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Does anyone else find

Post by jetermacaw »

It disturbing that the lame stream media is always in a hurry to denounce some poor cop trying to save his life and whenever there is a terrorist attack they don't want to jump to any "conclusion that it was terrorist attack, they need to wait to get all the facts. SMH

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Post by notes1 »

you can expect a lecture from your buddy, DB.

this is no accident, it is part of a well devised brain washing plan by the progressive left. infiltrate the media, the schools and influence the thought process of the electorate and the kids. advance their agenda, gain voters.

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Post by jetermacaw »

And his last two words before the French Police killed him were "I want a snack bar", so it leaves little doubt that he was a Radical IslamicTerrorist .

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Post by notes1 »

just watching CNN, a leading dem was asked why, if the French have labeled the killer a muslim extremist, why hasn't the usa? answer, we need to know his motivation first, his actions might be due to the breakup of his marriage.

asked what can be done to stop these acts, among his answers, we as a country need to be more understanding of muslims. again, our fault.

when asked if sharia law should be outlawed in this country. his answer, NO, it would only serve as a recruiting tool, because the west would be seen as not welcoming.

the dems say they care about women. do women have any idea what sharia law means to them? do they have any idea how they would be treated? just the idea of defending such a law, should cost the progressives every female vote, in the civilized world.

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Post by billryan »

What leading democrat said sharia law should be not be outlawed?
Not that it matters as it already is and always will be.

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Post by notes1 »

ADAM SCHIFF-D-CA, house intell comm, was the person giving the interview on CNN today. he was not willing to label the action in Nice an act of Islamic terrorism, banning muslims to this country who believed in sharia law and called for additional understanding and acceptance of those practicing that religion. again, we must adapt to them, they are not required to adapt to western society.

sharia law is indeed being practiced, in various forms, in America today. marijuana may be illegal in most of this country, but it does not mean it is not being used and some communities are more accepting of it's use.

are you denying the relationship between radical extremists-terrorism and the muslim religion? do you deny there are considerable numbers who practice the religion that hate western society and wish to kill all who do not believe in their faith? do you deny that much of MSM makes a considerable effort to differentiate between the religion and those who bring the terror? are you saying there is justification for these terror actions?

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Post by billryan »

ADAM SCHIFF-D-CA, house intell comm, was the person giving the interview on CNN today. he was not willing to label the action in Nice an act of Islamic terrorism, banning muslims to this country who believed in sharia law and called for additional understanding and acceptance of those practicing that religion. again, we must adapt to them, they are not required to adapt to western society.

sharia law is indeed being practiced, in various forms, in America today. marijuana may be illegal in most of this country, but it does not mean it is not being used and some communities are more accepting of it's use.

are you denying the relationship between radical extremists-terrorism and the muslim religion? do you deny there are considerable numbers who practice the religion that hate western society and wish to kill all who do not believe in their faith? do you deny that much of MSM makes a considerable effort to differentiate between the religion and those who bring the terror? are you saying there is justification for these terror actions?Show me one example of where Sharia law is being practiced in America. One example, just one.

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Post by notes1 »

I am still waiting for answers to my questions.

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Post by billryan »

   Just as soon as your answer mine, Mr Tail Gunner.

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Post by billryan »

Is this the exchange you are talking about? Its the only one I see of his on CNNFriday on CNN’s “The Lead,” while commenting on former House Speaker
Newt Gingrich (R-GA), saying in wake of the terror attack in Nice
France, that Muslims who believe in Sharia Law should be “deported,”
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said, “I think that has to be music to the ears
of the radical Islamist out there because they want to paint this as a
conflict between civilizations.”
Schiff said, “That is exactly the wrong approach. I think that has to
be music to the ears of the radical Islamist out there because they
want to paint this as a conflict between civilizations. They want to say
that Muslims aren’t welcome in the West. That they don’t have a place
in the West. That we need to fight the infidels. That kind of comment
from Mr. Gingrich playing exactly into that propaganda line of thinking.
That is a terribly counter productive thing to say. It was a last ditch
effort, I think on Gingrich’s part to say please make me the vice
presidential candidate, but he is doing damage in the mean time, damage
on the side ideological war-front.”

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