St. Valentine's Day.

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St. Valentine's Day.

Post by TripleTriple »

No love for me. It was a massacre.

I arrived the 13th around 5pm and sauntered up to the Harrah's check-in via Seven Stars line. Being there was no one around it didn't matter. Minutes later I was enroute to Atrium 1253, where I "unpacked" and settled in.
Moments later I was back in the elevator destination casino floor, where I was dumped just a few paces from the Diamond Cove.

After swiping to activate the 5x TC promo and my paltry $85 free play I found my seat at 14476. I managed a good draw on trip 3s for my first (and unknown to me) my last handpay:
I instructed the SA how I wished to be paid and waited. And waited. Fifteen minutes later she came back saying they wanted to know my occupation to which I replied simply "retired", although I haven't officially qualified as such. Evidently that wasn't good enough. What about before you retired? After asking why this was necessary, I gave a generic "scientist". Seemingly satisfied, they left and I waited another 20 minutes until they returned.

All good until they realized the check did not match the w2-g! Off again for another 20 minutes as I fumed at the incompetence. Upon return there was another issue this time with the w2-g. I ended up having a manager come out to the floor to resolve (another 10 minute wait). After nearly an hour and 10 minutes I finally had my check and a fresh drink- which took almost as long to be delivered.

All good now? No. The row killed the mojo and I was in slow mo, suffering a concussive blow and draining my dough. I had one decent rally- taking 200 deposit up to 1900 courtesy of two separate quad aces draws, but couldn't add the kicker and slowly bled out the entire balance.

The remainder of the trip was a parade of near misses and lousy dealt offerings
A tough start to 2024 and the rest of the year is in jeopardy as to frequency and bankroll of trips. After a lackluster 2023 (6k loss according to statement) including a disastrous NYE trip, pretty sure there won't be another until April. What a drag.

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Post by Tedlark »

Better luck TT.

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Post by FAA »

A tough start to 2024 and rest of year is in jeopardy as to frequency/bankroll of trips. After a lackluster 2023 (6k loss statement) including a disastrous NYE trip, won't be another until April. What a drag.
Similar conclusion here. Holy crap. From check to wreck! I was just considering a Harrah's Cove outing to turn my fortunes. This certainly throws cold water on that long shot panacea. I hate those duds: dealt an all even or odd hand. It always is a bad omen. At least you got Heineken Light! Caesars sticks us with Coors Light. Is the Cove still a sauna? I've never been happy with the thermostat there. I'm guesstimating (low) that you needed two hand pays to break even and had a -$2,000 trip. The higher you climb...
BTW, I think you were the one deriding my practice spell while posting your triumphs. Oh, the karma.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Yes Better luck TT. We both were destroyed too. Todays trip was a partial recovery.

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Post by OTABILL »

Sad story TT. Hope you fare better next time. Personally, I haven't been to a CET casino in years. My late wife stopped going because of bad experiences a number of times at several of their properties.

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Post by pokerpokerpoker »


I'm not afraid of variance, but that TDB DP at $10 a tug would frighten me.

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Post by TripleTriple »

pokerpokerpoker wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:30 pm

I'm not afraid of variance, but that TDB DP at $10 a tug would frighten me.
"Regular" old TDB variance is 98 I believe. Double Pay variant must be double that (haven't found a value yet) if not more. Must be why it's called double pay...

I had a double holy week beat down. On Thursday, my bank account got washed and Friday was anything but good. No hand pays and just three quads this trip. Overall lousy dealt offerings with just two full houses and six straights- not a dealt flush to be had and zero 4RF. As you can imagine, lack of decent deals spells doom.

Lack of good hands translates to lack of hands in general so 5X TC multiplier essentially worthless, as was $95 FP and $300 RC converted to cash.

Seven Stars lounge closed and Laurel lounge downgrade confirmed:
Still, I am pleased with my discipline (which I define different than most). I did not vary my bet, only made a single ATM sojourn, and even played according to strategy 100% instead of 99.8%. I didn't catch myself on any incorrect holds, missed pairs, etc (doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I played slow and deliberately). and didn't succumb to any superstitious or paranoid behavior.

On the good news front, I calculated my 2023 losses to be only 5843 instead of 6799 as reported in my loss statement.

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Post by dinghy »

Sorry about your results, but I feel more informed when the bad details are included. You're a good reporter. :up:
TripleTriple wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:46 am
On the good news front, I calculated my 2023 losses to be only 5843 instead of 6799 as reported in my loss statement.
My 2023 statement was several thousand worse than my recorded result. I haven't tried to reconcile, but I believe Caesars treats freeplay as coin-in. So if they give you $1000 in freeplay and you go busto, that's a $1000 loss on your statement.

I also have sportsbook action which could possibly confuse the issue. I don't even see a win/loss statement in the sportsbook app.

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Post by FAA »

Frightening trip report. Unholy back to back days. That Harrah’s AC Cove is one hell of a bankroll cemetery. 5X 0 = 0. Did you even see an attendant dishing out a hand pay? Cove is more likely to give victims the back of their hand. Not that the rest of HAC is much better. I’ll always have a fondness for the chow at MS.
CET win/loss statement has always rather baffled me as well! They really exaggerate the L. Can’t wait for that lucky year statement in which they low ball the W.

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Post by FAA »

All three AC CETs had higher Win Percentage rates in February than January, per DGE. Harrah's went from 8 to 8.2%. Tropicana 9.5 to 10.2%. Caesars a stunning 8.8% to 10%. Personally, I'm getting the hell out of my dismal circumstances!

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