Make AC Great Again?

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Re: Make AC Great Again?

Post by notes1 »

let me remind you, Harvard had to be forced into spending some of their endowment.

why do you continue to avoid the subject of your chosen profession, MARKETING. you have found fault with lending institutions with enticing consumers with mortgages, but you will not address the marketing campaigns that entice people to spend money on sometimes worthless stuff. I will bet some of those banks you despise, had marketing folks figure the best way to entice the borrowers. let's put some of those marketing experts in jail.

my reference to time spent in casinos for everyone who wants more spent on the so-called needy and government, why not give the money they spend gambling to those causes. why do all those who call for higher taxes, seem to have private foundations, so they can avoid paying taxes?

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Post by notes1 »

For a fiduciary to market an investment to a customer that the fiduciary knows is suboptimal -- never mind takes the short side of in its own accounts -- is very, very much illegal. The difficulty is trying to prove intent to defraud against the legal and financial resources of a Goldman or a Chase. The answer is regulation that makes such conduct illegal regardless of intent. If a VP machine is rigged to give a lower payout than the pay table indicates no one has to prove that the casino intended it to be that way. Cue "O Canada..."

every financial transaction, does not require fiduciary responsibility. there are experts on both sides of any transaction. no common folks were buying derivatives.

I will repeat, if a firm has the ability to offer shares in XYZ stock, and someone wants to buy that stock, it has no obligation to bet it's own money the same.

who has more money than the government to prosecute cases? they print it and borrow it at will. that is exactly the reason why sooo many companies have settled, paid a fine, because the cost of defending themselves is so expensive.

this administration has declared war on the financial industry. fine, but few have gone to jail, because they did nothing illegal.

in the meantime, the entire industry is one third smaller than it was. these were good paying jobs and those folks paid a lot of taxes to fund all those services you want.

you folks keep over-regulating every industry, suing every company into extinction, creating burdens on small businesses that can not afford to pay the costs and you will get your wish....everyone will have to work for the government....just like Greece. how did that work out?   

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Post by doris13 »

to the regulars in AC,just be aware that there is a possibility of a casino workers strike at most of the the boardwalk casinos next month.

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Post by notes1 »

to the regulars in AC,just be aware that there is a possibility of a casino workers strike at most of the the boardwalk casinos next month.

doris, good info, any particular reason given for strike? and, why would it be at only those on the boardwalk?

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Post by doris13 »

there was an article in my local paper friday.what i do know is that the casinos are not willing to give back all that the unions gave up when the casinos were in financial trouble a few years favorite doorman at caesars was absent friday morning cause he was in the meetings.the newspaper is,it was in the business section.if not fridays it was thursdays.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar why is it that you always accuse people of misinterpreting your posts when their opinion or outlook differs from yours?A better, far more relevant and valid question (WITH THE SAME AMOUNT OF HYPERBOLE) is this:   why is it you (Tedlark) have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING else to contribute, post, or "whatever"....... on this forum EXCEPT posts that wind up in threads I started, or in response to posts that I (DABURGLAR) posted??   seriously, why?     Anyway.......<Ahem>......"I  DABURGLAR DO NOT  ALWAYS ACCUSE PEOPLE OF 'MISINTERPRETING' MY POSTS WHEN THEIR OPINION OR OUTLOOK DIFFERS FROM MINE."      This is a baseless, exaggerated, completely false statement that has ZERO purpose other than to insinuate your (Tedlark's) continued fruitless hostility towards me ( DABURGLAR).In Notes1 case, he and myself have engaged in many spirited, heated yet usually mutually respectful debates in the past (the only exception being the recent one which I clearly CONCEDED that I ME MYSELF DABURGLAR  might have misconstrued or misinterpreted part of what he was conveying, when it looked like he was getting far more PERSONAL than is the norm.)   So What is it you really WANT Ted?   Why do you do this to yourself??     Apart from when you address me directly with these posts of yours, I do not think a whit about you understand?    I do not care what you do, or think or whatever......go with god and be happy, at peace, etc.   Just STOP tripping over yourself trying to get in these pointless, ridiculous, absurd jabs and potshots against me......when it comes to myself & this forum, you will NEVER succeed or achieve what you want  (which is what again exactly????? hmmmm?)))     uhnnnnn....reallllll......edited to add:Ted, were "gone" for a while; by  "GONE"   of course I mean you greatly curtailed your posting, except of course (lol) a precious few instances regarding ME (da Burglar).....that was impressive, it truly were able to sit on your STRONG powerful hands and keep yourself from doing more harm to you and the forum.   What's the problem now?Why are you unable to simply ignore me?  If you want to engage, and truly post relvant, purposeful stuff that's fine, please do so.....I'll respond in kind.......but that is NOT what you have done or continue to do (your post above is the latest example.)  People that know me personally, KNOW without any doubt, that I am nothing at all like the entity/person you continue to try and construct and define and goad and portray here on this forum.....just cease and desist.  STOP....find another cause.   It's not going to work ...... Whatever your plan or purpose or vision, long term or short, fleeting or focused, it will not come to pass.   For your sake, accept my offer(s) of mutual "ignoring"...or even benign neutrality......Hell, let us BE FRIENDS TED!!!?!!   WHY NOT!>!>!>    <Da Burglar SINGS>  It's not too late, we should be giving
Only with love can we climb
It's not too late, not while we're living
Let's put our hands out in timeThere's got to be a morning after
We're moving closer to the shore
I know, we'll be there by tomorrow
And we'll escape the darkness
We won't be searching anymore 

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Post by Tedlark »

Oh I'm sorry; DaBurglar, you were saying something?


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Post by DaBurglar »

let me remind you, Harvard had to be forced into spending some of their endowment.
Let's start with this one here.......WHAT ARE YOU REFERRING TO HERE EXACTLY?!??!?  I will once again assert that you and I are FAR MORE in agreement on certain issues than we are apart, and this probably is one of them.......!!!   There are many examples, and stories, and instances of Harvard (and other wealthy Private institutions all over the country) using their status as "institutions of higher learning" (i.e.  NON PROFIT!!!) to stockpile and hoard moolah while state schools and other insitutions must beg borrow and plead for crumbs from anyone they can find (starting with most BANKRUPT or severely cramped state budgets)!!!But I am serious, which particular incident or period (or person) in Harvard's complicated, checkered history are you talking about when you make this assertion?   Is it Larry Summers (the man who held the SHORTEST TENURE OF ANY HARVARD PRESIDENT IN ITS 380 year history)???   Larry Summers, in case anyone has forgotten, is the Republican's version (of course, not their only one)  of a typical "IVY LEAGUE" smug S.O.B. who infiltrates the US Government and proceeds to screw over the general public while using their IVY league status to lord it over and obscure/hide/conceal/bewilder the ignorant, uninformed public/voters????     Let me tell you, this HARVARD Graduate (me) is all too familiar with the absurdity of how Harvard (and Yale, and Princeton, and Stanford, etc etc) dispense the piles of money ($37 B....B....B.....BILLION in Harvard's case) they all sit upon.....These universities are essentially  HEDGE FUNDS attached to a school!  LOL....

why do you continue to avoid the subject of your chosen profession, MARKETING. you have found fault with lending institutions with enticing consumers with mortgages, but you will not address the marketing campaigns that entice people to spend money on sometimes worthless stuff. I will bet some of those banks you despise, had marketing folks figure the best way to entice the borrowers. let's put some of those marketing experts in jail.
Oh boy.....I'm not avoiding or ignoring anything is difficult (even you must know & concede this)  to have these VAST disparate arguments that engulf wide swaths of issues and topics, many of which overlap and intertwine, without having to pick and choose and select specific things to respond & address while putting off or ignoring altogether other parts of the whole picture......this is PARTIALLY related to what I am talking about, concerning how easy it is to MISINTERPRET or misunderstand what the other person is saying or doing, because many things get overlooked, ignored or delayed in the overall response!!!!    Quite often you or I (or whomever else is involved)  get called away, distracted, derailed, etc etc and things get missed or hang as a loose thread, unresolved......But here, in this specific case, you are totally off in your premise......        Notes1, "MARKETING"  is a generic term that encompasses a HUGE HUGE spectrum of different activity,  entities & companies, ideas, concepts, applications  etc etc     IT is way way beyond the relatively limited and specific (and focused) field of the so-called  "Financial Industry" (which admittedly is vast in itself in terms of who & what is included within it by specific companies and entities, and it branches out to include Commercial Banking & lending, Industrial, Investment, Commodity, the Insurance Industry etc etc)   But "Marketing" is far more abstract as well, which makes your argument and premise almost bunk.....ALMOST>>>  Let me explain.....You are focused on the fact that the Dishonesty and corruption and misinformation within the Financial Industry (all parts, lending, selling of investments, insuring) , which directly and conclusively precipitated and perpetuated, and accentuated the GREAT RECESSION of 2008 and made the subsequent recovery painful and slow and far more difficult, are  unfortunate things that are to be found in ALL industries and businesses that employ or engage in  MARKETING........My response to that is.......yeah, so>??!?!?!    The determination of whether or not someone needs .....NEEDS to buy something, whether its a toaster, or a loaf of bread or a Savings Bond or  Plot of Land.....or a PLOT OF LAND with a half-built house upon it, is solely in the mind and will of the BUYER.    MArketing ( and its half-sister "SALES or SELLING") is the activity by which someone attempts to convince the Buyer just mentioned  to make the decision to BUY......what can or cannot be said by the marketing/sales person to do this convincing is a area of WIDE latitude but there are indeed boundaries and limits to what can or cannot be said....these boundaries vary greatly from industry to industry and business to business, etc.   For obvious reasons. the financial industry is subject to its own very specific, and important, rules, regulations and boundaries particularly in the area of sales and marketing (but also accounting and operations and ethics and on and on...).    it was the relaxing of these regulations & rules and the blurring of these......"BOUNDARIES" within the financial industry (investment banking, commodities, commercial lending, mortgages....and the highly specialized forms and areas in Derivatives, many different types Securities of which mortgage backed/based were the most SPECULATIVE. etc)  that caused (and continue to cause) the dangerous situation to materialize.   Indeed that last word, SPECULATIVE (or speculation) is a big contributing factor to the whole mess that was the 2008 meltdown!   Your argument, or attempt, to somehow correlate the term or general activity of "Marketing" as straight up, LINEAR, equivalent case of wrongdoing to the banks and institutions who engaged in predatory (CLEARLY predatory) lending practices is totally disingenuous and false.     Seriously, I am not sure why ( or how)  you could possibly think that the way a Box is painted or printed to sell Brand Name, unhealthy, overpriced sugar laden cereal (i.e. "Marketing" via Packaging),  is the same "crime"  as a local bank's branch manager telling his/her's/it's  sales force to obscure the hidden costs or fine print details from everyday, working class people applying for mortgages, knowing full well that, in all likelihood, the person or couple applying for said mortgage will be unable to pay, or cope with the terms!    That is just one straightforward, simple example of what we are talking about here......And I do not "Despise" banks or lending institutions or what not!!!!     Good lord....I "despise" the Wrong doing and the perpetrators of the horrific financial fraud and destruction that happened during the Bush can YOU NOT!?!? my reference to time spent in casinos for everyone who wants more spent on the so-called needy and government, why not give the money they spend gambling to those causes. why do all those who call for higher taxes, seem to have private foundations, so they can avoid paying taxes?Oh man.....seriously???     Why do you make these bizarre, totally facetious exclamations in the midst of what I was taking to be a serious debate/discussion???If you ARE BEING 100% GENUINE AND SERIOUS IN MAKING THIS ASSERTION, AND WANT TO SEE THIS HAPPEN.......... and most important of all,  YOU are yourself also willing to undertake or participate in such extreme behavior, then please say so or acknowledge.  If there was a groundswell of support for such a movement or ideal, and government means and ability to enforce and oversee it,  I myself would happily jump  all over it!   I am serious, if a large segment of people of middle class and up (but especially the richest 5-10%) we in step to do this, I would fall in line immediately! But until or unless you answer and respond to my statements/queries lust writtens a few lines before this, I am going to chalk this latest statement up to the typical modern day cynical perverted version of conservatism that keeps being passed off by frustrated republicans!   Once again, on a gambling website, you essentially just classified gambling as a totally selfish, wasteful, pointless activity that diverts funds and resources away from needy, suffering people!    lol   way to go!    Great example of anti-Marketing!!!!

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Post by DaBurglar »

Oh I'm sorry; DaBurglar, you were saying something? we are back to this BS, where you just post LIES.....and other false crap, see what response you elicit, and then just stick your tongue out and go "neeener neener" while hiding behind your mommy's skirt (all figuratively speaking of course....)You REALLY REALLY have absolutely nothing else to contribute here huh???Why don't you just come to AC Ted?  Things are slightly better there now and are picking up with the summer =upon us, the possible strike mentioned by Doris not withstanding (of course I am sure the casinos have a backup plan!!!)    You'd no doubt enjoy yourself.....unless or until you finally met me in person.I'm not looking to goad you into anything......I'm actually interested in putting an end to this BS and conveying to you that I am a real human being;   I truly believe your continued antisocial, immature hostility is the result of the typical  "ABSTRACT"  conception that some people often make about other people when they engage  ONLINE, and they forget that there is an actual PERSON on the other end.I have no such illusion or conception with you, and have conveyed this many times and in many ways, offering you countless ways out and chances to just cease and desist and move on ..... finally meeting someone face to face tends to ultimately diffuse these  things once and for all.......

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