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Post by DaBurglar »

I asked this question in a different thread but it deserves its own thread because I am the only one to think of this and ask it instead of repeating and rehashing all the cliches and old information.....Given all the sacrifices America has already made in and for IRAQ since the Falsely justified invasion in 2003,  all the weapons and training and MONEY......oh gosh, all that MONEY, 3-4 TRILLION (at least) in Iraq ...... what about the IRAQI people themselves actually defending their own  "TURF"  and reclaiming their country from these nut jobs???What is Iraq's Personal Responsibility here and why is it that people who are so hung up on this concept will not apply to the Iraqi people?     Why is all this money, this CRIMINALLY ABSURD amount of WASTED & GONE money, that represents TAXES paid by myself, you and the people who constantly moan and lament and whine about how much the government taxes them already.....why wasn't 3-4 trillion dollars (and counting) enough to already do the job?????    What else does Iraq need to  fix their own problem(s)?????No one is talking about this.....weird.

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Post by billryan »

Iraq is an artificial country, carved out of the Ottoman Empire by Europeans after WW1. It should have been carved into a bunch of countries, as the western tribes have nothing in common with the eastern tribe, nor the Kurds in the north.
After Iraq was established, the British tried to oversee the place but the violence forced them to leave early.
Only brutal dictatorship kept the various tribes together.
The Kurds owe their allegiance to themselves, the Shia would just as soon be part of Iran and the Sunnis hate the central government.
Pretty simple really.

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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:11 pm

Post by DaBurglar »

Iraq is an artificial country, carved out of the Ottoman Empire by Europeans after WW1. It should have been carved into a bunch of countries, as the western tribes have nothing in common with the eastern tribe, nor the Kurds in the north.
After Iraq was established, the British tried to oversee the place but the violence forced them to leave early.
Only brutal dictatorship kept the various tribes together.
The Kurds owe their allegiance to themselves, the Shia would just as soon be part of Iran and the Sunnis hate the central government.
Pretty simple really. +1    excellent post sir, you know your history, something most people who NEED to see things in the simplest terms possible cannot fathom.This CULTURE cannot exist with the type of Democracy (or "freedom") we have here, it just will not work.   That is why the arrogance of people who say "They were offered freedom by US and did not accept it"  is so pathetic.......NOT everyone WANTS, or CAN, live as the USA does (and rightfully so)Everything you mentioned is INCONVENIENT for modern day Neo COn & Conservatives in general......which is why you are so far the only one to bother to respond to my question  lol

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