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It takes a special person...

Post by jetermacaw »

... to risk so much for people who care so little.

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Post by notes1 »

watch the video of dallas, the crowd is trying to run away from danger, the cops are running toward it. see this time and time again. those who are protesting against the police, are now running toward the protection the cops provide.

I just wonder, do any of those idiots see the irony of this?

vote for H, get four more years of this.

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Post by DaBurglar »

watch the video of dallas, the crowd is trying to run away from danger, the cops are running toward it. see this time and time again. those who are protesting against the police, are now running toward the protection the cops provide.

I just wonder, do any of those idiots see the irony of this?

vote for H, get four more years of this. I am not a fan of Hillary, in fact I cannot stand the egotistical hypocrite .....But what in the hell is the meaning of this statement?    How do you make the connection/conclusion that this absurd situation going on in this country of Cops over reacting and incompetently (or consciously) shooting people of color over the most idiotic of issues, while at the same time on the other side you have irrational people like the Black Lives matter "crowd" who seek to demonize EVERY law enforcement agency and every "white cop" out there?    Seriously, this is the typical ignorant knee jerk response that has caused people (like me) to foresake the republican party en masse and is why at least 40% of voters in this country now identify as INDEPENDENT (or in other words  NOT a Democrat and DEFINITELY NOT a REPUBLICAN)....You wont explain it because you CANNOT......How can the PRESIDENT of the USA (whoever he/she/it  is) be BLAMED (or credited) with this situation or these types of situation?  And if Not Hillary (which in and of itself is FINE with me.....NO HILLARY)......then who?  You honestly think Mr. Stump will make things better?Lay out your reasoning, how will 4 years of Hillary make the current problems WORSE.....For everyone else besides Notes1, remember this:    People would rather believe a simple LIE  than a complex, nuanced TRUTH.......why?  because most people cannot think for more than a few seconds on any single topic/issue/problem etc, so they settle for something that is EASY to remember, easy to say, and requires no additional or continued thought or analysis.   

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Post by DaBurglar »

FYI:  the cop who apparently shot Mr Castille (the registered, legal handgun owner blown away as he attempted to produce his identification and firearm license after he TOLD the cop he had a gun)  is a LATINO police this technically does not fit the "scenario" or "Story" being spun by the "black lives matte" hysterical chorus, of blacks being slaughtered by WHITE cops.  

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Post by jetermacaw »

I don't know DB I'm gonna go out on a limb and say H will be more like O then T will be. Using every tragedy to expand their agenda. I firmly believe in my heart that the blood of these cops and the two in NYC is on Os hands.

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Post by billryan »

Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. There are white, black, brown, and yellow Latinos. Look at the spectrum of Latino ballplayers. They range from Ted Williams to Kieth Hernandaz to Roberto Alomar to Julio Franco.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I don't know DB I'm gonna go out on a limb and say H will be more like O then T will be. Using every tragedy to expand their agenda. I firmly believe in my heart that the blood of these cops and the two in NYC is on Os hands."Belief" is as personal as it gets, so what you believe is not something anyone should debate, malign or question unless it somehow impacts that person directly as well, which in this case it does not.......I would just ask, somehow, for you to illustrate or show the relationship between the maniac who decided to shoot cops in Dallas and President Obama.......I'm honestly asking, what does Obama (Or ANYONE ELSE) have to do with what Micah Johnson decided to do??My belief, in this narrow application, is that trying to BLAME anyone else BESIDES Micah Johnson for what MICAH JOHNSON did dilutes the total weight of his crimes and actually makes him LESS guilty, which of course, is absurd.  Someone else on this website loves to harp on Personal Responsibility, so I would submit that Micah Johnson is personally responsible for the crimes of....Micah Johnson.Otherwise, using the logic (if you can call it that) of this belief that Obama or Hillary is responsible for Micah Johnson's crimes, strengthens the arguments out there that the lax, easy GUN laws and GUN availability, and the twisting and misapplication & misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment is to BLAME for all this gun violence and incidents like what happened in Dallas, instead of it ONLY being the work of a sick, sociopath like Micah Johnson.

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Post by jetermacaw »

[QUOTE=jetermacaw]I don't know DB I'm gonna go out on a limb and say H will be more like O then T will be. Using every tragedy to expand their agenda. I firmly believe in my heart that the blood of these cops and the two in NYC is on Os hands."Belief" is as personal as it gets, so what you believe is not something anyone should debate, malign or question unless it somehow impacts that person directly as well, which in this case it does not.......I would just ask, somehow, for you to illustrate or show the relationship between the maniac who decided to shoot cops in Dallas and President Obama.......I'm honestly asking, what does Obama (Or ANYONE ELSE) have to do with what Micah Johnson decided to do??My belief, in this narrow application, is that trying to BLAME anyone else BESIDES Micah Johnson for what MICAH JOHNSON did dilutes the total weight of his crimes and actually makes him LESS guilty, which of course, is absurd.  Someone else on this website loves to harp on Personal Responsibility, so I would submit that Micah Johnson is personally responsible for the crimes of....Micah Johnson.Otherwise, using the logic (if you can call it that) of this belief that Obama or Hillary is responsible for Micah Johnson's crimes, strengthens the arguments out there that the lax, easy GUN laws and GUN availability, and the twisting and misapplication & misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment is to BLAME for all this gun violence and incidents like what happened in Dallas, instead of it ONLY being the work of a sick, sociopath like Micah Johnson.[/QUOTE]

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Post by DaBurglar »

Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. There are white, black, brown, and yellow Latinos. Look at the spectrum of Latino ballplayers. They range from Ted Williams to Kieth Hernandaz to Roberto Alomar to Julio Franco.Thank you!   My point exactly ..... this clearly illustrates why today's rapant racism is just totally absurd and utterly pointless!White. Black, Brown, Latino, Negro, Asian.....all these terms and words are meaningless until someone decides to give them more weight and meaning that they deserve.For a long LONG time, people of ITALIAN descent in the USA were NOT considered "WHITE", at least not today's (2016) definition of "WHITE".     Likewise, in the 1800s in cities like New York and Boston and even Chicago,  Irish Immigrants were not considered today's version of "WHITE".....! fact, the Irish immigrants used to be looked upon with as much disdain as negroes until about a decade AFTER the civil war!!!!!!     Think about that!I see, hear and live with and among totally prejudiced, racist "White" people who will stomp up and down and cry and scream and yell that they are totally NOT RACIST despite tons of evidence and proof to the contrary (all of which their own DOING of course.....)   The reason people instinctively react to being accused of being prejudiced is they KNOW inside how wrong and immoral it is......and they know, of course, that they are GUILTY.     The truth they say, hurts........But hold on to your seats.......prejudice and racism exists ALL OVER the WORLD, has existed since the dawn of Man, and sadly will continue to fester until we either kill each other or Jesus jumps down or something cataclysmic happens.......We have a NEED to BLAME BLAME BLAME, and people who are different than the group we individually identify with are a easy, convenient target.   Blacks are just as prejudiced as whites, who are just as prejudiced as of course, when i say "ASIAN" to whom am I referring?????     Truly, saying "ASIAN" is a ridiculous and absurd word to you know how many "ASIANS" there are and how different and varied the peoples in and on the continent of "ASIA"  truly are????     So I had better refine my words to say "CHINESE"  or JAPANESE  or KOREAN  or Vietnamese or Indonesian  or Iranian  or Laotian  or Thai  or Cambodian  or Filipino (a group often lumped in with Latin or "latinos"!)       Do you see where I am going here????   (which is of course "no where"  but that really is the whole point isnt it?!?!??)

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Post by jetermacaw »

3500 homecides in Chicago since O became POTUS, crickets, a cop rightly or wrongly we don't know yet and if wrongly prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, and he has to have a news conference telling us how persecuted minority's are by police. To some simple minded idiot, he's giving them too much food for thought.

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