Casino Survival

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Re: Casino Survival

Post by billryan »

So if someone gets infected at a nursing home and dies in the hospital, you want it recorded that they died at the nursing home.
Okay, so if someone gets sick by attending a trump rally and dies in a hospital, where do you want it recorded?

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Post by notes1 »

-the chinese send the virus around the world
-trump signs directive stopping planes coming from china to usa
-cuomo signs directive ordering sick covid patients to be housed with healthy ones

trump's directive saves the lives of thousands, cuomo's directive, kills thousands

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Post by OTABILL »

Please tell me what nursing home deaths vs hospital deaths have to do with Casino Survival? Didn't realize nursing home resident's patronage was critical for the survival of casinos.

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

OTABILL wrote:
Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:03 pm
Please tell me what nursing home deaths vs hospital deaths have to do with Casino Survival? Didn't realize nursing home resident's patronage was critical for the survival of casinos.
THank you, I don't understand what's going on here. Why is notes1 allowed to completely derail and pollute any thread he perceives as a threat to his ridiculous, false conservative issues? This is beyond stupid. His arguments are completely dishonest and made up, and they're tinged with hatred. I wanted to discuss what's happening, and what's going to happen to the very industry that we all (presumably) come to this website to discuss and share about. Has Notes1 even made a single gambling, casino or video poker related post ever??

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

notes1 wrote:
Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:37 pm
-the chinese send the virus around the world
-trump signs directive stopping planes coming from china to usa
-cuomo signs directive ordering sick covid patients to be housed with healthy ones

trump's directive saves the lives of thousands, cuomo's directive, kills thousands
100% false totally illogical arguments and points

The Chinese did not, would not, will not engage in what you are accusing them of, that would essentially be "Germ or Biological warfare". Didn't happen. As I said in a previous post, you know nothing about viruses and biology and how it all works on this planet earth; like most Trump supporters and modern day "Conservatives" you are Anti-science, you don't believe in global warming (which might have helped contribute to Covid19's rise) and you refuse to accept or even learn how this virus came to be and cause this pandemic. Just stop with this embarrassing ignorance, you never ever will deflect the gross mismanagement and incompetence of your president in managing this pandemic.

Here's a dose of your own.....try to answer ANY of these ---

1) WHy won't Trump just release his tax returns? Why does he have a massive team of lawyers solely devoted to making sure his tax returns are never released? EVERY president, republican or democrat, before Trump willingly released their tax returns. I could stop right there because I know you have no response to this, but I wont because you wouldn't (and didn't stop)

2) Why has there been such constant turmoil and turnover in Trump's administration?
2a) WHy does Trump just LIE and make stuff up on the fly?

3) Why is Trump so steadfast and stubbornly refusing to remove the names of COnfederate Generals from military bases, especially when even now MOST conservatives, and members of the military want this to be done? Confederates = Racist Traitors Why would the President of the USA passionately defend racist Traitors? Good luck answering that one. Sidenote: Not only are Confederates traitors who fought for slavery and white racist supremacy, but....they LOST on top of it! Why would Trump support LOSERS!!?? FOrt Bragg named after Confederate General Braxton Bragg Fort Hood named after General John Bell Hood These two generals, Bragg and Hood, were horrible, Terrible commanders. Awful, dreadful decisions they made that not only lost the war for the Confederacy but resulted in such needless slaughter and suffering for their own troops. Why on earth is Trump defending them?

4) Trump has been golfing over 280 times since he took office, mostly flying down to Florida every weekend at taxpayer expense so he can 'relax' at his own golf club. One of his petty, vindictive barbs he hurled against Barack Obama was Obama golfed too much. It's not even close, Trump is a lazy no work all tweet golfing loafer. It's so pathetic.

4a) How do you still justify him standing in front of a Christian church holding a upside down and backwards Bible awkwardly for the cameras, when this is a guy who never ever says anything kind, upbuilding or uplifting, never forgives, never admits he's wrong, who has been married three times opting to trade in each wife when she got too old or boring for a younger prettier model and yet still had numerous affairs including one with a disgusting porn star who he paid off. Republicans claim to be the party of God and the religious right....what do you think the God of the Bible thinks of Donald Trump?

5) Trump promised and promised and promised to get rid of Obamacare and replace with "The Most amazingly amazing healthiest health care for all americans in america, which will be great again once we get rid of Obamacare and have Amazing healthcare, just the best...." Just despicable this guy even opens his mouth and lies about something as vital as healthcare that for all people.....he doesn't give one rats arse for anyone except himself. Again, good luck trying to answer that one Notes1.

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Post by notes1 »

i'll move my rebuttal to 'why vote for biden'.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Come on notes. Your rebuttal to AR's questions over at 'why vote for Biden' was weak and not truthful at all. Answer his questions. Quit trying to deflect and make stuff up. He asked you five simple questions and in order to have any credibility you need to answer these questions.

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Post by billryan »

You people are invading onenotes safe space and ruinig this forums reputation as a fact free zone.
You are officially on his list.

Antebellum Reb
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Post by Antebellum Reb »

seemoreroyals wrote:
Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:02 am
Come on notes. Your rebuttal to AR's questions over at 'why vote for Biden' was weak and not truthful at all. Answer his questions. Quit trying to deflect and make stuff up. He asked you five simple questions and in order to have any credibility you need to answer these questions.

Don't sweat it Seemoreroyals . I fully expected the non-answers he gave, besides I could care less what his answers actually are (I have no illusions about ever influencing and convincing someone like Notes1 of anything, so the questions themselves are essentially rhetorical, and I was just answering his intensely partisan pointlessly hostile set of questions by sending them back at him.....he (and most of Trump's so called "base") is just a frustrated, non-empathetic individual. He is unable to perceive or understand what other people might think, believe or desire. Much like Trump himself and modern day versions of republicans, there is no genuine concern or good will towards anyone who doesn't think or agree exactly like he thinks. It's quite pathetic.

But let me clarify just so you know where I am coming from.....I am not a Democrat and I am certainly not Liberal. I was born and raised a Reagan Republican, and I was right of center in my general views back when I was politically active. I was and still am Pro-life and I don't have any issues with gun ownership unless the person is a convicted felon or has diagnosed mental disorders. I don't like, and never have voted, Democrat, and never will. I just completely and categorically reject the things Trump says and does and represents. It's ugly and immoral what has happened to the Republicans under Trump (truthfully, this current nightmare really began back in 2008 when John McCain, who I generally admire and respect, selected Sarah "Mama Grizzly in Lipstick" Palin. She legitimized the type of hostile ignorance and racist angst that saturates Modern Republican platforms.)

Now, the standard response to what I just typed is for Notes1 and others to start rattling off total misleading characterizations of all the things that the so-called "Left" or "Dems" do or don't do, like these "riots" or BLM protests causing "widespread anarchy and chaos". They always counter and justify all the putrid faults and traits of Trump's Republican Party by essentially saying "well the Democrats do it tooooo..." or by presenting the Trump & Republicans as the lesser of all evils. That's it.

There is very little "good will" remaining in the world and in society and politics in general....there used to at least be a basic decency and rules that even the most partisan people followed. That is all gone and we are left with Trump and his brand of bankrupt (literally and figuratively) leadership.

Here's one small yet common example of what I mean concerning how dishonest, ignorant, and just plain wrong Trump and his followers like notes1 are:

When someone asks me "Do you support the building of a Wall along Mexico's Border?" I always reply, "No I do not. I think its a terrible ideal and will not work and will waste Billions of dollars and resources that are better spent elsewhere." The very next thing the Trump(ettes) will exclaim is "Oh! SEE!!! Then You support Open Borders to just let anyone and everyone come into the USA!"

Do you see the glaring dishonesty and problem with the above statements? It is almost surreal; No Where do I say I support '"Open borders or allowing anyone to just waltz into the country." I simply don't think a massive border wall is the right solution. But It shows that if you do not AGREE with exactly what they think they automatically distort & debase every thing you say.

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Post by billryan »

Braxton Bragg may have done more to ensure the Federals won the civil war than anyone except Lincoln and Grant.
John Bell Hood was one of the best Brigade and Divisional leaders in the war. It was only when he was made the overall commander that his faults came to the surface.
Hoods actions at Franklin where he needlessly sacrificed his army because he thought he could bend the truth of the situation by sheer willpower remind me of someone who posts here.
As the late, great, Daniel Patrick Moynihan said. "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts".

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