Florida Phil's Obsession with Me

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Re: Florida Phil's Obsession with Me

Post by FAA »

DB every time you try and persuade roveer (or anyone else for
that matter) to play at other Atlantic City casinos you are being used as
free advertising by those same casinos. That is unless of course those
same casinos are slipping you an endorcement fee?                                         ---"These places will fleece you and your entire flock." An endorsement? Work on the sarcasm. And spelling.

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Post by FAA »

No problem. Several good points were brought up by several different
people. A more productive discussion than most on this site.                                                                                                                     Ouch!

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=alpax]I was slightly stunned when FP revealed about a successful business
venture yesterday and believes its worth exceeds the winnings Mr. Dancer
had as a professional VP player. Though I will not question the
financial statuses of any person, I am stunned that to see someone so
grounded. I always thought that FP was living off of a limited
retirement plan and social security insurance checks, hence the need for
the CS approach to play the game.[/quote]A lot of small time video poker players play quarters just for the enjoyment of the game not because they can't afford to play at higher stakes.  Some of us don't want red flags on our tax forms either.  I consider video poker to be a video game just like Candy Crush except I get to spend a nice day relaxing and having some fun with my friends and other people.  I don't drink or smoke, so it's strictly me against the machine.  What folks don't understand about me is I love hitting $1,000 jackpots while playing small change most of the day.  When I do this, I feel like I'm robbing the casino even when it's mostly the other way around.  When CS works, I'm happy.  When I play max coins I'm happy too, but I have found that to be mostly a depressing experience unless I'm on vacation or the odds are fairly good.  My wife and I have been to Vegas many times in the past.  The Vegas we loved no longer exists.  The whole place is a circus and you can't even see the hotels anymore from all the condos and signs.  Small denomination players are treated like homeless refugees and it's ridiculous to see people spending tons of money just to get a free lunch.  We love Biloxi even if the odds stink because they treat us like valued customers.   Black Hawk Colorado and the Hollywood Hard Rock are two more places where we love to play.  The odds in those places are decent and free rooms and meals are easy to get without a financial statement.  Don't ever think everyone outside the high limit room is broke.  You may be surprised who's sitting beside you. 

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Post by FAA »

I love hitting $1,000 jackpots while playing small change most of the
day.  When I do this, I feel like I'm robbing the casino even when it's
mostly the other way around. When CS works, I'm happy.  When I play max
coins I'm happy too, but I have found that to be mostly a depressing
experience unless on vacation or the odds are fairly good.                                                                                                                                               ---            Even with good odds, max coins is a losing proposition for the JOB crowd. I'm forced to take selective max coin jabs out of self preservation. It's great fun to tinker around on min coin then hit any win above fifty dollar.

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Post by onemoretry »

My conclusion is: I have no idea who is correct.
The M does not publicize anywhere how many points it takes to earn a tier credit if you play VP. We asked our host what is the tier credit earning rate (this was about a year ago that we asked), and was told it was four points for one tier credit. The host could have been wrong, or it has changed in the past year?
I do not know why they don't make that information more readily available. I do know that when the tier system was first introduced, it was definitely three cash back points per one tier credit.

If it has changed, and it may well have, it's gone from the original three to four.

It doesn't really matter that much to us, since, as infrequent visitors there, the higher tier levels are out of reach, and the benefits of getting off the bottom level to Celebrity of Producer are minimal. And, they last only six months.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar everytime you try and persuade roveer(or anyone else for that matter) to play at other Atlantic City casinos you are being usedas free advertising by those same casinos. That is unless of course those same casinos are slipping you an endorcement fee?

Judged not lest ye be judged? And you try to adhere to that? Thanks for the Friday funny... Not even closely relevant or accurate..... me SUGGESTING roveer try playing at Borgata is NOT EVEN in the same ballpark as someone actually wearing or displaying a LOGO in public.    You do realize Ted, that EVERYTIME you take a potshot (and a BAd potshot at that) against me in a post or thread that HAS NOTHING to do with YOU, you totally PROVE me 100% right when I say that YOU really do have a "thing" for me (or against me), that I clearly.....CLEARLY bother you and that I do indeed "MATTER" to you.    Given your penchant for shooting yourself in the foot via this forum, I shudder to think you actually own a gun......you should not be allowed anywhere near one. And nice job once again for crapping in yet another otherwise GREAT thread....I am sure the rest of the forum is just as grateful.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Here's some forum ground rules I proposed in another thread yesterday to Bob Dancer.  He hasn't responded yet, but I think they're worth repeating in light of where this post is going.I
will not say anything on this forum about you or your strategy that
could be construed as a personal attack of any kind.  I may point out
where I think you are in error in an objective and professional way and
let you respond without personal attack.  You are free to critique my
statements in return and you will treat me as I have treated you.I
will not call you a liar or question your reported earnings and/or
results and you will not question mine.   You can post reasons why you
think my statements are in error and I will do the same when I disagree
with you, but we will not demean each other or get into personal name
calling or insults.I will treat you with respect at all times and expect you to treat all the members of this forum likewise.

royal flush
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Post by royal flush »

these are the facts as i see them. 1 bob dancer has educated the masses about vp play and different games. 2. he likely has made much more money selling his vp products good for him ( i respect him, although this has hurt myself and other advantage players) he has been very honest about life as a professional gambler which is not the glamour that hollywood portrays. over the years in his articles he has shown the negative effects on his life. he does not help the quarter player and he may rum them wrong at times. the bottom line is we must adapt to change and seize the day as he did

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I did not post my above rules to criticize or call out anyone.  I posted them because personal insults on this forum are not helpful and frankly they are childish and boring.  I created these rules for myself.  If others want to follow them, all the better. 

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Post by alpax »

Thanks for posting a photo of the mailer. Oh my, I have never noticed that little disclaimer at the bottom.
I don't play DDB very often at M, but apparently we haven't been receiving double points on it?

As far as I can tell, the "warehouse blowouts" (giant gift giveaways) are leftover gifts from previous months. I seem to recall lots of M branded luggage at the last event, which was definitely left over from the prior month's daily giveaways. The only thing that is never leftover is all of the alcoholic gifts. It seems like many days, it is bottles of Absolut Vodka, or wine.

I think the one day I was there the multiplier was not in effect. I played both the 8/5 ACE$ Bonus and 9/6 DDB on separate machines. I do not know if they bunch up all the good games into a handful of machines and have 2x points disabled on them.

I remembered to take a snapshot of the umbrella I got. I wish I got 2 more.

I consider video poker to be a video game just like Candy Crush except I get to spend a nice day relaxing and having some fun with my friends and other people.  I don't drink or smoke, so it's strictly me against the machine.  What folks don't understand about me is I love hitting $1,000 jackpots while playing small change most of the day.  When I do this, I feel like I'm robbing the casino even when it's mostly the other way around.  When CS works, I'm happy.  When I play max coins I'm happy too, but I have found that to be mostly a depressing experience unless I'm on vacation or the odds are fairly good.  My wife and I have been to Vegas many times in the past.  The Vegas we loved no longer exists.  The whole place is a circus and you can't even see the hotels anymore from all the condos and signs.  Small denomination players are treated like homeless refugees and it's ridiculous to see people spending tons of money just to get a free lunch.

Candy Crush is a great example, no matter how frustrating it gets to beat certain levels (some people beat it once by luck), they will never cave in and buy those power ups even though $30 will not kill them financially and the game is free to play for those willing to retry 50 times.

The Strip is certainly the main attraction of Vegas and it has rapidly changed (and will keep doing so) over the years. Your experiences with Vegas are based on that.

The places that are off the strip are catered to local residents. Those places have many great selection of games at nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, dollars, and two dollars. You can earn yourself a meal with 15 minutes of play with quarters. I think its more fair to judge those places than the strip.

Now since you and Mr. Dancer are butting heads, I do not think you would interest yourself in going to the SouthPoint and attending a seminar.

The biggest misunderstanding Mr. Dancer has with CS is that with all the mentioning of $1000 quad deuces; he knows it can only be achieved with max betting dollar denomination. So his assumption is that you go from single quarter to max dollars. Of course you lose more money doing that.

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