Nice Article Of VP Strategy And How It Works!

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Re: Nice Article Of VP Strategy And How It Works!

Post by billryan »

OK, lets try another one. Same scenario different day.  You walk into the casino with your second $100.  You play max coin quarters and again you never hit a quad and you're busted in 40 minutes.  This time you hit the ATM for another hundred and again you don't hit a quad.  Finally, you do this a third time and now you're down $300 for the day when you slink off and go home.At the end of the day I'm still playing single coin because I can play 5 times longer with the same money.Anyone who thinks the first option is better would probably think renting an apartment is better than owning an investment.  Brilliant!!

    Here is one for you Mr Fa La La La La.... La la la la.
It's May of 2016. Should you pull $250,000 out of your stock account to pay for a house or leave it in and rent ?
I look over my portfolio and see that to raise $250,000 I need to sell 6,000 shares of ATT.
6,000 shares of ATT gives me just under $12,000 a year income($1.99 a share in 2016).
$12,000 pays for a years rent, most of my utilities and I have future growth in the stock.
Or I can sell the stock, buy a house, pay all the expenses associated with it, and miss out on the huge market run that you were earlier bragging about.
As more than half the homes in Las Vegas are underwater, most people's investment in their homes haven't paid off. I wish this was NY where my house we paid $32,000 for sold for $415,000 or where my $23,000
co-op sold for over $200,000. But it's Vegas, where the market isn't close to having fully recovered from 2007.
Both my accountant and my Certified Financial Advisor told me to forego a home purchase, that it simply doesn't make sense. But you, Phil Fa La La La La.... La la la la, know best.
So share your vast knowledge with us.
Without being able to get a mortgage, and in a city where most houses haven't appreciated in a decade, why does Phil Fa La La La La.... La la la la advocate buying a house? Its not an investment. It's not a tax deduction, so what is the advantage?

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Post by TheGhostOfPoker »

Bill I would just let it go. The casinos need ploppies to sustain the payouts for the rest of us. If someone doesn't believe the basic math of VP that's their problem. And there is a wealth of information on how to play VP with perfect strategy available for free (and for money) so its not like someone has to rely on the forum post of one person to be able to figure that out if they want to.

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Post by New2vp »

Good luck Bill, I know you never needed my help in this thread.  I have to get back to work tomorrow, so I won't be checking for the next bit of wisdom from your antagonist.  I fully realize that if there is anything valuable that will be said, I will bear the risk of not being able to incorporate that towards my video poker strategy ... or life in general.I think I'll just have to accept that fate! 

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Post by Onenickelmiracl »


I have seen a lot of complete rudeness directed towards Bill Ryan. Please give some warnings out.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=onenickelmiracl]I have seen a lot of complete rudeness directed towards Bill Ryan.[/quote]Bill Ryan instigates these back and forth confrontations, I don't.  People like Bill run off more forum members than any discussion of single
coin play.  As soon as someone makes a statement he doesn't agree with, he's perched on his
keyboard ready to call them fools or losers.  When someone gives him back a little of his own medicine he doubles down on the insults accelerating the confrontation.  If you don't like being insulted, don't insult other forum members.  Of course I believe in VP math and I don't believe single coin pays better than max coins.  People like Bill should understand that not everyone plays VP for the same reason.   Playing single coin allows a player to play longer with the same money.  What could possibly be wrong with that?  Being a hard ass and shooting off criticisms of players just because they don't play according to the book is ridiculous.  You real estate Gurus need a lesson.   This is coming from someone who has bought and sold over 150 million dollars in real estate in the last 10 years.  Real estate is like any investment, timing is everything.  There are bargains in every market.   If you were stupid enough to refinance all the equity out of your home, then quit making the payments when you were underwater, you deserve what you got.   Bad things happen to good people, but some folks just ask for trouble.  Owning a home is the best single investment anyone can make.  It's not an ATM.  The Interest is tax deductible and you don't pay taxes on the appreciation when you sell it.  What other investment does this?  None.  The only way to get ahead in America is to invest.  Working a job will pay the bills, but it will never make you wealthy.  The same people who don't want to own a home probably got out of the stock market in 2009.  Video poker is a kids game that you can bet money on, not the most important thing in the world.  How someone plays with their own money is their business.  I don't care if you buy a house or rent.  I don't care if you invest in chicken beaks or throw your money away gambling.  What I care about is stopping this crazy VP "strategy police" circus.  If someone asks a serious question, give them your answer.  There is no need to make them feel inferior just because they don't think like you do.  No one is arguing against the math, they are arguing against your intrusion into their own personal decisions.

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Post by ukaserex »

The "strategy police" should get this better than anyone, but they are too busy calculating instead of enjoying the game for what it is... Recreation.

I think I have to disagree here. For me, VP is about making a few extra dollars. Nothing more. It's no more fun than having a nice meal. You might enjoy it, but later, you might need some antacid. You just never know.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

We have a lot of different player motivations on this forum.  For me VP is just another enjoyable way to spend a day.  I hate losing money and I like to play a lot of hands, so I play very conservatively.   My wife likes to play only on vacation, which we try to take at least once every other month.  She also likes to get royals, so she goes for them over the math often.  Both of us like to win, but that's not our total motivation.  Neither of us expects to win, but we occasionally do. I can see how someone can go overboard on the strategy thing, especially if you are new to the game or obsessed with VP math.  Many of us have been playing for a very long time and we are over trying to force the rules on someone else.  It's so boring and besides players will play however they want anyway.   Tilting at VP windmills is upsetting and a total waste of time.  Lots of forum members would like to talk about their own strategies, but they are afraid of the repercussions.  This is sad.  Sharing our theories and experiences is part of the fun.  All that needs to be done is for players to identify what they are trying to do and for the self appointed "monitors" to give them a little space.  If your goal is to play longer, say so.  If you goal is to make money, that's OK too.   At least we know where you are coming from and how to answer your questions.  If you are going to pick a fight with everyone you don't agree with, you are going to be pretty unhappy.  Open your mind to other players way of seeing things.  You don't have to agree, but at least you won't be in constant combat.

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Post by alpax »

This is coming from someone who has bought and sold over 150 million dollars in real estate in the last 10 years.  Real estate is like any investment, timing is everything.  There are bargains in every market.   If you were stupid enough to refinance all the equity out of your home, then quit making the payments when you were underwater, you deserve what you got.   Bad things happen to good people, but some folks just ask for trouble.  Owning a home is the best single investment anyone can make.  It's not an ATM.  The Interest is tax deductible and you don't pay taxes on the appreciation when you sell it.  What other investment does this?  None.  The only way to get ahead in America is to invest.  Working a job will pay the bills, but it will never make you wealthy.  The same people who don't want to own a home probably got out of the stock market in 2009. 

No disputes here about the American Dream of home ownership. The commission alone from the sales should be in the millions of dollars, which is what most people cannot achieve in their lifetime. Never made any sense that you say you lose sleep over losing on DDB.

Video poker is a kids game that you can bet money on, not the most important thing in the world.

I do not agree with that assessment. Video Poker is a casino game that requires people to be 21 years of age (18 in some casinos) in order to play. That is hardly a kid's age. It is a responsible adult age (21) compared to 16 or 18 which is an adult depending on state.

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Post by billryan »

I'm still waiting for him to explain how buying a house in a market where the majority of homes are worth less than they were a decade ago is somehow a good investment.
You'd think a guy who made millions off real estate would have some sort of knowledge to share with us.
The best single investment one can make? I think my friend who bought an Action #1 for $125,000 and sold it for 2.7 million might disagree. Or Chuck Rozinski who paid $2,000 for a comic collection that launched his multi-million dollar empire. How about the people who bought Tesla at $14 a share on its IPO? Their $14,000 investment is worth $2.5 million today, less than ten years later.
I did quite well selling my property. But its far from the best investment I ever made. Renting now is the right move for me.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=alpax]Never made any sense that you say you lose sleep over losing on DDB.[/quote]This is a fair statement and one that I have asked myself many times. There is something about losing money that shakes me to the core.  A big part of VP is losing, so why do I torture myself?  It's kind of like the joke about the guy who keeps hitting himself in the head with a hammer.  Someone asks him why he is doing it and he says "It feels so good when I stop!"Seriously, when I was working full time, I was a very motivated person.  I wanted to be the best at everything I did and losing money was never acceptable.  We still own a number of businesses currently operated by members of our family, but I I'm pretty laid back these days.  I can hit four aces for $200 one minute and if I lose $50 the next I'm very upset with myself.  This causes me to hoard my winnings like a squirrel packs away acorns.  I recently moved to 50 cent play.  As I expected this doubled my loses.  I could spend $2,000 on a new fishing reel and be fine with it.  To lose $2,000 playing VP is a disaster.  I probably shouldn't be gambling at all because losing upsets me so much.  The good news is my distaste for losing money keeps me from having a gambling problem.The idea that someone would profit from teaching people they can win at VP infuriates me.  The facts are 99% of those players are going to lose and I worry about someone hurting their family or themselves attempting to pull this off.   If one or two actually make money, does that undo the harm to the others?  I think not.   Some members of this forum have told me they think it's fine to profit from the bad luck of other players.  I have a problem with that much callousness and won't be overcoming it any time soon. 

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