing.

Anyone supporting FP that does not realize that this to be a serious problem should evaluate things better. I do take the game seriously since you give the house a greater edge than they already have for making flaws, it is the dangerous part that Mr. Dancer is trying to instill to all of us.

Damage has been done, I personally do not think this site will ever be as enjoyable anymore.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I do not agree with your assessment of what happened between Mr. Dancer and myself. I never once stated CS was a long term winning strategy or that it was better than Mr. Dancer's strategy of playing only positive games.  These are purely imaginary assumptions made by people who do not read my complete posts.  CS was conceived in an environment of severely negative odds.  My wife and I encountered these odds on a cruise ship and at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi where the JB odds are 6/5 and 7/5.  With odds like that there is no way to survive playing max coins for a week.  By using CS we limited our losses and took our chances that luck would create enough max coin jackpots to keep us close to even.  CS turned out to do exactly what we wanted and in fact it worked so well I used it for 2 years.  As I have repeatedly stated on this forum, if the odds are greater than 98% there is no need for CS.  During this time I tried CS with higher denomination play.  In three weeks straight I hit three separate CS $1,000 jackpots each with a $20 bet.  During this time I posted pictures of all my jackpots on this forum. At the end of two years, I had hit numerous max coin jackpots and actually came out ahead for the first time in my life.   My mistake was telling anyone on this forum what I was doing.  What really ticked off Mr. Dancer was when I created my CheapVideoPoker.com website and added a link to the end of my posts.   In retrospect, that was a bad decision on my part.The problem Mr. Dancer and I have is deeper than CS.  In my view Mr. Dancer promotes his strategy as a "can't lose long term" proposition.  He doesn't come out and say it, but he alludes to the fact in every statement he makes.  He always says "If you don't win the problem is not with his strategy, it's with you".  This is blatantly untrue.   In my view this harms people trying to duplicate his results when they fail because the RNG doesn't produce jackpots as his math predicts.  If they were betting quarters it wouldn't bother me, but Mr. Dancer promotes betting large denominations which in my view is financial suicide.The second problem I have with Mr. Dancer started when he wrote an article saying he would be happy if his future son in law was a professional gambler.  As a father, grandfather and soon to be a great grandfather, this outraged me to the core.  I won't go into my feelings for a professional gambling lifestyle here, but I think there is something seriously wrong with a Dad that would want his daughter to be immersed into a life of late night smoke filled rooms and questionable financial security.I have tried many times to coexist with Mr. Dancer and his followers on this forum.  I asked for a separate recreational forum so we wouldn't butt heads and they followed me on that forum as well.  The only way this forum is going to survive is if we have two separate forums and each group leaves the other alone.   I am committed to the Recreational forum.  I will stay there unless I am forced to respond to someone calling me by name or disparaging me.   My hope is to stop this continuous war and allow everyone to get back to the way this forum once was.  It will only work if everyone cooperates.

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Post by Tedlark »

Phil you've mentioned many times your disgust of Bob Dancer saying he would be happy if his future son in law were to be a professional gambler.

The logical question to ask you is: why do you even care? Why would you openly state your disgust here? How in the name of the 2016 World Champion Chicago Cubs would Bob Dancer's son in law being a professional gambler affect your life? The lives of your children? Your grandchildren? or even you soon to be great-grandchildren?


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Post by Tedlark »

Alpax - kudos.

You are one of the few here who's knowledge and skills I applaud.

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