Violence in Dem run Cities will cost Biden the election

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Violence in Dem run Cities will cost Biden the election

Post by olds442jetaway »

I really think if nothing else, this will do him in. Another string of horrible shootings and rapes in NYC overnight. Soft on crime Libs. The good people in these communities have really had it at this point. Search other cities and you will find the same thing. Two killed and at least 12 shot just overnight in NYC just last night. Stabbings and rapes as well.

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Post by billryan »

Doom! Gloom!

I'll ask again. Democrats controlled these cities under Reagan, under Bush, under Clinton, under another Bush, under Obama. If they are the problem, why did this situation suddenly manifest itself in the last two or three years?
Did a democrat tweet 89 times between midnight and this morning promoting violence?
Does anyone remember when a President tried to unify our nation?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

The gloom and doom is all on the Dem side. Just listen to highlights from their convention. The rate the violence is increasing is due to lack of enforcement and just releasing prisoners back into society to start their crime sprees all over again. The sad part is most of the crimes are minorities doing it to themselves and destroying their own businesses. Many of the thugs are brought up with circumstances and homes that don’t even teach them right from wrong. They don’t even have a conscience. Much of this but not all is due to the drug culture in this country. That I have to blame on the people in the US themselves. If there was no demand, there would be no drug dealers. The only answer short term is more enforcement and more prisons. I still want a national build and staff a prison lottery. If Trump gets in, I will write the powers to be about my idea that I have posted about for years.

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Post by billryan »

If Trump gets in? If Trump gets in? Trump has been in for the last three and a half years. He's certainly lead us to a good spot, hasn't he?
I realize facts aren't something that Republicans put much faith in, but do you think it was a coincidence that much of the crime started about the same time covid shut down all the schools and cost some forty million Americans their jobs?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Partly, but if people aren’t taught right from wrong as kids this will never end

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Post by notes1 »

olds,don't let wannabe get you off course. he is doing what losers, with losing arguments are forced to do. change the subject, duck, swerve, anything not to address the real subject.

just as with the chinese virus, govs such as COUMO, told trump to butt out and don't try to dictate the rules for their state. we all saw how well that worked in NY and NJ. the elderly were sent to the death chambers, courtesy dem govs.

same thing with the lawlessness taking place, dem govs have told trump to butt out and per their wishes, he has, except when it comes to the destruction of federal buildings. all the crap happening in chicago, NY, DC, seattle, minneapolis, portland, in occurring SOLELY due to the dem mayors of those cities.

dems/liberals, trump haters are real beauties, they predict trump wants to be king and then they complain, when he isn't. it's called panic!

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Something and I don’t know what it is yet will come out that will all but clinch the election for Trump. If this country has any chance at all, he has to win. There could be a major announcement about a vaccine, or something else totally unexpected I am almost sure it will come out 3 to 4 weeks before the election. That’s about as far back as the memory of the average voter goes. That in itself is such a pity. Yes I can sense the panic in the Dems and libs even the one or two I have in my own family. Thank goodness not in my own household. I would love to see the same look on the faces of the anchors on CNN, MSNBC, and the rest as late in the evening in 2016.

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Post by billryan »

All this panic and yet none of you are willing to back up your words with a simple wager.

I suppose you are too busy applauding the fine young men who assaulted innocent bystanders with pellet guns yesterday. Just doing their part to defend 'merican values, right?

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Post by Tedlark »

billryan wrote:
Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:53 pm
All this panic and yet none of you are willing to back up your words with a simple wager.

I suppose you are too busy applauding the fine young men who assaulted innocent bystanders with pellet guns yesterday. Just doing their part to defend 'merican values, right?
It is being reported that paint guns, not pellet guns, were being used. What is less lethal? A paint gun or the bricks that BLM supporters were lobbing at the counter-protesters?

One BLM supporter, a black man, was quoted on the news saying: "these people were saying that all lives matter and I find that offensive."

Who, exactly, is the racist?

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Post by notes1 »

perfect timing. trump was going to visit WI, see the damage, make an evaluation.

DEM gov says STAY OUT. another dem says stay out of our state.

disproves another one of wannabee' stupid arguments. no worry, he will have another tomorrow courtesy, MSDNC, CNN, nyt, wapo, etc.

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