Video Poker is a Beatable Game

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Re: Video Poker is a Beatable Game

Post by FAA »

Jest all you want about me and short sessions but if I'm up several
hundred or a thousand dollars after 1 hour of play: I'm calling it
quits and walking.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Absolutely. You're getting the last laugh, and that's all that matters.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar two quick points for you in response to two of Bob Dancer's recent posts.

1 - Bob said I understand you more often than not; say, like 80%.

2 - Bob said DISCIPLINE is one key element to beating the game. How many times have you heard me say that I quit while ahead? Jest all you want about me and short sessions but if I'm up several hundred or even a thousand dollars after 1 hour of play: I'm calling it quits and walking. I distinctly recall several of your picture shows from the past relating how you hit a big win almost as you were out the door, and THAT put you over the top for that day or session (or however you count your time in a casino.)   You DO NOT drive hours out of your way Ted and then leave after an hour, BS.   Stop trying to hard and just OWN what you type and SAID you win 4 out of 5 times, now here YOU are doing the same refining and backtracking and other BS you keep insisting I do......unreal (again)....And as BOB said, quitting early or late or whatever is irrelevant, if a person is playing the CORRECT games....but as we all know in your case Ted, you play the most volatile games around (multiline dreamcard!  HA!!!)    FYI, I am only sighting or agreeing with Bob because he made a point against you.....(even though you do not see it that way).....I still think you and Bob deserve each other in terms of each of your personality alone....if I had my way I'd lock both of you in the same casino with only each other, return in a week and see who was still alive....

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Post by DaBurglar »

Please keep me out of this discussion.  I think we have wasted too much space already on this subject and I think it's pretty obvious where we all stand.  There is no point in rehashing it over and over again.  I'm done with it and wish it would go away. 
Oh for crying out loud phil, you are "in" this thing whether you pretend you are not or otherwise......Look, I do not support or practice your (or anyone's)  Less than Max Coin "system" and never have....the few times I put less than max coins in a VP machine in my life I regretted it (mostly back in the day in "OLD" vegas when they still accepted real actual coins, and I had spare change in my pocket waiting in line for a buffet or a some sh*t)......But I support your right o play how you want in the most entertaining fashion you find.      And I do not like blatantly arrogant and disrespectful people who have NO CAUSE to be that way, AND I do not like people who are hypocritical and who are trying to convince the public they are a certain way (or thing) when in reality they are not.....that's the extent of any "problem" I have with Mr. B. Dancer.But I will never EVER approach video poker as anything other than something to do in a casino, not as a living or even a "hobby".....I don't care what Bob has or sells or does, it has NO impact on me or my life and never will.   Whether he actually adheres to my suggestion to provide "more proof" of what he claims and says and does, I do not care....But what I did do PHIL, is provide YOU with the tool or at least a different path to follow if you are going to continue this "debate" or whatever it counts as now, in your quest to prove whether BOB actually truly does indeed win OUTRIGHT just playing video poker, BEFORE all the mysterious byzantine accounting comes into play, before all the slot promos and perks and freebies and free play and buffets and all that....before all the books and sales via his website......and BEFORE Bob's ultimate trump card, the so-called "INSIDER KNOWLEDGE and perks" that ONLY he knows about and which he ADMITS he never shares or tells anyone, particularly his students or "clients".....  if he is indeed a true "winner" at video poker in and of itself, that is a VERIFIABLE thing (rather than just because he says so.)    What's weird is I would think someone in his position, would WANT such "proof" and verifiable evidence that he is all he claims, and that is its NOT beyond the ability of the average person to actual "UNDERSTAND" ....his sales would increase, as would his stature, probably significantly.

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Post by Tedlark »

[QUOTE=Tedlark] DaBurglar two quick points for you in response to two of Bob Dancer's recent posts.

1 - Bob said I understand you more often than not; say, like 80%.

2 - Bob said DISCIPLINE is one key element to beating the game. How many times have you heard me say that I quit while ahead? Jest all you want about me and short sessions but if I'm up several hundred or even a thousand dollars after 1 hour of play: I'm calling it quits and walking. I distinctly recall several of your picture shows from the past relating how you hit a big win almost as you were out the door, and THAT put you over the top for that day or session (or however you count your time in a casino.)   You DO NOT drive hours out of your way Ted and then leave after an hour, BS.   Stop trying to hard and just OWN what you type and SAID you win 4 out of 5 times, now here YOU are doing the same refining and backtracking and other BS you keep insisting I do......unreal (again)....And as BOB said, quitting early or late or whatever is irrelevant, if a person is playing the CORRECT games....but as we all know in your case Ted, you play the most volatile games around (multiline dreamcard!  HA!!!)    FYI, I am only sighting or agreeing with Bob because he made a point against you.....(even though you do not see it that way).....I still think you and Bob deserve each other in terms of each of your personality alone....if I had my way I'd lock both of you in the same casino with only each other, return in a week and see who was still alive....[/QUOTE]

DaBurglar I guess you skipped the part where I have previously reported that I stick to strict loss limits. I can't help it that I'mjust luckier than you and I happen to hit a premium hand right before I end a session.

I'm sorry that I keep DeFlating your posts DaBurglar, I thought Deflating was just a New England thing.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=DaBurglar]Oh for crying out loud phil, you are "in" this thing whether you pretend you are not or otherwise.[/quote]I've tried to get out of this discussion so many times it's ridiculous and I keep getting pulled back in. I don't care how Bob Dancer or anyone else plays video poker and I sure don't care of they win or lose. I only care about what happens to my own wallet and it's doing just fine. Thanks for the invite, but I pass....    

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Post by wildman49 »

All this back and forth reminds me why I don't have a fakebook account. Mom sombodys writing bad stuff on my wall! Whatever that means. 

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Post by pokerforme »

I am puzzled by people here at times. Bob is blunt to say the least but I understand how he wins at VP. It requires a deep pocket and ALOT of work before he ever plays. He then lines up the game with the best total package he can find that makes it a +ev game then he GRINDS out his percentage. And of course anyone understands the variance...just because he has math and numbers on his side does not mean the short run does not make him lose some days, weeks, months, and even years. Its the positive ev he works torwards and over time he will get his percentage. Pretty simple but a lot more work than I am even willing to consider. Even me a lowely quarter player figured out once the casino offered me a great deal and I showed up and took advantage of the cash, triple points and gifts to make a small profit while having a small loss.
Maybe people can leave the personal stuff out and read what he is saying about his methods? I am almost sure most of the people in this thread could make some money or get closer to break even if you applied what he is saying. Almost everyone on this forum is good at VP, but are not applying the total package or mix of promos he is.
I am sure he can not tell us everything----and I completely understand why...if too many people used whatever method he is using currently the casino would simple end the mixture of promotions that makes it a money maker. He would then have to use a fallback plan or do even more homework to find the next perfect storm.

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Post by daily_double »

Pokerforme, Best post of the year. Ranks right up there with the info Bob shares

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Post by pokerforme »

Thanks daily double

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Post by Tedlark »

pokerforme you hit the nail on the head. Bob Dancer has given us a peek at a few pages out of his playbook and a small glimpse at just what constitutes getting a +ev.

To some here, the information Bob revealed just isn't good enough. They want more information, they want more secrets. Bob is very good at what he does and I imagine it is quite a grind, one that I don't wish to switch careers for right at this time in my life. If people want to take the time and do the legwork that Bob does, the research that Bob does, the calendar dates circled for optimum play days, being at a casino at just the right time, they too can possibly be as good at it as Bob Dancer is.

But they don't. It's way easier to slam him for the way he calculates and determines ev of a game. It's way harder to invest the money that it takes that Bob Dancer has invested. Bob Dancer has his critics and his fans, FP has his critics and his fans. I do not subscribe to either of their play styles but I wish them, and everyone here who plays video poker, luck when they play.

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