Latest Greatest Horror Movie

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Re: Latest Greatest Horror Movie

Post by Tedlark »

Easy: Chicago Tribune 03/21/2017 edition and; The Daily Southtown, 03/21/2017 edition. You can save yourself some time though simply by reading the Chicago Tribune article because The Daily Southtown is also owned and published by the Tribune Company so it's the same article.

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Post by Tedlark »

[QUOTE=Tedlark] I also understand that during this chat you told the board that you used to live in Las Vegas but in another recent post of yours in a different forum thread you said you "lived" in Las Vegas for a period of 3-5 weeks for work.

So which is it? Did you reside,or live, in Las Vegas as a resident? Did you temporarily live in Las Vegas as a transcient worker? You painted a picture of you having actual Las Vegas residential status when that may not entirely be the truth. In order for you to keep your stories (LIES) straight you should really stnart writing them down in a journal.

I'm pretty sure you are the only person here who cares where and when I actually lived or stayed or resided or passed thru in Vegas, and this absurd, pointless attack on my playing session and chat activity the other night, which had nothing at all to do with you, is making you look very unhinged, and even more weird, than you normally are.

You're pissed that I exposed your absurd alleged video poker results for the world to see....Too bad. Live with it, embrace it, accept it....Trying to desperately then turn it around and attack me on completely baseless, and pointless details regarding general casual discussions on living in or visiting Vegas for extended times is not going to change or make your phony video poker results any more believable.

The fact is, unlike you, I don't need to lie.....About anything.....At all. What's more, you seem to excel at lying to yourself most of all.   I'm gonna recommend you stop doing that...It's not healthy.

I can only imagine how incensed you must now be after reading this latest devastating post from me, but you totally bring it on yourself. I've pleaded with you to just drop it, let things go, but you just can't do it....That's really sad. I don't like embarrassing you like this, I really don't.... I'd like nothing more than to just never see your name after or in response to my posts here. But you're a bully who refuses to just cease and desist with this crap... I'm never going to allow you to keep poking me with a stick and not respond. YOU are the instigator in this, not me....You so much as admitted it clear as day.   That's pretty arrogant and brazen....[/QUOTE]

You are upset because I continually catch you in your lies and I will continue to do so until you well: stop lying.

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=DaBurglar] [QUOTE=Tedlark] I also understand that during this chat you told the board that you used to live in Las Vegas but in another recent post of yours in a different forum thread you said you "lived" in Las Vegas for a period of 3-5 weeks for work.

So which is it? Did you reside,or live, in Las Vegas as a resident? Did you temporarily live in Las Vegas as a transcient worker? You painted a picture of you having actual Las Vegas residential status when that may not entirely be the truth. In order for you to keep your stories (LIES) straight you should really stnart writing them down in a journal.

I'm pretty sure you are the only person here who cares where and when I actually lived or stayed or resided or passed thru in Vegas, and this absurd, pointless attack on my playing session and chat activity the other night, which had nothing at all to do with you, is making you look very unhinged, and even more weird, than you normally are.

You're pissed that I exposed your absurd alleged video poker results for the world to see....Too bad. Live with it, embrace it, accept it....Trying to desperately then turn it around and attack me on completely baseless, and pointless details regarding general casual discussions on living in or visiting Vegas for extended times is not going to change or make your phony video poker results any more believable.

The fact is, unlike you, I don't need to lie.....About anything.....At all. What's more, you seem to excel at lying to yourself most of all.   I'm gonna recommend you stop doing that...It's not healthy.

I can only imagine how incensed you must now be after reading this latest devastating post from me, but you totally bring it on yourself. I've pleaded with you to just drop it, let things go, but you just can't do it....That's really sad. I don't like embarrassing you like this, I really don't.... I'd like nothing more than to just never see your name after or in response to my posts here. But you're a bully who refuses to just cease and desist with this crap... I'm never going to allow you to keep poking me with a stick and not respond. YOU are the instigator in this, not me....You so much as admitted it clear as day.   That's pretty arrogant and brazen....[/QUOTE]

You are upset because I continually catch you in your lies and I will continue to do so until you well: stop lying. [/QUOTE]

Well I'm actually laughing at the lengths you are going to to try and salvage some sense of face that only you are able to perceive.   You have never caught me in any lie because, in fact, I've never lied...Ever, abouti anything.     If an intelligent reader goes back and carefully reads your previous concoction trying to manufacture some sort of "issue" with my details residing in Vegas, they can see you just threw a fake charge against the wall and tried to make something stick.

I feel bad for you, but you just can't swallow your pride and move along....

But I would be interested to know who exactly it is that you think is benefitting from you catching me I these nonexistent lies?   Who made you the catcher?   Do you even realize just how incredibly ridiculous you Once again have made yourself look, and for what?!?! Lol. Your life, despite your many protestations to the contrary, is clearly bereft of any meaning or substance if this is the lengths you are willing to go.....Again, nothing better at all for you to do.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar the day you started calling me names is the day I started to dislike you. When you first appeared here on these forums you were o.k. but as time went by you changed. You've not only attacked me personally but you've spewed your venom on others here as well, to the point that several don't even post here anymore. I would name them but you'd just attack them again so why should I bother. They know who they are anyway.

You've doubted my video poker success and as I've said before; that's your hang up and not mine. You cannot understand HOW I could dare walk out of a casino up $1,000.00 or so after just playing for an hour. I'd rather do something constructive with that dough instead of possibly losing it right back to the casino.

I have a GREAT life and as I have said before, I devote very little of my GREAT life to you in this forum. But as I move on in life I'm looking at possibly retiring in a couple years and when I do I may devote more time to you here than I do now. After all; how much time can one spend basking in the western sun, playing golf, riding horses, exercising, relaxing, enjoying life, more excursions to Las Vegas because I'll be closer, the list goes on.

You've now resorted to calling me names again (the catcher) and you've also referred to me as the forum police. If I am the forum police I'd have written you so many tickets by now you'd have your own private entrance to Forum Court.


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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar the day you started calling me names is the day I started to dislike you. When you first appeared here on these forums you were o.k. but as time went by you changed. You've not only attacked me personally but you've spewed your venom on others here as well, to the point that several don't even post here anymore. I would name them but you'd just attack them again so why should I bother. They know who they are anyway.

You've doubted my video poker success and as I've said before; that's your hang up and not mine. You cannot understand HOW I could dare walk out of a casino up $1,000.00 or so after just playing for an hour. I'd rather do something constructive with that dough instead of possibly losing it right back to the casino.

I have a GREAT life and as I have said before, I devote very little of my GREAT life to you in this forum. But as I move on in life I'm looking at possibly retiring in a couple years and when I do I may devote more time to you here than I do now. After all; how much time can one spend basking in the western sun, playing golf, riding horses, exercising, relaxing, enjoying life, more excursions to Las Vegas because I'll be closer, the list goes on.

You've now resorted to calling me names again (the catcher) and you've also referred to me as the forum police. If I am the forum police I'd have written you so many tickets by now you'd have your own private entrance to Forum Court.

Word.Yep Ted, you are just a helpless innocent victim aren't you?     This is the most ridiculous, blatantly distorting, SELF SERVING statement in recent memory.     You still have not addressed WHY it is you do what you do by incessantly harassing and sabotaging and killing any threads and posts I make here......your statement above is intentionally misleading because you are now attempting to portray all this absurd bickering as my fault, when it has been OBVIOUS now for many years that it is YOU who perpetuates this nonsense. concoct whatever narrative or "story" about this that allows you to sleep or to keep yourself from going ballistic with frustration as defend myself from your "button pushing chain yanking nonsense".     I have repeatedly.....REPEATEDLY REPEATEDLY asked you to just NOT do what you continue to do.....And STOP with this pathetic whiny "you called me names Daburglar" as the reason or justification for your actions.   First off, whatever offense you took MANY MANY years ago is long gone......I know I tried to apologize for what was not even a MINOR offense, but you are still whining and crying like its some HUGE deal, which it is not.   I'm've joked and been casual and silly at times in the midst of this ongoing foolishness and tomfoolery, so clearly you are not THAT offended.    WHats more, you have MORE THAN made up for ANY real or imagined insult with your  own retaliatory, deplorable immature behavior.    Just stop it, you are really making yourself look even worse, and frankly its making me uncomfortable because I don't wish ill on ANYONE, but the level and way you continue to self destruct for NO valid reason is crazy.       In fact I submit that this "offense" you STILL.....STILL gripe about was mostly imagined on your part, just like you are now attempting to portray my use of the term "catcher" as some sort of insult!    Any intelligent person sees that it is NOT.......GET REAL TED!    I'm serious,,,,,,,For someone about to retire in their 60s you must be one of the most immature people in the history of Illinois if you intend to "devote even more time to ME"......are you friggin serious?     pathetic, truly pathetic.......As for posters who no longer post here because of....."ME".......well, I highly doubt that as well, but even if it is true, oh well.    Not my problem.....I never intended to drive anyone away, and if they are that thin skinned or simply don't like me, that's their problem.    But I believe its more likely that they choose to stay away simply because they are just bored or dissatisfied with the forum in general and it has nothing to do with me.....IF these people are even real.   Knowing you and your glee everytime you can get a shot in, I have to believe if you did have some names to drop you'd do it just to try and get one more shot in on me......In short, I wholeheartedly encourage you to focus on and ENJOY this "Great Life you have"....seriously, why on earth would you want to take even a "little time" away from such a fantastic scene as what you claim and describe, and focus on someone like me????    You really can't see how you continue to contradict and paint yourself into a corner on that one huh?

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Post by Tedlark »

Sorry to disappoint you DaBurglar but I'm nowhere near to being 60.

Your problem is that I: never called you any names back; never threatened you physically (even though you did once tell me to come to Atlantic City and you'd have several family members (I believe a brother or brother in law in the military was mentioned) "give me a stern talking to"; and the list goes on.

Please just accept you will never measure up to me in any way, shape, or form. As for painting myself into a corner that hasn't happened because I prefer wood floors or carpeting.

So did you ever read the Chicago Tribune story about the movie theaters? You had no dim-witty retort for that one...


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Post by DaBurglar »

Sorry to disappoint you DaBurglar but I'm nowhere near to being 60.

Your problem is that I: never called you any names back; never
threatened you physically (even though you did once tell me to come to
Atlantic City and you'd have several family members (I believe a brother
or brother in law in the military was mentioned) "give me a stern
talking to"; and the list goes on.

Please just accept you will never measure up to me in any way, shape, or form. As for painting myself into a corner that hasn't happened because I prefer wood floors or carpeting.

So did you ever read the Chicago Tribune story about the movie theaters? You had no dim-witty retort for that one...

Word. This is what I am talking about........the blue section of your post is 100% FALSEHOOD and distortion and totally non-existent issues.     WHatever "names" you claim I called you (YEARS ago) and that you took offense to, I now categorically deny.    Prove it.....dig up the actual posts, otherwise, it never happened.   This is are attempting to drag out this "fight" simply so you can try to end it on some sort of perceived positive vibe or conclusion on your part, so you are now RESURRECTING YET AGAIN this  <cue whiny sniveling voice> "DAburglar called me names wahhh! Wahhh!"<end sniveling voice>     You have more than dished out your fair share of sass and abuse and other things..... and even if I did call you a name, whatever it was I guarantee it is not even remotely as offensive or serious or whatever as you are trying to make it seem like......all you are doing is making yourself look like the most sensitive thin skinned person on this forum.I defy you (for the 87th time) to find the post where I said some "family member" would give you a "stern talking to"........never happened, total fabrication on your part.    Unbelievable.....(and once again, while I am not infallible, IF I ever did say such a thing, you are COVENIENTLY leaving out either the context or some other important detail or info on the incident in question......I guarantee if I ever DID say something like that.....again was no doubt done in jest or humor or something along that lines.     BUT I still DENY it completely and unless or until you find the post, it never happened!)I 100% accept, and I am in total agreement, that I do not measure with are the LAST, I mean DEAD last person I would ever want to be like, be compared to, mentioned in the same sentence, be in the same room with, be on the same airplane etc etc.    I want NOTHING to do with you....  My head is not nearly as HUGE as yours, I am not nearly as big an A-hole as you (I mean you have me beat so bad on that one) so yes, in these areas (head size and A-hole dimensions) I am totally NOT measuring up to you.   *ahaha  yuk yuk  gigglesnort  wheeze*     In fact I will try and find the movie theater story and reply. if.....IF you can provide a legit and NON-B.S. explanation on why someone such as yourself, with such a wonderful content life would bother to spend even one tiny moment doing what you have been doing since 2012 with ME on this forum......given your disdain and utter contempt for me, and how you've stated in no uncertain terms what you think of me and my life, WHY on earth waste your time?     Its such a glaring blatant contradiction, it calls into question everything about you......

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Post by Tedlark »

I guess your memory must be going, how long ago was it when you called me a Nazi?

You once mentioned having either a brother or a brother in law, who was either in the military or is a policeman and you said I could come to Atlantic City and you were going to bring him along. He would "discuss things with me" or words to that effect.

As for the movie theaters, you mentioned that they were extinct and there was one other poster who responded with information about thriving movie theaters in his area. So yesterday I bring to your attention an article regarding the construction of two movie theaters in Chicago suburbs. You told me you wanted proof and I gave it to you so now you're mad because I GAVE you the proof YOU asked for.

Its funny: I can stop posting in the forum anytime I desire and I've demonstrated this in the past while you, on the other hand, cannot do the same unless you have a reason. You've done this in the past: "Hi it's DaBurglar, has everyone missed me in the 4 days since I haven't posted in the forum? I'm sorry for being away but I was out standing on old Route 2 watching chickens cross the road. AC still sucks, Tedlunk is a gay nazi, I'm a loser at video poker so now I'm playing competitive coin tossing, women hate me because of my rotten disposition and self loathing, my Harvard education just hasn't paid off the way I thought it would and I'm selling Amway products through ebay. Hey, anyone wanna buy some doggie shampoo?"

You'll be singing the same old tunes for the next 10 years. Come on; let's resurrect the forum video poker challenge that you twice have chickened out of.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I guess your memory must be going, how long ago was it when you called me a Nazi?

You once mentioned having either a brother or a brother in law, who was either in the military or is a policeman and you said I could come to Atlantic City and you were going to bring him along. He would "discuss things with me" or words to that effect.

As for the movie theaters, you mentioned that they were extinct and there was one other poster who responded with information about thriving movie theaters in his area. So yesterday I bring to your attention an article regarding the construction of two movie theaters in Chicago suburbs. You told me you wanted proof and I gave it to you so now you're mad because I GAVE you the proof YOU asked for.

Its funny: I can stop posting in the forum anytime I desire and I've demonstrated this in the past while you, on the other hand, cannot do the same unless you have a reason. You've done this in the past: "Hi it's DaBurglar, has everyone missed me in the 4 days since I haven't posted in the forum? I'm sorry for being away but I was out standing on old Route 2 watching chickens cross the road. AC still sucks, Tedlunk is a gay nazi, I'm a loser at video poker so now I'm playing competitive coin tossing, women hate me because of my rotten disposition and self loathing, my Harvard education just hasn't paid off the way I thought it would and I'm selling Amway products through ebay. Hey, anyone wanna buy some doggie shampoo?"

You'll be singing the same old tunes for the next 10 years. Come on; let's resurrect the forum video poker challenge that you twice have chickened out of. WOw......Holy friggin sh*t  wow.You just actually sank lower than even I thought possible.....I'll ignore the deliberately exaggerated, distorted portrayal of yourself as a "victim" because you always do that.Let's just focus on the tone, and the spirit and the underlying message of what you just wrote.You really are a sad person Ted....and the more you try to tell me, along with the rest of the forum (i.e. all the people you THINK are actually watching this spectacle you keep creating )  just how wonderful and great you are while simultaneously completely destroying and trashing me, the more desperate and unbelievable you seem.There is only ONE reason, or intention, to post and say what you just posted above, whereby among other things you actually go so far as to make a comment about ME relationships with "women"(???).....that is to utterly HURT and demean me.   You obviously are trying very hard to hurt me and my feelings to such an extent and such a degree that you want me either to just go away, or perhaps become so unspooled and emotionally upset that I say something really useful to you for further ammunition.Well, once again you failed Ted.   But the great thing is this post of yours is now going to be seen and shown so that, ONCE and for ALL, the people of this forum will know.....they will KNOW, just what is in your mind and heart, they will KNOW just what kind of a person you REALLY ARE (not what you CLAIM to be)....I dont know why you felt compelled to do that, but oh well.....I suspect there is a small part inside your conscience that knows you just went too far, that knows you just posted some really REALLY REALLY meanspirited and dirty there Ted?  Is there a voice inside you that wishes you had not typed what you just did and hit send?If you want to apologize and delete the post, I will gladly forget you wrote and said these things, and I will delete my post with your words as well......if you want to rewind the tape.If not.....well lets just say You opened my eyes a little and things are never going to be the same again.....I cannot fathom at all, what it is about me and this forum and YOU and this wonderful rich life you have that, taking it all into consideration, YOU feel the need to do and say and act the way you do.    

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Post by Tedlark »

How do you like it? Not too well from this post and the unsolicited PM you just sent me. I read an interesting article about narcissistic bullies the other day in Psychology Today and you fit the profile EXACTLY. One example they gave was the extra spaces that narcissistic bullies tend to put between words in sentences, mirrors your style. Take a good long look into your own soul, mine is fine.

What I find interesting is that you had no comment on what I wrote about your brother or brother in law and what you said to me about him. I just didn't make that up out of thin air.


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