Latest Greatest Horror Movie

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Re: Latest Greatest Horror Movie

Post by DaBurglar »

For the record, i asked Ted to show me what and where I posted that I
wanted to have a relative (I have many) give him a stern talking to in
AC....given his past ability to recall even the most esoteric and
obscure details of my posting history, I have to assume since he cannot
do so here especially on an issue that he keeps making out to be a HUGE
friggin deal, can only mean he is actually mistaken (or worse.)   Sorry
Ted, No tickee No laundry....but even still.......WHAT is the issue
here anyway?   You're futile attempts at bullying me actually WOULD make
it reasonable for me to want to have someone physically bigger than me
put you in your place if you ever were bold enough to stand in front of
me having said all the crap you've said over the last 5-6 years,
so.......I never called you a NAZI, or a GAY Nazi, or
anything like tried this tact a before, and failed
before.   I made a analogy about a different point that touched upon
using the concept of Nazis as authoritative, dictatorial powers, and how
that dynamic can influence people.  I NEVER ever called anyone a
NAZI.....this is just  a dishonest attempt to justify Ted's unacceptable
and otherwise offensive behavior on other fronts by giving him a lame
excuse.I am not mad you gave me "proof" of two movie theaters
going up in Chicago.   This is another FALSE ISSUE made up by you.....I
said, and I still stand by, that the Movie theater INDUSTRY.....the I N D
U S T R Y  is in obvious decline.     THAT is what I said.   And I am
100% correct.   Just because you can find isolated instances of one or
two individual theaters being opened or constructed does NOT change the
Macro picture.   And you do not need my Double Degree in Government and
Economics from Harvard (class of 1992) TO KNOW OR  UNDERSTAND THAT.      mmmkay Ted?   great, glad you see it my way.....Now
if you'll excuse, me I need to go prepare for my Date with a former
Miss Rhode Island....she agreed to accompany me to a dinner at the
Kennedy School of Government in Harvard Square, where I am the keynote
speaker.     My discourse is titled:"Regulatory Backlash of Trump-o-nomics on Amway Home based distributors:  We're all going to be fired!"      woof woof

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Post by Tedlark »

You brought up the issue of movie theaters not me. If the INDUSTRY is in obvious decline why would a company invest millions of dollars building two new theaters? I did not dream up your post about you having a relative of yours teach me a lesson, again; how could I even make that up? The way you backtrack reminds me of a technique where a person walks in their same footprints in the snow. Hello Fort Drum.

I would have no problem saying anything to you face to face. ANYTHING. I have actually given serious thought to meeting you just to tell you off in person and I don't really care WHO you would bring with you but just make it 5 or 6 so it would be a fairer fight.

Actually I think that former Miss Rhode Island would be your escort and not your date.

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Post by DaBurglar »

You brought up the issue of movie theaters not me. If the INDUSTRY is in obvious decline why would a company invest millions of dollars building two new theaters? I did not dream up your post about you having a relative of yours teach me a lesson, again; how could I even make that up? The way you backtrack reminds me of a technique where a person walks in their same footprints in the snow. Hello Fort Drum.

I would have no problem saying anything to you face to face. ANYTHING. I have actually given serious thought to meeting you just to tell you off in person and I don't really care WHO you would bring with you but just make it 5 or 6 so it would be a fairer fight.

Actually I think that former Miss Rhode Island would be your escort and not your date.

Yeah "escorts"....real classy ted.    You escaped notice that, maybe, just MAYBE, I was joking about Miss Rhode Island huh?  In response to your totally below the belt and uncalled for comment that women hate really revealed a lot with that post Ted.   A LOT.   So you just basically answered my question in my private message, about whether you want to cease this crap before it gets too personal and just dont know you to get out of your own way huh?    You really havent offended me that bad yet though, I have a much higher tolerance and thick skin than you....but if you insist on being a pr*ck just because you think you have a right to be, think again.The FACTS is, if we met You'd have HUGE problems even just looking me in the eye .....why is it you ceaselessly post "the last word" in the forum, but you can't find the courage to send me  PM, even after I send you one?   WHy do you feel the need to INFLICT our silly absurd problem on the rest of the forum? you really need an audience as you ceaselessly harass and pick on and thwart and sabotage me on this fourm?Regarding this mysterious post you claim but cant produce,  whatever you THINK i said or posted about meeting you with someone, I am 100% certain that, WHATEVER it was, it meant or involved something totally different than what you WANT it to involve,,,,reading comprehension is not your strong suit.   But given your obvious super confident fighting ability, then clearly.....CLEARLY it would be smart of me to bring someone like, oh say, my COUSIN who was chief of police of the town I currently live in......right?   Or, if you want to fight 5 or 6 people, maybe i should just bring my lawyer(s)

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Post by Tedlark »

It may have been your cousin that you mentioned, I'll check my memory bank.

Bring whomever you want.

Yes, escort is a proper term but because of how your mind works you thought of the street definition for the word.

I have asked webman several times to install a block onto the PM so that I can block people like you from sending me unwanted, unsolicited and pestering PM's. Much like in the same manner that people in chat last week were telling you that they had you blocked. Remember how mad you got then?

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Post by DaBurglar »

It may have been your cousin that you mentioned, I'll check my memory bank.

Bring whomever you want.

Yes, escort is a proper term but because of how your mind works you thought of the street definition for the word.

I have asked webman several times to install a block onto the PM so that I can block people like you from sending me unwanted, unsolicited and pestering PM's. Much like in the same manner that people in chat last week were telling you that they had you blocked. Remember how mad you got then? Oh good so when will you be in AC ted?   This is great...what day works for you????Nah, I know exactly what you meant by escort, because in my original post I jokingly said she'd be my date, then you specifically substituted other logic would make sense despite your typical empty reasoning on what you CLAIM to mean.....Too bad if you dont like "pestering pms", live with it....I only sent you two and once agin, you ignore my question on why you MUST have it out in public instead of handling this privately.....seriously, WHY do you have to inflict on the forum this spectacle?   WHY TED???     And you cant tolerate two little PMs but you can find the time like your doing right now to monitor this thread, incessantly hit refresh so you can pounce as soon as I reply to your latest absurd post......And who blocked me in chat last week???   how exactly would someone who blocked me actually "tell me" that they blocked me, if in fact I was in fact BLOCKED to begin with?!?!?   Hmmm?  What?   How?         Ahahahaha  this is too easy......contrary to being mad, I would have sighed in relief, if in fact I knew I was "blocked to begin with"....Oh And I do know who your sources are, as much as you need to believe I dont.  And all I can say...WHo cares????  lol    they are almost as petty and mean spirted as you......You are really  REALLY P.O'd now, aren't ya ted?   You really REALLY hate my living guts now, don't ya ted?  Edited to add:  You'll be pleased to know, I was just playing quite a bit of VP on this site, playing 5 Aces VP  and I got one of the top 5 scores so far today......arent you glad for me ted?  You always criticized how I didnt play enough more of that.    

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar you sent me TWO unsolicited PM's on 3/22 alone. Please don't forget about the last few you sent me RIGHT after you went gold, it was back then I asked webman about the ability to block PM's such as this.

In my using the term escort I was using the traditional meaning in that you would be escorting Miss Rhode Island to the affair and because you were in such a prominent position at this event I didn't classify it as a date. You on the other hand thought it refered to you as being someone who had to pay Miss Rhode Island for being in your company for a set period of time.

DaBurglar I was the witness in chat last week when you were annoying several of the chat participants. I know you wanted to blame KB or Doris or SoCal but it was me you idiot. I was laughing out loud as people were telling you to go away and I laughed even more when some had takento just ignoring you. When this happened you then said you were going off chat to play a game on this site. Please remember that you were trying to bait me to appear on chat and you probably got a bit frustrated when I did not take that bait.

I'm not "P.O'd" at all, I just continue on an even keel.

As for your play on 5 Aces, I will offer congrats and tell you to try for those elusive top spots. You have played less than 100,000 hands on this site since 2011, which in my opinion is a VERY low number but people are different. I come to this site to primarily play video poker to have fun and improve my skiils. This is evidenced by my record on this site. The forum and chat features on this site are secondary to me, my primary purpose, again,is to play video poker. I've met many wonderful people because of this site and for that I am also thankful. You on the other hand have played less than 100,000 hands on this site over the course of six years. I have no idea just how many more hands you needto play to reach that 100,000 hands played mark and I don't care either. But to me your primary purpose on this site is the exact opposite of mine: you are primarily here for the forum and chat features and secondarily here for playing video poker. So quite a bit of play to you might equate 300 hands.

I haven't ALWAYS criticized how you don't play enough here, I imagine I only started being critical of your lackof play here only in the last year or so.

Finally:I don't hate your guts, living or not.


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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar you sent me TWO unsolicited PM's on 3/22 alone. Please don't forget about the last few you sent me RIGHT after you went gold, it was back then I asked webman about the ability to block PM's such as this.

In my using the term escort I was using the traditional meaning in that you would be escorting Miss Rhode Island to the affair and because you were in such a prominent position at this event I didn't classify it as a date. You on the other hand thought it refered to you as being someone who had to pay Miss Rhode Island for being in your company for a set period of time.

DaBurglar I was the witness in chat last week when you were annoying several of the chat participants. I know you wanted to blame KB or Doris or SoCal but it was me you idiot. I was laughing out loud as people were telling you to go away and I laughed even more when some had takento just ignoring you. When this happened you then said you were going off chat to play a game on this site. Please remember that you were trying to bait me to appear on chat and you probably got a bit frustrated when I did not take that bait.

I'm not "P.O'd" at all, I just continue on an even keel.

As for your play on 5 Aces, I will offer congrats and tell you to try for those elusive top spots. You have played less than 100,000 hands on this site since 2011, which in my opinion is a VERY low number but people are different. I come to this site to primarily play video poker to have fun and improve my skiils. This is evidenced by my record on this site. The forum and chat features on this site are secondary to me, my primary purpose, again,is to play video poker. I've met many wonderful people because of this site and for that I am also thankful. You on the other hand have played less than 100,000 hands on this site over the course of six years. I have no idea just how many more hands you needto play to reach that 100,000 hands played mark and I don't care either. But to me your primary purpose on this site is the exact opposite of mine: you are primarily here for the forum and chat features and secondarily here for playing video poker. So quite a bit of play to you might equate 300 hands.

I haven't ALWAYS criticized how you don't play enough here, I imagine I only started being critical of your lackof play here only in the last year or so.

Finally:I don't hate your guts, living or not.

Word. matter how hard you try to spin or portray or realign or move around or alter your ongoing nonsense, it still screams that YOU are clearly obsessed with me, you are determined to have the final word/say/version of things, and you clearly have a very empty life.    Insist otherwise all you would NOT be doing what you have been doing if it were otherwise......You are NOT on an even keel, it is painfully obvious.....and I am actually sorry for that because again ALL I want is to be left alone.   You can claim over and over you do not hate me, but then again you HAVE admitted to strongly DISLIKING ME.....what the Eff is the difference??   Answer:  NONE.    WHo cares though?   As I said before, generally when two people strongly dislike each other, the sane, rational REASONABLE thing is to avoid one another.....YOU ...... REFUSE ......EMPHATICALLY ....TO ...DO.....THIS."Word" all you want.......make all the "PEACE" signs you are cooked buddy.   You've destroyed whatever smidgeon of credibility you had, especially with this absurd obsessionw ith chat.    You realize you just copped to "Spying on me"?????  LOL      Either way......again, who gives half a turd?!?!?  I'm serious......I had no clue you were there, and its just as well because the LAST....I mean VERY last thing I want is to have you around during anything I do.SO continue to make mountains out of the mole hills you find just clearly shows how bored and empty you otherwise are.   I really wish you'd find something else to do....and I am pretty sure so do a lot of other people.I throw you a bone though...if you'd just stop lYING and making sh*t up, I would indeed let you have the last word.....example:   I last "joined" gold in this past February......i NEVER Sent you "MANY" PMs following that......I might have sent ONE, and even that I am not sure of.....and FYI:   All PMs are "unsolicited" because, in order to "solicit", a person would have to, in fact, SEND an actual PM "soliciting" the further sending of additional PMs.......ahahahaha!!!!  I win careful how you throw around that "IDIOT" term there.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

Honestly, I am sitting here selling doggie shampoo on my EBAY Business site, all the while I am patiently waiting for Tedlark to submit a post saying:"Oh I am only kidding, pulling your chain, joking.....hahahaha  etc etc and so forth...."How much longer can this go on?   Is he really going to keep this up until I just allow him to have the final say, no matter how bogus or wrong or egregious that final say actually is???   He really seems to NEED to have things read a certain way, almost as if his reality is right smack dab HERE on this forum.....I dont get that.......BUT, in all reality, I can honestly say, TEDLARK is the only...I mean ONLY person with whom I have any interaction or relationship that I am NOT on good friendly terms with......people who know me, the real me, know I am NOT difficult to get along with.....honestly I cannot afford to be difficult to get along with......SO.....let me tee it up for you.     I've made and demonstrated any point I have to make vis-a-vis Tedlark....I have nothing more to say or add.Go ahead TED......have the FINAL LAST say on this .....this.....THIS "thing" you have wrought.    I cannot stand to see anyone suffer as much as you seem to be, away.   I won't reply to you anymore.......edited to add (and fix a typo before Ted has yet another conniption about that):   John 3:16 applies to EVERYONE who ever lived, past present and future......Almighty God (the father)  gave and allowed his only begotten, firstborn son and creation, who we know as Jesus Christ  to sacrifice his life in the most gruesome and humiliating way ... SO THAT all humans could avail themselves of the grace and forgiveness that would follow from Jesus releasing mankind from the bondage of sin and death.   Jesus paid that ransom for EVERYONE......and this includes Ted.    That is why I wish he could find it within himself to just stop this pointless nonsense.

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Post by Tedlark »

I am not wrong DaBurglar and that's what burns you the most.


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Post by case »

Good to have the old "buddies" back talking. I missed this!

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