Dealt Royal Flush playing Qtrs, WON $200,000

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Re: Dealt Royal Flush playing Qtrs, WON $200,000

Post by Tedlark »

Actually Bob it is a calculated risk but a risk which you choose not to take.

You and I do share some similarities (not that this matters so much to either you or I) in our play. I too; find beating the casino fun. I too; have had many more positive years over the past 15 years than negative years. I know how to find the advantages in casinos in my geographical area and I only exploit those that are worth it to me.

I have known several people in my life who have had a similar style of "in your face" education as you. This style works to force the student to become better but when you have this style you must also know the tipping point before you start trying to humiliate this same student into becoming a better student. When the lessons are private it is one thing but when the lessons are public, humiliation doesn't work so well.

For the record: I have always respected what you have accomplished in the world of video poker and I have used some of what you have put out - to my advantage.

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Post by Jstark »

BobDancer wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:34 pm
Several of you have objected to my post.

Please note it was not directed at the original poster. It was directed at Eduardo's comment that it was a hit to dream of.

My response was that I would find it a nightmare. I was referring to me, not you. And I explained why. I'm somebody who knows the difference between good pay schedules and bad ones and wouldn't be caught dead playing this game. If I screwed up my medications and somehow had this experience on this machine (that's two hypotheticals happening back to back, both extremely unlike) I absolutely would not post it out of utter embarrassment.

I said absolutely nothing about any of you, other than a person playing such a game isn't knowledgeable about the winning process. Surely you can't seriously be arguing that point. You can say she was extremely once-in-several-lifetimes lucky, which is true, but you cannot say it was an intelligent calculated play on her part. those of you who've read my posts know that I'm always attempting to make intelligent, calculated plays.

You can yell at me or call me names if you like --- so long as you don't cross whatever lines Webman has drawn. It kind of goes with the territory around here sometimes. But if you read the post again you'll see it was talking about me --- not you. I certainly was not talking about the original poster.
For all we know, the OP might've been getting more than the cost of the game from "incentives."

Let's get real here. Any game paying less than 100% is a bad game, in which we all know that YOU partake in . And don't give me any gobbledygook about players card bulls***! Try all of that without your cards.... you'll go broke!

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Post by Jstark »

I wonder how many people would have thought James Grosjean was an idiot if they saw him playing 3 card poker when it first appeared? Not knowing that instead of playing it with a 3.37% disadvantage he was actually playing with a 3.48% advantage!

Never assume a player is an idiot!

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Post by theodallas »

Good heavens, folks. What should have been a celebratory, congratulatory post on someone winning $200,000 on a $17.50 bet, instead this has devolved into a biting, bitter commentary on playing smart, strategic video poker. Why can't we just enjoy the fact that Patti H. accomplished a major miracle in our gaming world?

I'm reminded of the old saying: "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

Some of you, please...take this to heart.

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Post by BobDancer »

theodallas wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:26 am

Good heavens, folks. What should have been a celebratory, congratulatory post on someone winning $200,000 on a $17.50 bet, instead this has devolved into a biting, bitter commentary on playing smart, strategic video poker.
I don't know how bitter it got. It's been much worse in the past. What I got called this time was relatively mild, considering. But hang on, that could change with just one post!

Insofar as it becoming a commentary on playing smart, strategic video poker, you're exactly correct because that's EXACTLY why I post here.

Some people come here to smile. Some people come here to learn. Some people come here to vent. Some people come here to explain how either lucky or unlucky they are. There's room for that. I come here to learn to play video poker better and to teach others to do the same.

I understand theodallas that that's not why you come here. Okay. Nobody said you were wrong. If you want to post a congratulatory note to the OP, go right ahead. The floor is open! But the floor's also open for those of us who are more serious about the game.

You're going to find a variety of people here.

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Post by damule »

I address this to Bob Dancer with all due respect. Bob, there's no question you are one of, if not the foremost video poker expert possibly in the world. Few would argue this. You search for and play with an edge (Gambling With An Edge plug - I enjoy listening to you and Munchkin) games that are advantageous to making a profit. I give you a ton of credit for this and to the select few disciplined advantage gamblers in our world (they are a rare breed). Most of us, by far the vast majority on this website, are not advantage players. Many of us play the game to the maximum percentage afforded us by pay tables, skill and players club. We are still considered recreational players. However, even the best recreational players have full time jobs, spend time with family or may be retired and just gamble as a hobby and have no interest in searching high and far for an advantage whether slight or great. For most of us this game is a release from reality and we enjoy the possibility of leaving a winner, although we know most likely we'll lose overall. The HUGE JACKPOT the OP won on the dealt Double Supertimes game is the fantasy players who play this game have. I know you would never get caught playing a 97-98% game, but a $200k jackpot would even be a huge score to a professional such as yourself. It would be for me! I understand after an infinite number of hands this player will loss far more than the $200k won. However infinite hands weren't played, there were a finite number of hands played. I don't know with a certainty, but I'll venture a guess the player was a winner that day, most probably that week, probably that month, more than likely the past year and quite possibly for that player's lifetime right now. So, all I ask is instead of being a "Debbie Downer," (or in your case a "Dancer Downer) how about just say, "Wow, that doesn't happen too often," or don't say anything. Then you can take your knowledge and share all your math and statistics in the "Strategy" section of this forum or the Wizard of Odds or talk about it on your show. How about just congratulate the OP here for their great luck and fortune for the story they shared with us. That's what we would do at " Players Unite" on Facebook where everyone is welcome and invited. But please, don't be a DANCER DOWNER!

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Post by Tedlark »

Square Dancer Downer?

Star By the Right then Promenade.....


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Post by Vman96 »

Very nice unicorn Pattih! Congrats! I'd love to hit one someday! And yes, I would be playing a -EV game to do it. :roll:

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Post by damule »

Tedlark wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:01 pm
Square Dancer Downer?

Star By the Right then Promenade.....

I didn't even think of that ted :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by New2vp »

Wow, a whole lot of acrimony for someone making a point contrary to groupthink! I agree with Bob's point that his use of the word "nightmare" was clearly in response to Eduardo's post more so than directly aimed at the original poster. Clearly, Bob said, "I would find it a nightmare" rather than "Playing this game is a nightmare."

Certainly, Bob's post might have made that point more clearly and ruffled fewer of your feathers if he had left out the line, "Nobody with a clue about the winning process would be caught dead playing that machine." I do disagree with this line, due to what has been pointed out that some may once in a great while have some recreational purpose in playing the game. But to be fair to Bob, his statement is clearly hyperbole, since I doubt if he really believes that playing this game is worthy of capital punishment.

I will go on record as finding it more interesting to read Bob's posts than reading 17 attaboys or attagirls, but admittedly that is subjectively personal preference.

I am happy for the original poster's luck (Great hit, Patti!) and I hope any emotional trauma that she has suffered due to Bob's post is diminished by whatever net win she got out of the $200,000 jackpot. Nevertheless, the level of bitterness shown by some here at Bob seems overblown. Certainly, some posters went over the line on one of Webman's rules: "No personal attacks on other members ..." even though I think the rest of that rule is sort of unenforceable (i.e, "or anything that could cause offense to anyone else"). In today's nation of professional "offendees," it seems that just about anything that has any informational value could offend someone.

Take some of the math offered in this thread. Jstark's 1 in 9,746,100 calculation, though totally accurate, could be seen as only a snowball's chance in Hades rather than the positive way that the original poster took the comment to be. And my good friend, Tedlark's admonition that "99.7% of us here are in true awe" is a bit off the mark. It takes a sample including at least 285 positive statements to 1 negative statement to get to 99.7%, so at this moment this thread is a bit short on positivity. ;) If my post here is added to the negative column, that would require 570 positives.

And one might take Eduardo's original comment as unnecessarily passive aggressive. After all, it is the post preceding and inspiring Bob's: "The hit that most of us only dream of. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11" Did he mean, "Many of us would ONLY dream of this because we would never be caught dead playing it?" And what hidden message was he implying by the mysterious coded "eleven" at the end of his statement? ;)

Seriously, based on his follow-up, I take Eduardo at his word, so that he can be counted on the positive side. And I take Bob at his word that his post was wordplay responding to Eduardo's dream characterization. Certainly, one could see that Bob's message had some educational value as well. For anyone offended by such gentle education, please stop reading now.

To get that $200,000 hit, with Jstark's 1 in 9,746,100 figure and the original poster's $17.50 per bet, would require coin in of $170,556,750 IF you were able to get that hit in exactly one cycle. Obviously, there would be other wins along the way but about 1 in 7 players would not get the big hit even after double that coin in.

For those who still want to go after it, follow that great philosopher of the recent past, Steven Tyler, "Dream On!!"

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