casinos and inflation

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: casinos and inflation

Post by onemoretry »

For an ironic read, have a look at what Phil said in the final paragraph of his first post-suspension post on Feb 5. It's in the back to square one thread.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

What is it about playing video poker for entertainment that infuriates the members of this forum so much? I don't get it. People play golf without expecting a profit. People fish, enjoy sports, create art, play music and perform all kinds of non profitable acts without going professional. The fact is the number of non professional video poker players outnumbers successful professional players by hundreds of thousands to one. Must everyone who plays the game play like a Bob Dancer? If they did, video poker would cease to exist.

What is wrong with discussing ways players can play the game longer with less money? Is that a bad thing? It might be bad for casinos. Is that why we can't talk about it on this forum? If so, Webman should say all talk of limiting losses is grounds for banishment.

Is telling players limiting coin-in reduces losses when playing negative games forbidden when it's the next best thing to not playing? What topics are allowed and which are forbidden?

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Post by Tedlark »

Phil, you are absolutely right, YOU DON'T GET IT.

Making the same posts as you do; over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, without ever making any new points doesn't get this forum anywhere.

Continually mentioning Bob Dancer when you were warned (and you said you wouldn't do again) not to, YOU DON'T GET IT.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Tedlark wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:49 am
Phil, you are absolutely right, YOU DON'T GET IT.
I do get it. What you want is a forum where only one video poker view exists. A forum where casinos are full of players dreaming of big jackpots. A forum where playing "long term" guarantees "long term profits". A forum that leads people to get hooked on gambling, to pay too much for too long and to overpay for comps. A forum where the pain of others is ignored for the benefit of a few who profit off their misery.

If I must subscribe to your view of video poker to post on this forum, ban me now. The members who share my views will know I did my best. I am at peace with myself because I tried to help players enjoy their time at the casino without the suffering that so many experience. If you and others are fine with the damage you are causing, I can't say anything else other than what I have said already.
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Post by onemoretry »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:32 am
.... ban me now.
And, once again, he seeks his martyrdom.

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Post by tech58 »

Allow me to weigh in as a blended purpose player.
Entertainment is certainly on my mind as i head for the casino.
Riding right along side is the desire to have a profitable trip.

But also lurking over the shoulder of both of these ideas is the knowledge that the house edge is the enemy and can destroy both of them, IF I LET IT!!
By that i mean if i play the way the casino wants, and rewards, and extend my play,chase losses,go big after a nice hit ,thereby letting the house advantage take it's course. They usually win. Why? Because

A good summary of this is contained in a piece of advice i got years ago from a veteran of casinos.
"Gambling is NOT a game between you and the casino,it is a game between you and the little man inside who wants it ALL. Not just all the MONEY,but the drapes and the chandeliers too!!"

I came very close to breaking even last year. I am not an accurate records keeper, but my rough numbers put my losses at $800-$1000. Not because of balanced numbers of sessions because i usually hit the standard two out of three losses. But rather because of walking at the right time after nice wins.

Voting with your feet, can MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

Some would call my minimal losses, the cost of entertainment.
But actually, because i did not use free nights (apx.100) or free food (apx.$4500) to offset losses,i consider it slightly better than cheap entertainment. Of course the"little man" does NOT agree with that.

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Post by onemoretry »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:32 am
.... ban me now.
And, once again, he seeks his martyrdom.

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Post by OTABILL »

notes1 wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:47 am
Jstark wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:18 am
In over 25 years, I have NEVER encountered one person that was at a casino for "entertainment." Not one person at all!
well then, let me introduce you to the first person you have met (online), that plays for entertainment...ME.

i know the math is against me on every game i play at the casino i go to. as a result, i know that long term, i cannot win. it is therefore, entertainment to me.

certainly, i hope the luck intercedes and i might win, but i know there is only so much of that. i still find the experience exciting, even though i know i am paying for that excitement. if i go to a ballgame, spend a couple of hundred with all the costs involved, what is the difference.
JStark, You really can't be serious. I assume this is just a post to generate a response. Well, I will oblige you. Begin response:
Notes beat me out here. Obviously, we never bumped into you at a casino. My late wife also primarily went to casinos for entertainment. Regarding VP, we played DDB because that's what we enjoyed (okay an occasional TDB). Sure we wanted to come out winners but we recognized over time our entertainment would cost us money. BTW, you must have had a limited exposure to others during that 25 years. We met many people who were there for enjoyment. Some went just for the shows, and not to gamble. I'm talking about lounge floor shows on the gaming floor. Incidentally, there was lots of socializing when we played bingo. Some people never won but the few dollars they spent provided hours of enjoyment.

I should add, I guess you never read any of Billy Joe's posts when he was participating in the forum. Talk about the joy and fun about casino trips.

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Post by Chicagoan »

I also go for entertainment..... the entertainment of watching my hard-earned dollars disappear down the sucking coin-in slot on the VP machines that seemingly can never be satisfied.

Wait ---- scratch the above paragraph. There is no entertainment value in losing. I go to the casino to try to win something. I don't always, but that is my only focus. If you want entertainment without the sucking noise of your money sliding down the tube, may I suggest bird-watching?

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Chicagoan wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:40 pm
If you want entertainment without the sucking noise of your money sliding down the tube, may I suggest bird-watching?
To some, playing single coin quarter video poker and bird watching are on about the same level. I get that.

Playing cheap has some advantages. Take DDB (double double bonus) for example. A quad ace with a kicker playing single coin quarter DDB pays $100. A single coin quarter player will see more jackpots in a day because he/she can play more hands. They will be smaller. $100 is a big win to a single coin quarter player. A royal pays $62.50, enough to pay for a very nice lunch. A win is a win.

You can normally play DDB with single coin quarters all day for $100. If you can't shrug that off, you shouldn't be gambling. A max coin quarter DDB player can easily lose $300-$500 a day for weeks at a time. To me that's depressing.

I don't want everyone to play single coin quarter VP. I don't often myself. I think it's better for my wife and I to limit our cost to play in other ways. Limiting losses is essential when playing the majority of today's video poker games. If we don't talk about it, players will play like they have an advantage when they don't. That is exactly what the casino managers want.

We started this thread talking about inflation. A dollar was worth ten times more in 1965 than it is today. The way things are going in our casinos, some day we will all be forced to play $100 games with the coin button locked on max.

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