Do we even have

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Do we even have

Post by jetermacaw »

a CIA any more, were we caught that so unaware of the situation inTurkey that a coup can take place and we were totally clueless.

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Post by billryan »

Let me get this straight. IYou think the Administration lies about everything, but when it comes to a military coup in a country that houses thousands of American servicemen, you believe them when they say they were caught off guard.  

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Post by jetermacaw »

If they knew would you think they would have made a move to protect all US personal. Or are they going to blame a video.

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Post by billryan »

 The Turkish military is far more pro-western than the government. Protect them from what?

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Post by notes1 »

there is one thing for sure. unless things change dramatically over the next 6 months, the next potus will INHERIT a very messy foreign policy situation, will INHERIT a wide spread terrorism threat, will INHERIT a very slow growing economy, will INHERIT record numbers on food stamps and government assistance, will INHERIT a divided country and will INHERIT a country with great income and wealth inequality.

and, if it happens to be trump, I only hope his administration mentions the word INHERIT at every news event for months and months. I know I will every chance I get.

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Post by DaBurglar »

there is one thing for sure. unless things change dramatically over the next 6 months, the next potus will INHERIT a very messy foreign policy situation, will INHERIT a wide spread terrorism threat, will INHERIT a very slow growing economy, will INHERIT record numbers on food stamps and government assistance, will INHERIT a divided country and will INHERIT a country with great income and wealth inequality.

and, if it happens to be trump, I only hope his administration mentions the word INHERIT at every news event for months and months. I know I will every chance I get.

Good for you.....that will solve everything wont it?   BLAME.......that is all anyone can (or WANTS) to do anymore, is BLAME someone else for what they perceive as their problems.   That is why the last decade of congress has been totally inept, almost ciminally so......Do you even realize how bankrupt this thinking, this philosophy is?To the extent that OBAMA has blamed GW Bush, he has tried to use it as a force to prevent similar mistakes from happening in the future......his foreign policy has as its foremost principle  "DON't do STUPID STUFF..."     Works for me......since the foreign policy of Bush/Cheney was totally stupid (in hind sight of course, lol)But the thing you will not (or cannot, I dunno) accept is that the president of the USA is LIMITED....the USA itself is LIMITED......not everything is within our control......and like it or not, NOT EVERYTHING works out the way you want.   Sometimes NO ONE is to BLAME for the problems facing us, they just happen  (note I said SOMETIMES before you launch another personal responsibility bomb)       The fact is,  you can do EVERYTHING right, everything efficiently, and STILL get a lousy result.   But you dont accept that, do you?    Everyone always gets what they deserve, right?    I think you and people like you DESERVE donald trump because that is what your bankrupt version of "conservatism" has resulted in.......and using INHERIT is great on your part.     This BLOWHARD (your words)  INHERITED anywhere from 200 million to Half a Billion (depending on who you want to believe)......he is not a visionary, not a "great" businessman;  he literally has accomplished nothing in his life of true worth.....he has faced NO adversity, experienced NO HARDSHIP, and therefore has NO EMPATHY for anyone, not even his own kids it seems if you listen to his weird comments about his own Daughter Ivanka.     SO that is what you are "OK" with in having at the podium and when his own so-called "policies" like building a absurd WALL have failed to accomplish anything, it is OK with you for him to say "I inherited all these problems so it is not my fault that they are now 10 times WORSE than when I took office 9 months ago....."Good for you.....

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