My town Point Pleasant NJ

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Casino Knight
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Re: My town Point Pleasant NJ

Post by Casino Knight »

Bobbi wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2019 3:50 am
A couple of days ago, I won the daily contest - I hit the high score early in the morning, so my note at the top " #MAGA" stayed there all day. I actually had a private message from a member telling me that my message didn't belong on this site. I guess he had a stomach ache all day looking at it. In closing, I would like to add that our President is not racist, he is not a politician sitting in the Whitehouse to make friends, contacts and money. He is American, and he loves his country.
Bobbi, if things hold up, that person will be butt hurt all day today as well.

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Post by billryan »

Thousand morons chanting send her back, as the President attacks elected officials. Republicans attack judges as being non elected officials and now openly attack elected officials. I am trying to figure out when todays Republican party decided to abandon America's history and traditions and become an angry torch bearing mob of uneducated
peasants right out of a United Artists monster movie.

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Post by billryan »

My Messiah says Love the neighbor. Yours says Grab her by the pussy.

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Post by notes1 »

in 2012, dem senator harry reid stood in the middle of the senate floor and announced that mitt romney had not paid any federal taxes for the past 10 years. the press ran with it and it became the mantra of the left. it was a lie and he knew it. when asked years later, he smirked and said, "romney didn't win, did he?"

in 2012, romney was debating obama on cnn. candy crowley was the moderator and she got into the middle of the debate by correcting romney, during a discussion about benghazi. she was wrong.

after years of non stop bad press that we read/saw when bush was in office, suddenly the press would never publish any info that was negative about obama. they were determined to make this first black presidents term in office appear a success.

it took awhile, but the right learned that you cannot bring a knife to a gun fight. not only were we up against a clever/nasty dem party, but we were also battling with a press that was supported them.

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Post by Eduardo »

Yeah, forget those silly "values" like honesty, respect, compassion, basic human decency. There is an election to be won!

If you aren't embarrassed by Trump yet, you never will be. There is no excuse for that chant at a political rally in America. He and everyone who supports him should be ashamed. I never imagined a man like that would ever have a place in the republican party, much less be the leader of it.

We're going to get what we deserve in this country, and unfortunately that is not a good thing after putting up Trump as our leader.

Note that I am not a liberal, have never voted for a democrat. But this sickens me.

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Post by notes1 »

imagine, morality quotes from a party that covered for bill clinton's womanizing/lies, took money/trips from the likes of harvey weinstein/jeffrey epstein and supports mass abortions.

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Post by notes1 »

'honesty, respect, etc?'

-where was all that when a proven false claim of russian collusion has been going on for years?
-in 8 years, obama deported nearly 10 times as many illegals as trump has in 3. any coverage of that?
-using pictures of kids in cages from obama years, against trump. honest, decent?
-what is long term more compassionate that resurrecting an economy that provides people a paycheck, instead of a handout. and, that includes the illegals that are working here.
-the usa takes in 1 million immigrants per year, more than any other country. any coverage of that?

what happened when conservatives nominated candidates that are likely more to your liking. romney could not defend himself against the clever/nasty/dishonest assaults from the dems and the press.

sure, trump says things that make me cringe, but his policies/results are far better than what the left is offering.

i try to put myself in trumps position. since he announced, he has been criticized, laughed at, received nothing but bad press. he has been called every vile name one can think of, including a traitor. everyday, 24/7, relentless from the left and the press. i have no idea how he has put up with it.

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Post by Casino Knight »

billryan wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:09 am
My Messiah says Love the neighbor. Yours says Grab her by the pussy.
He also said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

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Post by rascal »

There is no more certain sign of how fast the U.S. is going to he11 in a handbasket than the quality of presidents we have been electing in recent years. In my opinion, we have not had a decent president since George H.W. Bush (the first Bush).

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, Trump --- half-baked, half-intelligent wannabe's who have basically debased the office of the Presidency.

One of the common denominators of the last four presidents is the lack of military service. (I know, I know, George W. Bush was in the reserves --- big deal -- a low attendance, low activity, zero risk, totally stateside one-brief-weekend-per-month outfit that was reserved for special people with special influence.)

Military service, and especially military service during a conflict, helps steer a future president toward the right national priorities, and also tells us something about his grit, steel, determination, and patriotism.

Clinton using connections and Trump using his incredibly painful bone spurs to avoid being drafted --- disgusting! Especially disgusting that both of these two cowards were not prohibited from running for president. George W. Bush and his oh-so-dangerous stateside weekend warrior service --- give me a break! Obama can say, well, I wasn't of the age to be called up. Memo: You don't have to be called up. You can volunteer to serve your country, just like Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan!!

Final thought: All of us posting on this forum and expressing our opinions without any sort of government intimidation or censorship, without any fear of retribution --- that's what America is all about and that's what we (the veterans among us) fought and died for. God bless *everyone*, from extreme right-wingers to socialist lefties, who steps up and speaks out!

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Post by notes1 »

Casino Knight wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:56 am
billryan wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:09 am
My Messiah says Love the neighbor. Yours says Grab her by the pussy.
He also said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

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