Cheating in the NFL, Deflategate - redux

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Re: Cheating in the NFL, Deflategate - redux

Post by Tedlark »


    Are these 10 people who were watching you play video poker in a casino?

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Post by MPD001 »

If not overturned on appeal, I think this judge's ruling will have a profound effect on professional sports. All the commissioners of their respective sports will now have to wonder where their boundary line is in dealing with issues in their league. Goodell obviously thought he had the power to have the final say in matters in the NFL. Not so much, now.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I'm still lovin it 24 hours later Now we can all finally discuss football again, and not footballS!  I may be a avid Patriots fan, but I am a more realistic, NON hypocritical  rational and realistic ANALYTICAl sports fan, and sadly I can say this:  It is highly UNLIKELY  the Patriots will win the Superbowl this fact I do not think they will even MAKE it to the AFC Championship game (if they do they will not win it.)     Of course, I REALLY REALLY hope I am wrong about this......I predict the Pats will have a lot of trouble once again with coverage on deep passing games and this will cause the other really strong portions of their defense to tire out as the season wears on.....the pass rush is excellent as are the linebackers and the short passing game coverage, but they just do not have cornerbacks who can hang in deep routes without having both safeties help out.....The saving grace as usual for the Pats is the offense which should be roaring once again, with a lot of incentive to score a HUGE amount of points (they will need all of them).......The AFC east is improved a lot as the Bills and Dolphins both will be better than last year (barring injuries of course), but the Patriots will win yet another AFC east title......after that, I do not see them going very far this year.Predictions for the AFC:   This is the year of the Indianapolis Colts, and Andrew Luck (who will emerge as the BEST all around QB in the game today, replacing Aaron Rodgers in that title)  and Luck will be league MVP.     Barring Injury, the Colts will reach the Super Bowl for the AFC.......The team that will stand in the colts way the most this year is a toss up between the Steelers and the Broncos.....either of these teams could possibly derail Luck's breakout season, and the biggest question now is Peyton Manning:   Will this be his last year?     I think it will be and if so, it may be that he goes out with one final HUGE blaze of glory.    We'll See....NFC:    Seattle once again will be the team to beat, but there are a LOT of other teams that, with a little luck or an injury or two here and there to various players on various teams, and it is all up in the air.     Dallas  is essentially on a Super Bowl or BUST mission this year, and so is Green Bay.....and Detroit is looking at its LAST chance to make something happen while Calvin Johnson still retains super hero status and the QB remains unhurt......You cannot count out New Orleans, Atlanta, or even the eagles.But at this point I say  its Seattle  versus the Colts, and the Seahawks make up for last year's heartbreaker.What say all the rest of you?

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Post by DaBurglar »

since I got ZERO participation in this thread, much to my dismay, I will go ahead and respond first to my original request for posts......Well, it looks as though I am pretty far off in my predictions, in fact I am so far off I could qualify for a casino to be hired as a  COOLER in their sports book, whereby the picks I make are so bad, yet so well reasoned and argued (and thus potentially persuasive), I could effectively influence a significant portion of any given sports book's patrons to follow my....."lead" and thus TANK in glorious fashion!    The sports book(s) who employ me and my services as a cooler would benefit handsomely.......        Seriously, if anyone bothers, they can re-read my original post(s) ABOVE from back in September before the season began.....they will see the original predictions I made about what and how the season would progress, and they will see how WAYyYyYyYy off base I have been THUS far in the season (almost half way done)......But as to my beloved PATRIOTS, I think this article hits the nail right on the head: ... --nfl.html

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Post by Tedlark »

Um DaBurglar I believe that I started THIS thread, not you.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Um DaBurglar I believe that I started THIS thread, not you.lmao   you are unreal....just when I think you cannot POSSIBLY lower the bar for yourself any lower, VOILA!    WHERE DID I SAY in my previous post (that you responded to with the ABOVE post)  that I STARTED this thread>>>>?????If you bother to re-read my post above, I clearly referenced my own post FROM SEPTEMBER 4 (I clearly reference and specify that) where I outlined predictions for the upcoming 2015 season.......I bemoan the fact that no one responded or participated in my exercise or "game" of predictions!!!!Here i  practically INVITE you to respond and slam my admittedly way off prognostications for various teams in 2015........but noooooooooo,  you come up with....with...this!?!?!?!

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Post by Tedlark »

since I got ZERO participation in this thread, much to my dismay, I will go ahead and respond first to my original request for posts......Well, it looks as though I am pretty far off in my predictions, in fact I am so far off I could qualify for a casino to be hired as a  COOLER in their sports book, whereby the picks I make are so bad, yet so well reasoned and argued (and thus potentially persuasive), I could effectively influence a significant portion of any given sports book's patrons to follow my....."lead" and thus TANK in glorious fashion!    The sports book(s) who employ me and my services as a cooler would benefit handsomely.......    Â    Seriously, if anyone bothers, they can re-read my original post(s) ABOVE from back in September before the season began.....they will see the original predictions I made about what and how the season would progress, and they will see how WAYyYyYyYy off base I have been THUS far in the season (almost half way done)......But as to my beloved PATRIOTS, I think this article hits the nail right on the head: ... --nfl.html

DaBurglar you got ZERO participation in this thread; I wasn't asking for any so why would you get some?

Where in your post of 10/30/15 @7:04 pm did you write September 4, 2015? Would it be too much of a BOTHER if you can show me where you wrote September 4, 2015 in this post? By the way, I'm up to 88 daily high score awards here on this site, how many are you up to?

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Post by DaBurglar »

since I got ZERO participation in this thread, much to my dismay, I will go ahead and respond first to my original request for posts......Well, it looks as though I am pretty far off in my predictions, in fact I am so far off I could qualify for a casino to be hired as a  COOLER in their sports book, whereby the picks I make are so bad, yet so well reasoned and argued (and thus potentially persuasive), I could effectively influence a significant portion of any given sports book's patrons to follow my....."lead" and thus TANK in glorious fashion!    The sports book(s) who employ me and my services as a cooler would benefit handsomely.......        Seriously, if anyone bothers, they can re-read my original post(s) ABOVE from back in September before the season began.....they will see the original predictions I made about what and how the season would progress, and they will see how WAYyYyYyYy off base I have been THUS far in the season (almost half way done)......But as to my beloved PATRIOTS, I think this article hits the nail right on the head: ... --nfl.html

Ted, here is my post quoted in full ....notice the part I made larger in green.....and then if you bother to look up at the VERY preceding post in the ACTUAL sequence of this thread, you will indeed SEE my other post from September 4, 2015 (which is "ABOVE" the one I am quoting here......You are terrible at this......Edited:   88 high scores, congrats......what do you get for that?   I'll reserve my video poker playing for when I can actually earn comps, points or even win something......just not in AC.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar I see the green highlighted text but as I stated earlier, where did you SPECIFICALLY state September 4 in the post?

If I were you I'd play video poker here because when you LOSE it won't cost you anything. When you LOSE in a casino you lose actual money.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar I see the green highlighted text but as I stated earlier, where did you SPECIFICALLY state September 4 in the post?

If I were you I'd play video poker here because when you LOSE it won't cost you anything. When you LOSE in a casino you lose actual money.There is no issue or confusion here except for your childish (really childish) rant about something that should be clear to any reasonably intelligent reader...I said SEPTEMBER clearly, I said "The post above "   Clearly, and if a person scans the several inches on the screen they clearly see the DATE of September 4 ..... You realize Ted that you just committed yet ONE MORE instance where ANYONE and EVERYONE who reads this forum sees what a totally unreasonable, idiotic borderline personality you really does that feel?

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