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Post by notes1 »

if a physician or an attorney were offering their opinion on some subject outside of the profession for which they were trained, I would not automatically give them any more weight than someone else.

if I need advice on how to market the latest dish soap to the masses, will be sure to contact you. but, outside of that, your level of education and the source of that education lend no additional credibility to the wide array of topics, for which you feel you are an expert in.

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Post by DaBurglar »

if a physician or an attorney were offering their opinion on some subject outside of the profession for which they were trained, I would not automatically give them any more weight than someone else.

if I need advice on how to market the latest dish soap to the masses, will be sure to contact you. but, outside of that, your level of education and the source of that education lend no additional credibility to the wide array of topics, for which you feel you are an expert in.

I never said that, never meant it, etc.    I believe this to be your own insecurity or myopia at work.........only a moron thinks they have "All the answers"  or that "they are always right."   I'd be "more ok" with you calling me a moron than this continued misinterpretation and warping things into false (or "non") issues.seriously, where in my previous Doctor/lawyer analogy did I imply that I was speaking of anything other than their expertise?    Unreal......yeah, I am really going to take my doctor's investment advice as gospel because he cleared up my infection so nicely......I asked about your "background" precisely because of posts like this.....take your snide, sarcastic dish soap barb and go shopping.     I did major in both economics and government, and yes, i did go to arguably the BEST school in the world so my opinion ON these matters, while NOT absolute or foolproof, does carry more weight than most.Too bad if that bothers you

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Post by billryan »

I now live in Vegas but retained my NY cell phone, so I often get these calls from "Microsoft" at 7AM, as the callers don't realize I'm three hours behind them.

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Post by FAA »

Rise and shine! They just want you to beat the heat. 

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Post by OTABILL »

Looks like some of these guys got busted.

Indian call center employees posing as the IRS may have bilked Americans out of millions

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Post by Vman96 »

Looks like some of these guys got busted.

Indian call center employees posing as the IRS may have bilked Americans out of millions

"These are the people who bring a bad name to India's IT industry and it is very important to weed them out," Singh said.

Their IT industry doesn't have a bad name already?

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Post by Bobbi »

Sometimes I am "in the mood" to play with these people. Once I told them I was following along with their instructions until the end when I told them "Do you think I am an idiot?". Once I told them I needed to get a pencil and a piece of paper and left them on hold for ever. Once I told them that I needed their billing address because the number they are calling is billable. That one scared them and they hung up.

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