Cheating in the NFL, Deflategate - redux

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Re: Cheating in the NFL, Deflategate - redux

Post by Carcounter »

Ok, I got a few concessions. I agree that the 2007 Pats would have beaten the 2007 Giants 7 out of 10 times, but the 2011 Giants I believe would have beaten the 2011 Pats 7 out of 10 times. The 2011 Giants were a better team than the 2007 Giants and clearly the 2011 Pats were not the team that the 2007 Pats were. Don't forget, however that the Giants and Pats played the last regular season game in 2007 and it was a 38-35 NE win and a very close game. I highly recommend the David Maraniss biography of Vince Lombardi, When Pride Still Mattered. One of the best sports books ever. He was a very complex individual to say the least.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Football head Coaches generally (like baseball managers and Basketball Coaches) get too much credit when their team wins, and take too much blame when their team is very true.     Debating the greatness of any particular coach who enjoyed various degress of success is a moot exercise......the bottomline is, if a coach/manager indeed has the talent on the field, and if that talent does what it is PAID to do, then the head coach/leader will enjoy his share of the success which follows.Of course, there are indeed  "GREAT" coaches and managers, as well as "Good" coaches, and of course, there are "LOUSY/AWFUL" coaches (but they usually do not last very long since in order to truly be called a LOUSY coach, the guy really nust be BLATANTLY BAD!)    Obviously, Lombardi, and Belichick, as well as certain others clearly fall into the GREAT category, but you and I BOTH know that Lombardi benefitted from having guys like BArt Starr, Hornung and a slew of other Hall of Famers during his coaching days in the NFL (on both the Packers teams and the GIANTS teams he coached!)        Likewise, in Belichick's case, we probably would never even be talking about him were it not for the fact that TOM BRADY has been his quarterback for the past 15 years, and the fact that TOM is willing to tolerate Belichick's abrasive and abrupt personality for the sake of WINNING.    But there is a lot of luck involved, particularly with avoiding the dreaded INJURY and health  obstacles which inevitably spring up......Ironically, it was an injury to the patriots' franchise QUarterback, the great DREW BLEDSOE, in early 2001 that set the stage for the unintended rise of TOM is easy to forget, Brady's ascendancy was totally an ACCIDENT!     Bledsoe was the quintessential, elegant quarterback, a tall, pocket passer with a cannon for an arm but who never quite had a complete and elite arsenal of weapons to help him light up the scoreboard (which he still managed to do from time to time.)    Bledsoe had the misfortune of being under Bill PArcels during the critical formative years of his first four years in the NFL, and Parcells was NEVER known to be a friend or a fan of "elegant pocket passers who need weapons around them."     Evenstill, Bledsoe led the Patriots to a Superbowl in 1997-1998 but ran into Favre and the relentless Packers.......that Superbowl was a good match and was pretty close except for the fact that Greenbay had a kickoff returner named desmond howard who returned two kicks for HUGE returns (one for the game clinching touchdown.)   Take away Desmond and its anyone's game.......but I digress......Bottomline, Bledsoe goes down in early 2001, Brady steps in and never leaves, even when bledsoe returned 100% healthy and ready to play again.    Belichick NEVER would have made the change on his own, it was forced upon him, and Brady made the most of it.......pure, total fate/chance/luck!

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Post by Carcounter »

Ah, Goodbye Desmond Howard! Anybody remember the call?

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Post by Carcounter »

Remember who knocked Bledsoe out of the game in 2001? Hint it was a NY jet.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Remember who knocked Bledsoe out of the game in 2001? Hint it was a NY jet.Mo (better) Lewis!!!!Who could forget......people do not realize or remember, that Bledsoe nearly DIED from the aftermath of this hit.....after the game he complained of shortness of breath and excruciating pain and was rushed to the Emergency room, where it was discovered he was bleeding heavily into his chest and lungs and was in the intensive care for several days!!    watch and cringe:

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Post by Carcounter »

Nice link to the you tube video. My memory is a little foggy on this, but I think Bledsoe was also the Cowboys quarterback, when Tony Romo was his backup and was knocked out of a game against the Giants. Romo came in and has been the starting quarterback since. What is it with Drew Bledsoe?

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Post by DaBurglar »

Well It looks like Roger and Tom could not settle their differences and it is up to the Judge now.......what a total crock this whole thing is.....Obviously, there is NO real cheating going on here otherwise this would not be dragging on or out the way it has been......Nope, this is just a clear vendetta against the most successful team and quarterback in NFL history by a commissioner being pressured by resentful owners who control his future employment.The ONLY thing the Judge can punish Tom for now is his so-called failure to hand over his personal cell phone (that contained ALL his personal information including family and who knows what else information), even though the NFL never told him that there would be punishment if he did NOT turn over his personal cell phone.   The judge has correctly stated that the NFL had every right to request the phone, but Brady also had every right to say NO......Of course, the actual PHONE records are available IF the NFL wants to get a subpoena for them, in which case the phone company can provide the records that are relevant......but for some reason the NFL is reluctant to do that, choosing instead to just simply make a big stink over brady's decision to NOT have his potential personal life and laundry aired all in the name of a few ALLEGED underinflated, but still VERY functional, footballs!   

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Post by DaBurglar »


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Post by DaBurglar »

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Post by DaBurglar »

Tom Brady just clobbered the NFL and Roger Goodell, and won a HUGE
victory not just for himself, not just for the Patriots, and not just
for good common sense, logic and legal integrity:    Brady won a HUGE
victory for ALL NFL players, past present and future who may suddenly
find themselves up against the BIG, BAD "ORGANIZATION"  being squeezed
to accept something (or admit to something) they are completely innocent
of......Roger Goodell (and the OWNERS who were egging
him on to "Stick it to the arrogant Patriots and Robert Kraft" simply
because they could not beat New England on the field and were insanely
jealous) now looks like the biggest failure of any  professional sport
(BAseball, Basketball, Hockey, etc etc) commissioner possibly in all of
history (except maybe the Olympic games commish who ignored or condoned
doping perhaps...?)The Awesome Judge on this case, the honorable
Judge Berman, gave both sides several chances, but in hindsight and
obvious retrospective analysis, Judge Berman was really IMPLORING  the
NFL and Roger Goodell to come down in the severity of the punishment
they wanted (wayyy down) because berman obviously recognized just how
absurd, unfair, illogical and WRONG the whole NFL position and case
against Brady was.....He gave them numerous chances to save face and
still come out at least looking like the NFL had "won"....but nope!    
Goodell and his cronies/supporters  refused to budge, insisting that
Brady and the PAtriots essentially sabotage their own upcoming season by
having Brady miss the first four games in hope of putting the patriots
far enough in a hole that they might MISS altogether the postseason and
thus, give some other team a chance (lol, how pathetic huh?)    In
hindsight surely even the most bitter, irrational haters of New
England, Brady (and ME), like, um, Tedlark, can see how the entire NFL
position is just plain stupid and could Goodell punish
Brady with Four games suspension when he only gave Ray Rice two games
for FLAT OUT punching his fiance while she was defenseless (drunk
actually) in a public elevator?  Ray could easily have killed the woman
(almost did if you watch that tape!)      How does a quarterback who 
"POSSIBLY had knowledge of the actions of another person who ALLEGEDLY
altered several football air pressures"  even get mentioned in the same
sentence, let alone warrant a far more severe penalty???!?!?!?Even
worse, Suspension of games is supposed to be reserved for the most
egregious player infractions and crimes/misdeeds.......for instance,
when a player violates the substance abuse policy (either uses Steroids
for the thrid time after getting two prior chances to NOT do it again
lol;    OR tests positive three times in a row for something like
cocaine, methamphetamine or Heroin)   he is suspended for FOUR (4)
Games, exactly the penalty Goodell tried to foist upon brady for,
again,  "POSSIBLY having knowledge of ANOTHER persons' actions regarding
football airpressure settings"......  I have not even touched upon the
entire flimsy case and evidence itself related to the alleged
underinflation of the footballs in question, in that NO crime or
cheating even took place to begin with, which apparently Judge Berman
also seemed to think was in fact the situation!!!!Goodell
could have opted for a 1 game suspension and some fines or even the
commonly accepted palatable punishment, a HUGE single fine period!   
Brady would have accepted this just to put the whole thing to bed and
get on with life, and Goodell and the NFL still woul dhave come out of
this on top with some integrity and power intact.......but NOT
NOW!!!!! it is a total shambles, nothing is left to
work with, NOTHING!!!!!HUGE HUGE victory for the NFL players association!!

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