The Hardest Part of VP

Discuss proper hold strategies and "advantage play" and ask questions about how to improve your play.
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Re: The Hardest Part of VP

Post by Raner »

You got it going in the right direction Phil, All you need is four more sets of Deuces and you will be in the black...

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Post by FAA »

Congratulations! Too bad only 40% of that mini jackpot was profit. 60% soaked up the prior loss. But a profit is a profit, and $200 is nothing to sneeze at.  

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=Raner]You got it going in the right direction Phil, All you need is four more sets of Deuces and you will be in the black...[/quote]I got three for $500 each in one day a few weeks ago, so it's not too bad.  What I need is a royal.  Haven't had one since last Christmas week.  

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Post by Raner »

What I need is a royal.  Haven't had one since last Christmas week.  

What the heck is the holdup, Get your lucky shorts on and
get to work...
When I typed "Get to work" it made me laugh...
My wife always tells me when I'm playing video poker at the casino that I treat it like a job. She tells me that it looks to her like it's the battle of the Wills. Which will prevail today. The casinos will or yours...   

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I hate to tell you Phil, to bring on the pot shots again, but remember in the summer the huge pot shot hits I had. Those lasted me months. Of course I am way behind the 8 ball again, but they were a big help. Just don't get on one of my 600k no royal streaks. You can't recover from those unless you are playing DDS and get dealt deuces which I did several times last year. Those bailed me out from the no royals since they pay the same as a Royal on the DDS deuces wild game.
     I can't help another quick car story that only the die hard car guys will appreciate. In 1984, I bought a beautiful Ruset with white vinyl roof 78 T Bird from a Porsche dealership. It only had 40k on it. Not long after, I started blowing black smoke and my dual cats started glowing cherry red. I took an educated guess that it was the power valve on the carb and I was right. I had the carb off in the warm spring sun on a blanket outside and was rebuilding it with a new kit when the neighbor's cat wandered over to lie on the blanket in the sun too. Unfortunately, she also saw the little elastomer valve, grabbed it and took off it and did't come back. I was screwed. The Mrs. came out on her way to go shopping and I had to send her out to get me another carb kit. She was not a happy camper and as punishment I had to take her out to dinner that night. That was OK, but the 6 buck carb kit ended up costing me about 80 bucks for dinner. At least I got the bird up and running great again. Kept that car for years and it never gave me any other trouble. Sold it privately and got most of my money back unlike vp.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I've actually given up on pot shots.  I know it sounds crazy, but mine are limited to a little max coin dollar play once in a while.   Pot shots are definitely exciting when they work.   In large quantities, they are big losers.  I'm concentrating on a more structured approach staying at a higher denomination all the time.  It's still a roller coaster ride, but I think I will be better off in the long run.  I do fine on my one day trips.  I can't lose more than I take with me and I don't seem to have too much trouble managing my money.  Where I run into trouble is on my multi day trips.  Unless I hit a royal, they all seem to be big losers and I haven't seen a royal since last fall.  I usually hit one about every 3-4 months, so I'm due.   On April 23rd we're flying out to Denver for a week of VP.   I need to work on my discipline, keep from going on tilt and stay on track when I get behind.  It's a struggle.  I think where I get in trouble is by placing too much emphasis on the odds.  I overthink the game and it goes something like this. "If the game is negative and I'm going to lose anyway, I have to do something different to overcome the negative odds".  The truth is there is so much luck involved in these games that the odds are not the all determining factor we have been lead to believe.   Don't get me wrong, playing the best games is definitely an advantage, but it does in no way guarantee you will win long term.   Slow and steady is where I'm at these days.  We'll see how this works out.

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Post by paco13 »

So, today I decided to stick with BP since I had a limited BR. Still Busted but lasted 2.5hrs. I'm sure It would have been gone in a half an hour had I been playing my usual DDB or TDB. Since Raner mentioned BP I decided I am going to make it my main game. It is what I started with in the beginning. I became bored with it but I think it is time to return. Much less anxiety.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Paco,  I'm trying to limit my sessions to no more than 2 hours each and to slow my play to 500 hands an hour.   A $300 bankroll will usually last me through at least 2 hours of DW 50 cent play.   Sitting at the machine longer than that and errors and dumb mistakes seem to creep in.  Losing $300 doesn't bother me.  Losing $2K on a long bad day is ridiculous.  I've been looking for a non VP cheap casino time killing alternative for a long time.  Penny slots definitely aren't it for me.  It seems I can lose more money on them than playing VP.    Maybe I'll start playing the change machines?  

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Post by Raner »

Maybe I'll start playing the change machines?

If you do, You will never have a bad day at the casino
for the rest of your life... That my friend is saying a ton, For people like us that like to gamble...

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Post by paco13 »

I probably should give DW a shot. I think I've only played it 1 or 2 times in my life. I see a lot of people playing it and you and a few others on here seem to do ok with it. Don't know why, just never was drawn to it.

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