Colin Kaepernick

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Re: Colin Kaepernick

Post by jetermacaw »

who is denying him his rights, some are exercising their constitutional rights to call him a jerk, not buy his clothing and contact his sponsors. b/t/w, those are the same tactics that those on the left, including Jessie Jackson/rainbow coalition have mastered and used for years.

exercising one's rights have ramifications, I am guessing he is finding that out.

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Post by jetermacaw »

And just because I call him a POS because of the way he is exercising his constitutional rights, doesn't make me a racist.

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Post by notes1 »

And just because I call him a POS because of the way he is exercising his constitutional rights, doesn't make me a racist.

of course you are and so are the rest of us, who say anything that goes against the left's views. it is their 'go to' line.

racist, ****phobe, islamophobe, hate the poor the list is endless.

we have a black potus, multiple black AG's and yet the black population has done worse under this administration, than other groups. trillions have been spent on reducing poverty, laws have been passed given preference to minorities, yet as a group, blacks have fared worse than nearly every other racial group in this country. when does one take responsibility for their own failings, instead of blaming others.

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Post by Carcounter »

[QUOTE=Carcounter]When it comes to getting their "news" Colin Kaepernick is typical of many young people. Most do not even know that President Obama's DOJ has backed up the police version of what happened in Ferguson.Evidently, you aren't aware that the DOJ found the entire police department in Ferguson was an ongoing violation of its minority residents rights.[/QUOTE]

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Post by Carcounter »

Bill, Yes, I'm well aware of that. It was a typical "give back" to the community to soften the fact that officer Darren Wilson acted appropriately and the whole hands up don't shoot myth was exposed

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Post by notes1 »

just a question. why is it that a minority that has been in this country for hundreds of years, no matter the circumstances of their arrival, lags behind those who arrived here later. our country fought wars against germans, Italians, japanese yet they have excelled. more recently, more than 50000 americans died in Vietnam, yet Asians have now exceeded the living standards of whites. haven't heard of any old white men huddling together, trying to put them in their place. ridiculous.

when was the last time you heard of the citizens of koreatown, little Italy, Chinatown, robbing, burning, looting their own community.

it will not be long before Hispanics, due to their work ethic, will also excel.

americans may not always be so kind to every new group that comes here, but they do respect hard work, those who stay out of trouble and those who believe in making it on their own, without need of special assistance.

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Post by notes1 »

in Chicago, for the month of august, 90 people were murdered.

who is responsible?

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Post by notes1 »

according to the DAILY CALLER, 8/29/16, his girlfriend (maybe soon to be his wife) is a muslim, who has supported the Cuban regime of fidel castro. also read, she is a BLM activist and he has converted to islam.

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