Tedlark and DaBurglar, your challenge...

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Re: Tedlark and DaBurglar, your challenge...

Post by seemoreroyals »

Please. I hope you are just trying to be facetious. Please try to be civil about this and then and only then progress and acceptance of each other may finally come between you too and the betterment of this forum.

I applaud Ted. He is trying to get this insane exchange between the two of you behind him. I am sure both of you will be better off if you just let go of this never ending feud that has been going on for several long years.

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Post by DaBurglar »

and you wonder why the masses would like to....naw---no need.

(btw, pretty sure there's maybe 1 or 10,000 other things that far surpass what "everyone here is sick and tired of hearing about...")
Thanks Kenny!   I'm glad you are not sick of hearing how I graduated from Harvard, even after spending over a year (out of my 4 years in High school) in the hospital, graduating on time and in the top 5 of my class of over 250..... just for that I will send you an autographed  George Brett box of prepartion H from the 1980 season, when he hit .390 and flirted with .400 for most of the season, only t have that great story buried in the headlines because reporters would rather talk about his massive case of hemorrhoids ...... (as a die hard royals fan I am sure you recall all that.....)    Before you jump on the bandwagon or join the burgeoning lynch mob, please remember that I am a Royals "friend" (not an outright fan, but when my team is no longer in the running, I always root for the Royals.....and George Brett, if he had played in New York or Chicago or some other LARGE media market, would be hailed as one of the top three or four hitters of all time.)

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Post by DaBurglar »

Please. I hope you are just trying to be facetious. Please try to be civil about this and then and only then progress and acceptance of each other may finally come between you too and the betterment of this forum.

I applaud Ted. He is trying to get this insane exchange between the two of you behind him. I am sure both of you will be better off if you just let go of this never ending feud that has been going on for several long years. Well said.....since you are new I will not disagree with you but merely state this......for 5 years this has festered and boiled, with myself may times asking (even pleading) for this self centered, delusional bully to cease and desist with his harassment (and if you want to go back and trudge through 5 years of posts you will see what I am saying.)   What Ted is now saying is totally hypocritical and not sincere in the least, this is just a form of his passive agressive style of attack (he has several styles.)AllI want to do is protect my "PRECIOUS" right to post on this forum about topics and events and things that I want to discuss and share, without being "AUTO Attacked" or having these posts/threads of mine constantly derailed by him before anyone else has a chance to chime in or share......and if you were to go back, you will see that the vast vast majority of MY posts (initial posts that is which start or begin a discussion or account) have nothing to do with Tedlark, but he succeeds in hijacking them and thus turning them INTO about him.     On the other hand, the VAST VAST majority of his posts are aimed or about ME.....rarely does he start of begin anything (except to talk about himself in one of his increasingly RARE profitable trips to whatever casino he dreams up this time.....)   What does that tell you?

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Post by kennybobby »

I'm sure you're familiar with "White Men Can't Jump"... so unless you have a chair lift available, there'll be no bandwagon jumping from here...
The only thing I've said regarding this vp soiree is someone with your unquestionably impressive level of intelligence coupled with an education that to say--second to none ranks as the understatement of this young twenty first century, must understand to post more than one decree stating it's over from your side, etc...
Then, 10min later (not meant as exact) posting more things about the other party or lengthy, and coming from someone who has stock in babbling, I do mean lengthy posts stating your case which all things considered, eventually just appears as an attempt to gain sympathy....
I'm not one to speak, but I've heard that---just let it go--is actually an accepted method of resolution.

Until we can get there, guess we'll just resort to issuing detentions and/or in-forum suspensions so junior high can continue living on...

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Post by DaBurglar »

I'm sure you're familiar with "White Men Can't Jump"... so unless you have a chair lift available, there'll be no bandwagon jumping from here...
The only thing I've said regarding this vp soiree is someone with your unquestionably impressive level of intelligence coupled with an education that to say--second to none ranks as the understatement of this young twenty first century, must understand to post more than one decree stating it's over from your side, etc...
Then, 10min later (not meant as exact) posting more things about the other party or lengthy, and coming from someone who has stock in babbling, I do mean lengthy posts stating your case which all things considered, eventually just appears as an attempt to gain sympathy....
I'm not one to speak, but I've heard that---just let it go--is actually an accepted method of resolution.

Until we can get there, guess we'll just resort to issuing detentions and/or in-forum suspensions so junior high can continue living on...Ok    I did not understand all of this, but I did understand some of it.....I do not "get" the part about the bandwagon and white men not being able to jump (although the chair lift was lively and imaginative and worth a good chuckle.)   Even when I played wheelchair basketball from ages 17 thru 25 or so (and was pretty good I do not mind saying)!     so let me ask you this..... WHo or what is jumping on or off the bandwagon here, and why?     Also, if the chair lift on the bandwagon malfunctioned and catapulted me up and over the wagon and into the street, where I was subsequently trampled by an onrushing crowd of Tedlarks and Doris(es), would I have your sympathy then? When I posted my statements that you, and others, are saying represented a "it's over" stance from me, thereis obviously some sort of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.   I am pretty sure I said, and know I meant, that I would not be REPLYING directly to Tedlark's provocations and attacks (while also asking him to do the same....)     I had every intention of complying with my own intentions, and did make a good 10 minutes effort (this last time) to do so!  (THE SEVERAL PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS IN THE PAST LASTED A LITTLE LONGER.)    But I regretably and sadly admit, his subsequent and intense replies were enough to outrage me to the point I caved in to the anger and violated my own idea.....So Kennybobby, I freely ADMIT HERE AND NOW, you are 100% correct......it was very dumb on my part to allow Ted to provoke me into undermining my attempt(s) to ...as you put it......"LET IT GO".........So with you as a witness this time around:I am letting it go, for real.    Depending on how long Ted's self imposed exile lasts (i do not expect it to last more than a couple of days to be honest.....he can, and will, simply invoke the fact that I violated my own self imposed boycott of his posts as grounds for his own avoidance of his self imposed exile.......AND HE WOULD TECHINICALLY BE RIGHT TO DO SO), and then followed by the voluntary month long suspension of one of us, there will obviously be peace for that time period (most likely we are talking about the month of APRIL here).    THEN, when all is back to normal and all voluntary exiles finished on or around MAy 1, I will resume, or continue posting as I always have on a variety of a hodgepodge of forum topics and issue......if Ted resumes his persistent harassment and stalking and derailing tactics, this time around I will simply NOT respond to his posts of this nature.     How does that sound to you, vis-a-vis  "letting it go"?????PS-  You sure you do not want the George Brett Autograph Prep H box?

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Post by Chicagoan »

So, in boiling down 6 pages of endless posts, am I correct that DaBurglar did not accept the challenge? Can someone (other than DaBurglar) please sum the situation up for me in one sentence? DaBurglar, did Harvard train you in getting to the point, or is that skill lost to the Ivy League?

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Post by edog743 »

The way I read it I guess he is not going to participate. I think he feels there is no longer a need for it with Ted falling on his sword so to speak.

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Post by DaBurglar »

So, in boiling down 6 pages of endless posts, am I correct that DaBurglar did not accept the challenge? Can someone (other than DaBurglar) please sum the situation up for me in one sentence? DaBurglar, did Harvard train you in getting to the point, or is that skill lost to the Ivy League?I will still do it if the challenge is out there when I return from my trip on 03/13.......while edog is correct, the NEED for this now seems to be diminished with Tedlark  seemingly taking himself out for a self imposed timeout (falling on his sword is a little too dramatic for my tastes and imparts too much nobility, more than he deserves.....in fact I find the whole thing self serving and calculated to be honest......all I wanted, and ask, is he just cease his hostility, I never asked him to flatout leave.)But I am sorry if this thread has dragged on and become too convoluted for you Chicagoan, that was not my intention, to annoy or frustrate you or anyone else......its just that we have a lot of things (and a lot of people/posters) going on now in this thread (as often happens on this forum....which to be honest, I do not see as ALWAYS a bad thing.    It often makes things dynamic and interesting,or at least NOT boring.....)Edited to add:    Not aiming at chicagoan in particular because frankly he is not the only one to do this......BUT enough with the complaints about "length of posts" or "WORDINESS".......as Buffilita very aptly and correctly pointed out, a person CHOOSES to read (or not read) any given post when he/she/it  first encounters it......if something is or seems TOO long for you to waste your time reading, then DO NOT READ IT!!!!    It is that simple.....I am not trying to piss anyone off or annoy anyone with the posts I make.....this is simply how I write and cover the points I make.....I do not always make excessively long posts, but if a post I make happens to appear long, rest assured it is due to the fact that I felt it important to be thorough and cover the topic or convey my thoughts completely.    Unless of course the thread/post is of obvious humorous or light hearted  or silly nature.       But to constantly gripe and complain about posts being too long or wordy, that is just silly......some might even call it lazy, not to mention that some people are simply able to write a lot faster and more completely than others, AS WELL AS the fact that some people can READ and comprehend a lot faster and better than others!   AND ONE MORE THING >  Building on kennybobby' spoint about "LETTING IT GO", and combining it with buffilita's & chicagoan's point about the lengthy nature of my posts and how Buff says a person can easily choose "NOT TO READ" them.....ask yourselves this:   if....IF tedlark (and by extension the rest of the forum) now knows that my posts and thoughts are so completely and thoroughly at odds with Tedlark's own personal views and thoughts and feelings and <insert any other term or concept here with which Tedlark might take offense as it pertains to a post of mine>......If tedlark finds everything about me and what I choose to post about so annoying and at odds with himself......Then pray tell WHY (oh WHY) does he simply not do what I have implored, and which Buffilita suggests is a valid course of action.....IGNORE and bypass whatever (and whenever) I post?     Seriously, why not?    Kennybobby's advice, to "let it go" swings both ways.......

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Post by Buffilita »

I have such mixed feelings about this. Reading a good verbal tennis match versus reading about how playing one coin makes money, or someone's scores are too high or my credits didn't compute. This forum is for everyone. If the topic interests you, read it; if it doesn't, keep scrolling.

A quick observation without spending hours researching past posts, it does seem to me that Ted is the provoker, then Buggie comes back swinging. I have no problem with anyone defending his or her opinions, but do it without personal attacks. Gee, what's next? ... comparing hand sizes?

It's harder to pay someone a compliment then it is to criticize. Why is that? Many reasons and they all are own reasons. Life is full of bs minutiae; it's easy to get bogged down in it. Harder to rise above it, but really worth it. Kenny perhaps unintentionally quoted my favorite band Cowboy Mouth ... "when the world is coming down on me, I let it go!"

So challenge or not, take a sabbatical or not. In the grand scheme of life, this issue is a grain of sand. So why not meet in AC and build a killer sand castle? And no Ted, you may not put live alligators in the moat, geesh.

Have a wonderful day all.

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Post by kennybobby »

I would like to say, I think you look nice today, Buff

don't forget--
Life's a dance, ya learn as ya go.....sometimes ya lead, sometimes ya follow

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