To those who have made significant money with VP: What do you do?

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Re: To those who have made significant money with VP: What do you do?

Post by FAA »

There's no point going whole hog on negative games. The folks populating AC's HL rooms clearly do not give a flying damn about their Sisyphian endeavor. The rest of us would be best advised to tree hug the quarter 9/6 bank. Twenty minutes per machine. There's your two hour session. Hopefully your loss is <$100. Expect a RF every blue moon.

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Post by Onenickelmiracl »

FloridaPhil definitely gets people to not want to come back. If his goal is to drive people away, he is winning.

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Post by pokerforme »

Between his non stop and the new forum format I find less and less joy in reading the forum.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Tedlark wrote:
Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:37 pm
Phil why do you again say that gambling is not a career choice anyone should make? Your same statement can be made for any number of occupations, both legal and illegal but yet you keep saying that gambling is not a career choice anyone should make. This is solely your opinion, cut and dried. People who have reached the legal age of maturity have the right to make their own choices in life, good or bad. If a bad choice is made: learn from it; do not make that same bad choice again; regroup, and try again.

This latest post of yours here is truly troubling if something were written by you between the lines. If you are trying to cleanse yourself of some demon that has been chasing you then I suggest you seek help other than whatever temporary peace you get posting here.
Basically what you are saying here is "Phil, don't post anymore on this forum."

If anyone who is intelligent and who reads the disclaimers on this forum, and who just intuitively understands the concept of freedom of speech/expression, and who "gets" how things like this forum work, knows that when Phil ( or anyone else) posts something on this forum, more than likely it is just their opinion ( or simply their own personal conclusions based on their own personal experience) and thus should be regarded accordingly.

Phil if you are reading this, let me suggest the following to get everyone ( including your "buddy" Ted) to cease with this ridiculous bashing of everything you post: preface everything you say with "this is my opinion based on my own personal observations and experience".....they have no where to go in this case, except to preface their next response with "this is me expressing personal animosity and miserable,mean spirited vitriol because, well, hey, that's the kinda person I am...."

**Full disclosure**. I do not agree with a lot of what Phil states and writes.... I just don't. But I have no problem skipping over or ignoring something he writes, and do not feel the need to constantly bash him...nor am I a hypocrite who likes to dress up my harsh critical words as someone "looking out for the better interests of others ( or even Phil himself)"....but sometimes I enjoy very much Phil's posts and get something out of it. But it's my personal choice or decision how to regard Phil's posts, a choice which others would deny me simply because they want to tell phil to get lost or otherwise influence him.

One last thing....the above referenced and quoted post by another member mentions something in it's last sentence that alludes to a "demon" that might be behind some of Phil's statements that criticize VP as a way of making a profit. This is basically the poster's way of accusing Phil of having a gambling problem and attempting to make others share in his misery. Let me encourage Phil to honestly evaluate the sentiment and motivation behind this poster's expression of this OBVIOUS opinion of Phil.... :up:

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Post by tech58 »

Excellent post DaB.

I agree with all your points,especially the vitriol part.

Gee thats one-in-a-row.

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Post by Carcounter »

A little late to this thread, but saw the title and figured to add my 2 cents. As I have posted in other threads, there were positive plays even in AC prior to the recession and competition which caused them to disappear. I ran positive 8 out of 10 years at one point. Not as a VP pro, but as a once or twice a week rec player. Generous slot clubs and promotions were part of the equation. Didn't win what most people would consider to be "significant" money, but averaged about 5k a year. Those winnings were used for helping the kids with down payments for cars and stuff like that. The casinos have no chance to get that money back

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar I have never had a thought in my head that even remotely resembled my saying to Phil not to post here anymore. That just may have been your interpretation. As for what else I wrote regarding Phil, it was made by me out of genuine concern for the man.

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Post by b74 »

Yes you can become a millionaire playing vp, maybe a billionaire. Who knows. You can also be struck by lightning or hit the lottery, etc.............

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Post by FloridaPhil »

b74 wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:23 pm
Yes you can become a millionaire playing vp, maybe a billionaire. Who knows. You can also be struck by lightning or hit the lottery, etc.............
That pretty much sums up my opinion as well. Well said. :up:

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Post by Tedlark »

Sir Richard Branson was once asked by someone how to become a Millionnaire and he responded with: "If you want to be a Millionnaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline."

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