It takes a special person...

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Re: It takes a special person...

Post by olds442jetaway »

Interesting classification of the area olds, "sandpit" and "sandbox "are the code names for military families when talking about where loved ones are deployed. Social media is monitored by both sides so discretion is always advised.

Didn't know we used that term when talking about our guys and gals. That just came off the top of my head. The point I was trying to make is 60 years ago when I grew up, the extremists were kept over there for the most part. I can't recall even one incident involving them. Of course they butchered their own people even back then and back eons ago too.

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=jetermacaw] Interesting classification of the area olds, "sandpit" and "sandbox "are the code names for military families when talking about where loved ones are deployed. Social media is monitored by both sides so discretion is always advised.

Didn't know we used that term when talking about our guys and gals. That just came off the top of my head. The point I was trying to make is 60 years ago when I grew up, the extremists were kept over there for the most part. I can't recall even one incident involving them. Of course they butchered their own people even back then and back eons ago too.[/QUOTE]name one "culture" that does not have some sort of horrific period in its past where they "butchered" each other because they could not or WOULD not figure out a better way to do things or deal with their differences......This is not directed at you olds442, not at all......I am seeing this ridiculous, idiotic "spirit" manifest itself among self professed "decent" Americans, a spirit of "we gotta kill em all before they get over here!"  and this ridiculous notion that MUSLIMS (all muslims) are the real problem.......If you want to claim the moral high ground, you have to be willing to stand against the forces of unreasonable and immoral fear mongering and hate which tempt you to COME DOWN from the MORAL high ground and fight in the mud with the murderers.   There are smarter, better, just as effective ways of doing things, it just requires things that MOST people are no longer willing to do;   Be patient, be brave, and THINK.......

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Post by notes1 »

according to an article on, ' there has been a significant attack directed or inspired by ISIS every 84 hours since June 6 in cities outside the war zone..'.

the sun is shining and the birds are chirping.

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Post by DaBurglar »

according to an article on, ' there has been a significant attack directed or inspired by ISIS every 84 hours since June 6 in cities outside the war zone..'.

the sun is shining and the birds are chirping.I'm going to ask you again for like the 8th time.......Please spell out exactly what you think should or needs to be done that is neither already Being done, or has already been TRIED and shown to be ineffective or incorrect.Seriously, let's hear it, because all you have done, just like every other professed "conservative" I've heard the past 2 years, is bemoan the obvious problems and harp about the obvious tragedy in the world.....FYI, the word or descriptive term "conservative", as it applies to politics, USED to signify people who were extremely reluctant to take ANY precipitous or drastic action about any problem, often advocating simply let things play it has come to mean a completely incomprehensible, contradictory and hypocritical hodgepodge of ideals and claim to be for "LESS & Smaller Government" and yet in foreign policy what you want is the TOTAL polar opposite.    You cannot have it both ways.......and like it or not, the last 15 years, BY FAR....BY FAR the most money spent by the US government has been on Foreign affairs, Defense and flushing 6-7 Trillion bucks down the tubes on nonexistent infrastructure and aid in two countries that hold NO significance to the future of the USA beyond being places to house and harbor groups precisely LIKE ISIS!!!Please, make an effort to answer......a REAL answer

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Post by billryan »

Isn't it enough that he complains about the problem?
It's up to someone else to fix it.

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Post by notes1 »

I do not presume to have all the answers. but, I sure do know a problem when I see it.

I did not run for potus, I did not leave Iraq unattended, I did not declare them the jv team and I did not declare the situation under control. I did not draw a line in Syria and then back down and let thousands to die. I have not let many into this country, without knowing their background.

I do not have access to all the info that those in charge have.

and, I have not declared ISIS as not being an existential threat to us.

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Post by notes1 »

I can tell you one action I would take.

if the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks were being committed by irish catholics, over the age 60 and over 6 foot tall, I would be targeting and concentrate my efforts on folks just like ME. I would concentrate my intelligence efforts on folks like ME. I would spend my resources looking at people like ME.

how in the world targeting, profiling became a dirty word is beyond me.

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Post by Tedlark »

Phew, I've got 6 1/2 years notes.....

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Post by notes1 »

he is like a bug, you just can't get rid off. like a child, who keeps asking, why? and, no matter how many times you answer, the answer is not good enough.

I am sure to get a 1000 word reply, with a history lesson, dating back to the Vikings.

what the heck ever happened to common sense. if there was a crime wave going on and all the attacks were by guys over 7 foot tall, who should be looking at? if someone is murdered at home, the police first look at spouse, family, friends, neighbors, is that profiling? no, that is normally who did it.

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Post by DaBurglar »

he is like a bug, you just can't get rid off. like a child, who keeps asking, why? and, no matter how many times you answer, the answer is not good enough.

I am sure to get a 1000 word reply, with a history lesson, dating back to the Vikings.

what the heck ever happened to common sense. if there was a crime wave going on and all the attacks were by guys over 7 foot tall, who should be looking at? if someone is murdered at home, the police first look at spouse, family, friends, neighbors, is that profiling? no, that is normally who did it.

I'm deleting my original post because this is out of just is.......this forum is a LOUSY vehicle/venue for arguing and debating on the scale and scope we now find ourselves covering......There is too much emotion and not enough objective logic or facts, and there is this "disdain" for people who bring such things to the table, so the exercise needs to stop.....

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