Move Rule

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Move Rule

Post by FloridaPhil »

billryan wrote:
Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:29 am
Anything that reduces play on negative games is a winning method.
I totally agree. I walk around the casino. The bigger the casino, the more I walk. Watching people can be as much fun as playing. Lots of bathroom breaks too. To slow myself down, I check my cards three times. I'm in no hurry to lose more.

I go to the casino to enjoy the experience. If that includes making a profit, all the better. I like moving. It's a fresh start each time. Sometimes things get better, often they don't.

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Post by FAA »

You got it. You know, if I'm bombing, why not stroll right into the HL room? Same denomination I've been bombing on at 1% lower pay tables. But I can just hit a FH and leave!

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Post by FloridaPhil »

If you are going to play video poker in today's casinos, you will most likely be playing negative games. Playing negative games requires a different mindset than playing for profit. One out of ten trips you will walk out happy. Nine out of ten times you will be a contributor at some level. Long term, you are going to pay to play.

My goal when I go to a casino is to walk out even. I don't always reach my goal. On at least half of my trips I do. Often this requires switching games or denominations. It also requires discipline, something I am not naturally blessed with. Walking out ahead will not make a negative game positive. It creates a temporary profit until you walk back in.

All the games I play are losers. For that reason, I do not expect to earn a long term profit. Despite what the odds indicate, it is always possible to win in the short term. This is what keeps players like me coming back.

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Post by wildman49 »

Played 42 machines yesterday, about normal. Sometimes more sometimes less. Only problem with playing on the weekends it's busy and harder to move as the day goes on. Much prefer weekday play.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

wildman49 wrote:
Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:44 am
Played 42 machines yesterday, about normal. Sometimes more sometimes less. Only problem with playing on the weekends it's busy and harder to move as the day goes on. Much prefer weekday play.
I never play on weekends or in the evening if I can avoid it. I much prefer to play Monday thru Thursday. Tomorrow I will be in Tampa all day. Before lunch I will have the casino to myself. Sitting at the same machine all day is boring, also costly. I'm with Bill on this. Anything that can reduce your time in front of or money going into a negative game is a good thing.

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Post by FAA »

No, you cannot/must not stay all day on one machine. You invariably catch the cold cycle within the hour. With discipline, I'd leave after a half hour if I'm even a few bucks behind. I could never do 42! But a goal of six machines at one casino is manageable. Three quarter, three dollar.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Years ago when I was concerned about being audited, I kept a tiny notebook with me at the casino. I recorded every machine serial number I played along with the playing time and results for that machine. When I moved around, it created a lot of entries. 42 machines in one day is a bunch. With the new tax law, I see no incentive for playing bigger than quarters. I still do on occasion just for a thrill. If they hand me a W2-G, I'll pay the taxes.

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Post by tech58 »

billryan wrote:
Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:29 am
tech58 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:09 pm
Would like to express my opinion on tattoos but not here. maybe take that to A&E.

However, on the subject of moving, does anyone out there consider the affect of frequent moving on your player rating and comps?
I have broached this subject before, with a resounding lack of interest bouncing back, and have been mystified by that.
Good pay-tables plus comps is what we look for right? Yet no interest in a factor affecting this formula.
There is a widely used computer program out there that penalizes frequent moves!!
My home casino uses this , yours probably does also. WHY NO INTEREST!!
Most casinos go by coin in, and if your card is in the machine, then it counts.
If it takes $1 to get a point, you are fine. If it takes $50 in and you walk after $30, you are screwed, but you probably aren't playing the comp sucking game anyway.
I fully endorse frequent moving. Anything that reduces play on negative games is a winning method.
Let me try again. I agree coin-in determines points and points per a certain time period determines card level. However, where i play, there are tier levels from 1-10 within each card level.
For example monthly free play for top card players can vary from $700 to $3500 per month based not only on points earned but also on average points per session! I would hardly consider it "comp sucking" to take this into consideration.
BTW move from bad-button machine after one hand=PENALTY! Move away from smokers or drunks after a few hands=PENALTY! Hit a Royal on third hand and pay-off person pulls your card to process hand-pay (hard to believe but) PENALTY! Not bitching about that last one,but on and on they go!
I did not pull this info. out of my ass but rather gleaned it from bitching sessions,with various hosts about comp reductions.
However i also, like several posters, move when i feel like and play or quit when i feel like it. But the dissing that i get for not playing the game their way pisses me off!
Wildman and i play at the same place and our comp play is the same (I think) but for playing 5X the points necessary to hold top card we are closer to tier 1 comps than to tier 10.

Wildman please weigh in if you please, any adjustments to my info would be appreciated.

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