Ultimate X Poker

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Re: Ultimate X Poker

Post by Tedlark »

  One of your degrees is in Government, correct? Then you should know all about the US Constritution and that it's just not so easy to trim away the parts regarding civil liberties. Unless they teach it differently in Cambridge than other schools of course.  Remember:"Do not follow the crowd."

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Post by DaBurglar »

  One of your degrees is in Government, correct? Then you should know all about the US Constritution and that it's just not so easy to trim away the parts regarding civil liberties. Unless they teach it differently in Cambridge than other schools of course.  Remember:"Do not follow the crowd."???  You actually, truly, are no longer even making sense.....Clearly you've lost sight of even YOUR OWN original point (whatever it was) and are now flailing about trying to blow smoke to cover whatever retreat you are attempting.....which is absolutely fine by me!Either that, or ...... nah, no way....you cannot possibly be as naive as the statement you made about it not being "so easy" to trim civil liberties.....you really cannot see, or understand or even believe that the government (at all levels....state, federal and even LOCAL) can seriously infringe the rights (or even "life activities" or "happiness") of an individual if it wants or has reason or cause?   Regardless of whether you personally agree with the reason or cause?Let me help you out here (since YOU started this segue into civics):   I am not saying this is all that government does, nor am I saying it is as easy as you claim I am saying......I am saying it is NOT nearly as hard or as rare as YOU CLAIM.   It happens everyday, in so many ways on so many levels.....BUT of course, in a BIG PICTURE perspective, certainly, over the passage of time, WE THE PEOPLE do have some recourse via elections, as well as the courts and LEGAL SYSTEM (if you can afford it, and that is a BIG IF)....I think it is pretty clear the homeless thief who grabbed my ticket falls into this category.   Only legal defense he can get is either a public defender (good luck there), or some PRO BONO attorney if he is lucky.   That represent a huge disadvantage in our cherished legal system.....You cannot tell me that you sir, Tedlark, do not fathom or understand how people without the means-$ (or time) to pursue legal recourse or engage top attornies are at a serious disadvantage when fighting against the government?   Again, regardless of what the issue is or who is right or wrong, the government (whether its the IRS, or FCC, or the attorney general himself, or whether its a local Distirct attorney trying to make a name for himself, or whether its the local cops versus someone or something, or whether its the DEA descending on your IOWA cornfield searching for the 10 pot plants you have hidden amidst thousands of stalks of corn) cannot LOSE unless it wants to....

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Post by Webman »

I have no idea what this discussion is about now, but it's not about Ultimate X Poker. Closing thread. Please feel free to start a new one that is relevant.

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