
Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Re: She

Post by DaBurglar » I get to this youtube video you posted and prove just how gullible, and ignorant, the american public is, and how people WANT to be deceived and lied to because, well, simply put, it is EASIER.....lies and simplified BS is so much easier to swallow and comprehend than complex nuanced truth.  The MEDIA is BIASED (both ways) because people want to see or hear or read stuff that confirms what they already "know" or believe......its called confirmation bias.   Fox News is BIASED in the way that they are because their audience is composed of people who think that way, and apparently none of you grasp that in today's world, the goal or JOB of the media is NOT to tell the truth or present objective information or to help people be informed.....the Media exists to MAKE MONEY!!!  Therefore other outlets like MSNBC who you will say is "liberal" is in fact simply spewing what ITS audience wants to hear, which in turn ensures their viewership which is how they make people might as well b*tch about sports fans rooting for the home team (HOW DARE THEY!  THEY ARE BIASED!!!)1)     I do not care for, not agree with much of what Hillary is and stands for....she is self serving and narcissistic in her own way, just not as OVERT as Trump perhaps, but just as much as 85% of ALL American Politicians.     In short, I do not like her personally or professionally....2)  Yes, she is in "bed with" the filthy rich.....its total hypocrisy.....this is why Bernis sanders' "CRUSADE" was able to last as long as it did and garner as much support......everything BERNIE said about Hillary is/was true......she is a hypocrite for criticizing the way the Republican Establishment has been subservient to the filthy rich for the last 25-30 years (which is true), but Hillary (and Bill) have pursued the same exact interests and goals as the filthy rich ever since Bill's second term came to a other words, the Clintons are on their way to becoming self made BILLIONAIRES by way of the Poiltical World....they neither created anything nor built anything, they just cajoled and talked and maneuvered and changed tunes when it was to their monetary advantage.     Just as certain elements in the Republicans represent ALL that has gone wrong with THAT party, the Clintons represent all that is wrong with the Democratic party (and perhaps even further beyond about poilitics in general....)Pause for a moment to absorb that, and then refocus on this YOUTUBE video which in my opinion is a shameless hack job use of sensationalism, deception and out right exploitation to attack Hillary and promote an image of her that is unfair.........SHE MAY BE horrible and flawed and all that, but this video is total BULLSH*T, and if you yourself are going to whine and moan about the "BIAS" in the media, then you need to AVOID using pieces of crap like this video to make an argument or point......and (ONCE is worth repeating) OF COURSE the "media" is BIASED.....why?  because their goal is NOT to report the news or present objective information to the US public (or the WORLD).......their goal is TO MAKE MONEY!!!!  They are COMPANIES    DUH    Do you really NOT understand that???      So it just happens that right now, there are somewhat MORE media outlets and companies out there who appear to favor liberals or Mrs. Clinton.....some are neutral, and of course, some are BIASED the other way (like FOX "NEWS")     I watch Fox "news" all the time and I get a HUGE laugh from it.....Take it from your own "personal responsibility" reservoir of self reliance and RELY on yourself to form conclusions and learn the truth, rather than listen to the "Liberal" (and conservative, and every other outlet with an agenda) media!!!Im going to start a second post for this next portion.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

Now this YOUTUBE video is an awful is such an obviously
BIASED, distorted, deceptive piece of editing (a good example actually
of the POWER of editing and cutting/pasting  etc  to make a point or
piece of this case, to attack Hillary)If you
objectively go back and review the whole video, and PAUSE and then click
(and do this REPEATEDLY,  "CLICK/PAUSE") very deliberately so that you
can READ and hear all the ACTUAL content, and all the stuff the composer
of the youtube video glossed over and wants YOU to also "gloss over",
you begin to see what is going on here.....its ridiculous!Here's the first thing everyone needs to be aware of:   Hillary was the DEFENSE
lawyer in this case......does everyone here understand what the
obligations of a DEFENSE attorney are>???   What they are supposed to
do?        Does everyone also understand that even the most vile,
seemingly OBVIOUSLY guilty "suspects" in any criminal case are entitled
to the BEST DEFENSE they can get?    Don't just ignore this or dismiss
it, these are important points here.....sadly in our ever burgeoning
society of Rich & poor, only the WEALTHY can make the legal system
work for them, and THAT is a sad fact.   Hillary here, in 1975, at least
was trying to provide a competent adequate defense for this man......that was HER is ridiculous to lament "SHE USED DIRTY TRICKS" like the video's author shamelessly throws out there........huh?    really?     Get a clue about how criminal justice and trials and trial lawyers work and what is supposed to happen.........don't allow the obviously HORRIFIC nature of the crime to exclude what needs to happen in the criminal justice portion of this ordeal.And here is the corker that makes this sensationalistic youtube video travesty totally BUNK and destroys its credibility:at the 0:59 (almost the 1:00) mark, the video's author (this "JAMES STAKKE")  tosses this ridiculous statement out there (I urge you watch the video and read it yourself):"MR. TAYLOR's Lawyer went so far as to SUPPRESS the Damning Physical, Oral and Written evidence against Mr. Taylor!"     No, REALLY?!?!?    A DEFENSE lawyer actually tried to "suppress" evidence that harms his/her client!?!?      WOW, what a shock huh?     You are attacking a defense lawyer for doing what a defense lawyer is supposed to do!!!!!!     How stupid is that?!?And for the record, the LAWYER did not Suppress the Damning evidence.....the Lawyer files a motion to SUPPRESS is up to the JUDGE to actually make the final decision!!!!     C'mon really?     There are so many REAL, LEGIT things you can attack (and nail)  Hillary on (legitimate things)......concocting this BS is pathetic and wrong though, most of all it further victimizes the poor girl who was attacked in the first place.    Its sad that the SYSTEM failed her (assuming everything else this guy STaake says is true regarding the rest of the case.)  Blaming Hillary for the evil that this man did, trying to make it seem like HILLARY herself raped the girl, is just WRONG.

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Post by notes1 »

yes, H is a lawyer and her job was to do everything legal to get her client off. see, I agree with you. and, of course the video presented her in the most damning light. the video creators likely used some marketing folks to make their point.

if we agree on that, then you would agree that Trump, as a businessman, should do everything legal, to maximize his investment, for himself or any investors, in any project he takes on. if that means screwing someone else, so be it. that is his job and it is legal.

since we are agreed, I would never expect to hear you complain again, about how trump screwed anyone over in AC. that was his job, just like H.

so, I am glad you have set the bar for what is acceptable. as long as it was her job to get an accused rapist of a 12 year girl off legally, then you should never complain about what anyone does legally, if it is their job.

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Post by billryan »

yes, H is a lawyer and her job was to do everything legal to get her client off. see, I agree with you. and, of course the video presented her in the most damning light. the video creators likely used some marketing folks to make their point.

if we agree on that, then you would agree that Trump, as a businessman, should do everything legal, to maximize his investment, for himself or any investors, in any project he takes on. if that means screwing someone else, so be it. that is his job and it is legal.

since we are agreed, I would never expect to hear you complain again, about how trump screwed anyone over in AC. that was his job, just like H.

so, I am glad you have set the bar for what is acceptable. as long as it was her job to get an accused rapist of a 12 year girl off legally, then you should never complain about what anyone does legally, if it is their job.

Except Trump didn't protect his investors. He raped them.He used the casinos as his personal piggie bank and screwed his investors, his bankers and his employees.If you believe that is the job of a CEO, I'm not sure what to say.

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Post by notes1 »

interesting you would choose to use the word 'rape'. if he had actually done something illegal, he could hire H. she is apparently good at getting actual rapists off.

your girl stands for women's rights and is a child advocate.

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Post by FAA »

So many use rape in incredibly inappropriate contexts. You know what you can't fix. 

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Post by jetermacaw »

We all know of Mr. Trumps short falling, now if someone can put together a viable list of Hs accomplishments that have had an impact on anyone you know please be specific and list them. Thanks.
PS: That would be positive impact. Thanks in advance.

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Post by notes1 »

my point was, how about a fair fight when it comes to the election?

everyone knows T is more than capable of putting both feet in his mouth and blowing any chance of getting elected. but, everyday, non stop, the majority of the media brings up or creates one controversy after another. he is not going to win, but everything he says is not wrong.

voter id, only allowing legal entry to the usa, supporting the police, demanding Europe pay for more of their own defense, changing/starting over Obamacare, eliminating ISIS, these are among many ideas that folks support.

how about detailing H entire past. that couple has spent nearly their entire adult lives, living off the taxpayer. they have found a way to be worth over $100m, by profiting off 'public service'. many of today's voters do not recall all of their history, it is the medias job to bring it up, just as they do about T.

everyone should be concerned about this. do we really want the media elite or those who control the media, to decide what we are told?

candy Crowley, cnn, opened her big fat mouth, was wrong, and interfered in the debate, when Romney had Obama on the ropes. the media is taking sides and it ought to scare you.

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Post by DaBurglar »

yes, H is a lawyer and her job was to do everything legal to get her client off. see, I agree with you. and, of course the video presented her in the most damning light. the video creators likely used some marketing folks to make their point.

if we agree on that, then you would agree that Trump, as a businessman, should do everything legal, to maximize his investment, for himself or any investors, in any project he takes on. if that means screwing someone else, so be it. that is his job and it is legal.

since we are agreed, I would never expect to hear you complain again, about how trump screwed anyone over in AC. that was his job, just like H.

so, I am glad you have set the bar for what is acceptable. as long as it was her job to get an accused rapist of a 12 year girl off legally, then you should never complain about what anyone does legally, if it is their job. Ummm, no.     This is not a legitimate or even intelligent line of reasoning notes1......There's a whole lot to THAT video / Story we have not heard not has been brought out.....first off, WHY (in 1975) was HILLARY even defending this guy?   Why was she his lawyer??Was she a public defender????  if so, this conversation/debate ends there.....I do not like H, she's annoying, etc etc   but this video, and the message and mentality behind it (and therefore the PEOPLE who "dig" it) is total BS and is exactly the kind of thing that has wrecked and poisoned the political system as whole.It is NOT Trump's JOB to wreck companies while enriching himself, and comparing that to a defense lawyer's OBLIGATIONS (a lawyer can be disbarred and sued for malpractic for FAILING to defend even the most VILE criminals if that is in fact their CLIENT) is DUMB.....and a totally desperate argument.What is really going on here is people who call themselves conservative are DESPERATELY trying to concoct ANY rationalization/justification to cast a vote for Trump that will salve their conscience.......demonize Hilalry all you want, I will egg you on.......I'm not voting for her.     But by voting for Trump, you are effectively killing conservatism and the republican party, possibly for good.    You need to suck it up, forget this election, and look to 2020.....if you reject Trump NOW (and all the stupidity he has dredged up within the Republican party), purge the ranks of the hate and ignorance, you stand a great chance of defeating Hilary in 2020.....SERIOUSLY>

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Post by FAA »

Both candidates have long since left town, btw.

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