Tedlark and DaBurglar, your challenge...

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Re: Tedlark and DaBurglar, your challenge...

Post by DaBurglar »

So someone tell me how this is going to work?   HOw do we do this exactly?

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Post by edog743 »

I believe it is 250 hands of single line game king. Also it will be set to go any time after 9 A.M. monday. Scores will be unknown until both participants play all 250 hands. Hence no advantage for the person who is done last.

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Post by edog743 »

If you do not participate you will be probably subjected to more ridicule than you are now.

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Post by DaBurglar »

If you do not participate you will be probably subjected to more ridicule than you are now.lol  no kidding and thanks for answering my question earlier so quickly......as I am not afraid to admit, and as I posted in another thread, I have not participated in these challenges before.   other thread>>>> http://forum.videopoker.com/forum/forum ... ?TID=8073I think we need a time limit on this don't we?   Like each person must complete their 250 hands by such and such a date????     As I pointed out earlier, i will be gone from Monday thru Saturday (03/7  thru 03/13), and then the last week of march as well, so I think we should agree that this gets done obviously by the end of the month of march, that way the month long hiatus of the low scoring player starts conveniently April 1......

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Post by edog743 »

Challenges are easy hold the AWAK and all dealt royal flushes

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Post by doris13 »

someone please tell this person who claims to have 2 harvard degrees what "we're done" means.apparently they never taught him that.

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Post by DaBurglar »

someone please tell this person who claims to have 2 harvard degrees what "we're done" means.apparently they never taught him that.(pssst, Doris, you need to spell Harvard with a uppercase "H"  )  Well it works this way Doris......when someone says "we're", they are implying a plurality of at least two people (hence the root of "we're"  is "WE").....but in fact YOU (doris) are not speaking for a plurality, but rather a SINGULARITY (yourself only.)     There is no "we", because I do not recognize your authority to speak for me....Ergo, when you say "we're done" I do not agree.......I reply. "You may be done, Doris, but I myself am not done."      Ok?   Great, glad we cleared that up....Now, why on earth would you bring up (yet again) the fact that I am a graduate of Harvard?   Don't you know everyone here is sick and tired of hearing about that, and with me demonstrating over and over why it is recognized as the best school in the world, with parents and young adults practically killing each other competing trying to get in?   Why would you remind everyone here of all this?   I bet they are mad at you now......especially since I need to now clarify yet another mistake you made:   I do not have 2 degrees, I have a single degree with two majors (or as Harvard calls it, "areas of concentration" , Economics and Government.)    Glad I could clear that up for you though......Now, would you like to get together for a drink or some pretzels when I am in AC next week?   My treat.......

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Post by kennybobby »

and you wonder why the masses would like to....naw---no need.

(btw, pretty sure there's maybe 1 or 10,000 other things that far surpass what "everyone here is sick and tired of hearing about...")

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Post by Tedlark »

Between making conditions, adding stipulations and caveats, seeking time frames and parameters; it is apparent to me that my opponent is trying to find a way to keep from losing his precious posting rights on this forum. Even for a relatively short, 30 day, period.

When I first joined this site, I joined to play video poker and improve my skills. The forum was an afterthought and secondary to me. I have come to see that I have been in a living definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. This is evidenced through forum interactions with my opponent over the last few years.

In order to help my opponent keep face I have decided to take a self-imposed sabbatical from the forum. This way he can keep his virtue and save face here. I may occasionally wish those of my friends here good luck and congratulations; I will do this without seeking verified proof of their winnings; taking them for their word.

I am, and because I just renewed for another year of GOLD, able to send pm's to anyone who is interested.

To my friends and supporters here I give you a heartfelt THANK YOU.


Video Poker Master
Posts: 4535
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Post by DaBurglar »

Between making conditions, adding stipulations and caveats, seeking time frames and parameters; it is apparent to me that my opponent is trying to find a way to keep from losing his precious posting rights on this forum. Even for a relatively short, 30 day, period.

When I first joined this site, I joined to play video poker and improve my skills. The forum was an afterthought and secondary to me. I have come to see that I have been in a living definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. This is evidenced through forum interactions with my opponent over the last few years.

In order to help my opponent keep face I have decided to take a self-imposed sabbatical from the forum. This way he can keep his virtue and save face here. I may occasionally wish those of my friends here good luck and congratulations; I will do this without seeking verified proof of their winnings; taking them for their word.

I am, and because I just renewed for another year of GOLD, able to send pm's to anyone who is interested.

To my friends and supporters here I give you a heartfelt THANK YOU.

TedYesssss!      Phew.......ok everyone, no need for this stupid challenge afterall......Ted is going to stop harassing me and take a self-sabbatical (with hopefully some intense self-examination), and i get to keep driving this forum into the ground and telling everyone all about my glory days, and how smart I am compared to the rest of the forum, and all about how putrid AC video poker is and yet how I still love AC anyway......!   I'll throw out a bone though...I will cease ...."DEMANDING" .... proof of everyone's wins via pictures and sworn affidavits and tax returns, and anything else people want to accuse me of demanding.    Although I would like someone to come forward with an actual post where I did indeed......DEMAND.....proof (besides Tedlark that is)Life is good again!  it all worked out.......While you are gone Ted, why don't you look into getting your computer fixed, we are all still waiting on those pics from your last trip....or was it second to last......sadly I do not have a file to consult on you.

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