A very important recreational conversation!

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: A very important recreational conversation!

Post by FAA »

Phil, that was such a snide, snarky comment that it should have had a recipient addressee attached. With my own troubles, I easily concluded that it was directed to me. There are so many members on any given thread that the conversation gets muddled half the time.
Having said that, your method is most likely to beat the casino. Have a perfectly good time playing small. Once an hour, go big with $20. If you don't get lucky, immediately revert to the usual low stress denomination. Just from a stress or health perspective, I can't take dollar anymore.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=FAA]Once an hour, go big with $20.[/quote]Strictly limit your dollar play to $20 an hour.  Set your cash out limit to $50.  If you don't get there, go back to playing quarters and wait until next hour.  If the counter goes over $50, you can play down to $50 and walk away a $30 winner.   If you hit a quad, straight flush or a royal, pocket the money and come back next hour.   The worse that can happen is you lose $20 an hour playing dollars. The best that can happen is wonderful as long as you don't feed it back into the machine.  Have the discipline to stick to this plan and you will be rewarded.  Good Luck!Note: For those of you who are poised on your keyboards ready to jump on my post, hold your fingers.  This strategy will not turn a negative VP game into a winner.   It is a money management strategy designed to help players who are tempted to play above their bankroll.   If you play negative VP games, there will always be a cost.  However, you do not have to clean out your wallet to enjoy VP.

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Post by FAA »

Okay. Wish I had logged on this morning. Another sorry dollar session ensued. Too much dreaming and still out of touch. I enjoyed my half hour of break even quarter. It felt like nirvana at the end. -$230 and -$250 on the day.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Try my money management strategy for a month. It most likely won't produce anything spectacular right away, but you never know.  It will let you play more hands with your money.   More hands equals more chances at a royal.     If you play DDB with your dollar play $20s, one day you will cash out a quad ace for $800 or $2K.   If you hit a royal for $4K, you owe me.   

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Post by FAA »

It's a deal. Desperate for money management after my continuing money mismanagement sessions. By the time I found religion, the damage was done. Live dollar play, but I'm perpetually roadkill.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

If you do, I think you will find you do better with your quarter play than your once an hour $20 dollar shots. You will hit a nice dollar quad or something better on occasion, but the number of quarter hands you play will be greatly increased.   More hands played is better than a few big hands in this game.   That royal is just around the corner.   It may be for $1,000, but the money spends just the same.

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Post by FAA »

Agreed. No more cowering in fear and dread after 5-10 minutes of play. I'm not exactly thrilled about a preponderance of quarters. But I must take the castor oil at this point. I need to actually be competitive. The quads went MIA yet again. When I attacked quarters today, I was engaged and hungry. My lungs felt better. That RF has possibly been stalled while I was playing truncated sessions and busting.

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Post by pokerpokerpoker »

Maybe go to the casino less often, but take more money when you do and play dollars.

But be carefull, should those honor cards of matching suits along with their buddy the 10 show up, you will be hooked. The music playing and the candlestick blazing while a proud stack of Bennies is piled into your paws is a great feeling. You walk away from the casino and you swear you hear trumpets playing. Your manhood feels 3 feet long. I am invisible. Once you get a taste of that Texas-gravy, quarter play becomes mundane.

Four thousand bucks, what a fortune, I could never give all this back. But you will, or might. Eventually, you are at the liquor store. Card declined?! WTH? Oh, yeah.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=pokerpokerpoker]Four thousand bucks, what a fortune, I could never give all this back.[/quote]4,000?  How about $20,000?  Been there done that.  The house edge is undefeatable no matter what denomination you play.   Once you get that in your head, you will enjoy the game as entertainment.  You will rid yourself of the pain of losing and you will sleep better at night.  Believe me, I know.   

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Post by FAA »

PPP post was tongue in cheek. But I'd go back to quarter after a dollar RF on my trips. That's if I bothered returning to AC at all. Bucket list indeed. My luck rhymes with bucket.

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