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Re: millennials/money/adulthood

Post by FloridaPhil »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:59 pm
OK Phil, I’m going to get off track here for just a moment . That new Mustang you bought must’ve been a 68 or 69. Did you leave it stock or hop it up over time. Just curious based on our history of posting about cars . By the way are there any millennials out there that like 50s and 60s cars and hot rods?
It was actually a left over 67. I paid "3,000 for it new. I did hop it up some. Bought a 1969 428 Cobra Jet Torino three years later.

For you young guys that think you have it tough today, I left home at 18. My first real job was in the mail room of a bank making $225 a month. I got a $1 bonus for each trip I made to the post office. I had a newspaper route in the morning before I went to work at my day job. I had 300 customers. Rain or shine, I started folding papers at 2 AM so I could make my day job at 8:30 AM. After work, I collected money for the newspapers in the evening. Our first house mortgage was 6%. I kept moving around until I found someone who would give me a future. I eventually started my own small business. In 1969, I was making $10,000 a year, pretty good money back then.

I'm not telling you this to make myself feel good. I'm telling you so you know that anyone can do what I did. Opportunities are everywhere, all you have to do is be willing to work. One of my earliest clients was Wayne Huizenga. He started a little company called Waste Management. When I met him he had a couple of garbage trucks. Google him and you will learn more. I asked him once if he started out to make a lot of money. He told me NO, he just wanted to be the best at what he did. He gave me this secret to his success. "Do what no one else wants to do and do more of it than anyone else."

Attitude is everything. If you believe in yourself, you will do well. No one told me I couldn't do anything I wanted to accomplish. I wasn't the smartest kid in school. My family was not rich. I found something I liked and I kept doing it. Pleasing my customers was more important than making money. When an opportunity came, I took it. I wasn't afraid to fail. I stumbled a few times, but I picked myself up and went on. I like spending money. To afford the things I wanted, I worked harder than the next guy.

My story is not some fairly tail or get rich scheme. It took me 72 years to get this far. You can do this. All it takes is the right attitude, hard work and determination. Get out from under your mother's skirts. Be a man. Start a family and become a productive member of society. When you are old and your grand kids ask you what you did, you can tell them and be proud. There is nothing wrong with having a temporary setback, just don't get stuck there.

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Post by notes1 »

every year, millions of people buy tickets to watch their favorite sports team play. the majority of those teams will end up with a lousy long term record and never win the big one. maybe, the team does not have a good coach, a terrific quarterback, a pitcher no one can hit or whatever. but, fans keep buying tickets. the fans just love the game, and hold out a smidgen of hope that someday, their team will win it all. in the meantime, those fans keep spending money on a losing proposition and do their fair share of complaining.. of course, they could all switch their allegiance to another team, spend money to travel to that new venue, but they don't.

sounds a lot like many video poker players, who play mathematically inferior machines. the love the game, spend THEIR own entertainment money, know they are most likely going to lose and yeah...they complain.

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Post by SlatRGatr »

tech58 wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:59 am
ASSISTANCE!!, ASSISTANCE!! ASSISTANCE!! What happened to the characteristics that created this country, INDEPENDENCE!! , HARD WORK!!, SELF RELIANCE!!, RISK TAKING!! ETC!!
Too bad that there are many people like SRG in the gene pool.
It gets worse! Not only do the hardworking tax payers get to pay for this abomination, we are not even supposed to call the dole/welfare what it is. All the elements of this transfer of wealth are given warm and fuzzy names to avoid offending or demeaning the recipients.
The resulting welfare culture has not only created a permanent under-class,it has created a huge bureaucracy at both the federal and state level that consists of literally millions of high paying jobs that depend on maintaining that under-class,not on helping them off the dole!!
Wait, hold up guys. Look at your words. Do you not realize the only people acting angry here are you guys? Really, go back and look.

"Too bad that there are many people like SRG in the gene pool."
Man, what did I ever do to you? I live at home with my parents and now you basically say you wish I was dead or never born? What is wrong with you? It's great your parents gave you a good work ethic. Did they also teach you to treat people like dirt?

I have nothing but respect for your generation. You had it HARD in a LOT of ways. You worked hard, you earned a living. You made it through a lot of tough times. That's awesome!

All I'm saying is that things are more expensive now. THAT"S IT! That adds some financial challenges. It's not my opinion, it's just a fact. So we have to make some different choices with the situation we've been given. One of those choices can be to live at home a little longer. I don't see why that makes you come after me.

Thought you guys might appreciate hearing from someone who is actually in this situation.

Instead you go off on the typical angry political rant and to hell with me. Real nice! You all have a great day.

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Post by tech58 »

SlatRGatr wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2019 2:54 pm
tech58 wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:59 am
ASSISTANCE!!, ASSISTANCE!! ASSISTANCE!! What happened to the characteristics that created this country, INDEPENDENCE!! , HARD WORK!!, SELF RELIANCE!!, RISK TAKING!! ETC!!
Too bad that there are many people like SRG in the gene pool.
It gets worse! Not only do the hardworking tax payers get to pay for this abomination, we are not even supposed to call the dole/welfare what it is. All the elements of this transfer of wealth are given warm and fuzzy names to avoid offending or demeaning the recipients.
The resulting welfare culture has not only created a permanent under-class,it has created a huge bureaucracy at both the federal and state level that consists of literally millions of high paying jobs that depend on maintaining that under-class,not on helping them off the dole!!
Wait, hold up guys. Look at your words. Do you not realize the only people acting angry here are you guys? Really, go back and look.

"Too bad that there are many people like SRG in the gene pool."
Man, what did I ever do to you? I live at home with my parents and now you basically say you wish I was dead or never born? What is wrong with you? It's great your parents gave you a good work ethic. Did they also teach you to treat people like dirt?

I have nothing but respect for your generation. You had it HARD in a LOT of ways. You worked hard, you earned a living. You made it through a lot of tough times. That's awesome!

All I'm saying is that things are more expensive now. THAT"S IT! That adds some financial challenges. It's not my opinion, it's just a fact. So we have to make some different choices with the situation we've been given. One of those choices can be to live at home a little longer. I don't see why that makes you come after me.

Thought you guys might appreciate hearing from someone who is actually in this situation.

Instead you go off on the typical angry political rant and to hell with me. Real nice! You all have a great day.
We will have a great day because we have earned it!
No one is treating you like dirt, or wishing you any ill, only the demise of your mis-guided ideas.
Nothing is "more expensive now" look it up. Your generations spending habits are what is leading you to ruin!
Huge cell phone bills, credit card debt,fancy status symbol cars,$3 cups of coffee,need i go on? Not for
my dinosaur generation, and you will never get it.
Get off your ass and do something,create something,meet some need,find a niche,be what your capable of, this country sorely needs you.
Subsisting,relying,settling,will not lead you to happiness.
As FP said, when your grandkids ask you what you did, be proud of your answer.
Or as an old Spanish Proverb puts it "When you were born you cried, while all around you smiled. So live your life that when you die, you may smile, while those around you cry.

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Post by SlatRGatr »

My mis-guided ideas? You don't know **** about me! Only that I am young and that I do live with my parents right now. That's it! You made it personal about me when you said "Too bad that there are many people like SRG in the gene pool." Maybe take some time to actually listen to someone and hear where they are coming from before you dump all over them. Geez!

I get it... you can make general comments about "my generation" and a lot of them will be true for a lot of people. I have a few friends who are VERY irresponsible. I think most generations have had those. The worst ones DON'T live at home. In fact they hate their parents. That's not right and not me... my parents are great people and I'm very thankful they let me stay here right now while I get things figured out. I still say that's more responsible than getting a place I can't afford.

And yeah... $3 isn't a lot for a cup of coffee. LOL. But I don't drink coffee any way.

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Post by billryan »

The Baby Boomers are the only generation in American history that left the next one worse off. I wouldn't be lecturing anyone on fiscal responsibility. Talking self sufficiency while taking twenty trillion from their kids to fund themselves. Can anyone explain the economic theory behind running record deficits at a time of economic expansion?

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Post by notes1 »

SRG, i stated in an earlier post, nobody is telling you where to live, what to do and certainly, no one wishes you harm. you are correct, no one really knows anything about your situation.

i think what struck a nerve was when you first posted, you stated you lived at home, yet still had money to risk at gambling. next time you are in the casino, sometime after 9pm, look around. if it is like any of the dozens of casinos i have been in, it has a large number of folks your age. we read survey results that state 70% of millennials need assistance, so what the heck are they doing in a casino.

when we were your age, a weekend night might consist of buying some cheap beer, bag of chips and meeting with wifes and friends at someone's house. much different than what we see today.

so, while nobody here is angry directly at you, many of us are very angry at what we have been witnessing for many years. too many young people have been pampered, told they were all special, never held a paying job until after college, expect their employers to provide ping pong tables and massages and because of your size, we now have politicians proposing laws that will cost the rest of us money.

let me ask you this, did your parents pay for all/the majority of your college or do you have lots of school debt? did you work at paying jobs throughout high school and college? have you worked since graduating from college at a full time paying job?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

What happened to parties at friends houses or apartments where everyone brings a little something? No now it is clubs with admission fees, 14 dollar drinks, club outfits that can cost hundreds of dollars, ten buck a pack smokes, and who knows how much for other illegal substances. Sorry....there is no excuse for that 70 percent number.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Oh and I forgot about not maxing out employee sponsored retirement plans many with matching options. Get that money off your W2 now!! And I mean Monday morning!!

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Post by tech58 »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:19 am
What happened to parties at friends houses or apartments where everyone brings a little something? No now it is clubs with admission fees, 14 dollar drinks, club outfits that can cost hundreds of dollars, ten buck a pack smokes, and who knows how much for other illegal substances. Sorry....there is no excuse for that 70 percent number.
AMEN! Spot-on Olds.

NEWS FLASH! Bernie proposing free anger management"assistance" for millennials.

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