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The Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but.....

Post by DaBurglar »

So if the USA throws 10s of thousands more troops BACK into the desert and "eliminates" ISIS,  is that really going to stop all the weirdos and whackos and psychos with access to the internet from doing what a few already have done????    IS IT?Perhaps a better, more effective response is what the President is now doing....small numbers of specialized troops and trainers (yes Iraq, AGAIN!), combined with special forces based elsewhere, and drones and airstrikes.    Support full tilt the KURDS (too bad if TURKEY objects)....the KURDS are extremely good, effective fighters against ISIS, far better than the Iraqis.Look, I imagine NONE of you are going to be going to the desert and fighting;  I know I MYSELF WILL NEVER do so, and that is why I am reluctant to demand that the government do so;  I will put up with a little more uncertainty in my life if it means someone else's kid will not be blown to bits in the hot dirty Iraq Desert!!!.....people like JETER have a child in the military, and while I am sure he loves the USA, he does not want his son hurt or killed in the desert, only to find a year from now ISIS (or AL QAEDA or some brand NEW group of narcissistic Fundamentalist IMAMs) have set up shop in North Africa and are persuading poor, hopeless, disenfranchised young men to commit acts of horror.   You cannot kill and IDEA or a can only counter it and try to come up with a BETTER Idea.The wealthy elite in this country (represented without QUESTION by the Republicans) have NO qualms about sending the sons and daughters of the rest of us off to fight against a constantly shifting enemy that threatens the Security and WEALTH of the 1%    THIS IS TRUE......go walk down the street of 5th avenue, or ANY WEALTHY NEIGHBORHOOD in any city of the USA, and see if you can find even ONE family with a son or daughter who would be at risk in the military.     YOU WILL NOT FIND ANY SENSE OF SHARED SACRIFICE or COMMON CAUSE.....   Won't happen....And that is why we SHOULD be totally reluctant to just continue "REACTING AND REACTING AND REACTING"  to these sick maniacs bloody antics.     Something more subtle and smart is needed......And "feeling safe" is a state of mind....if you want to feel safe you will.    the truth though is are still FAR FAR more likely to die of things like this list than Terrorism:1)  Television   yep, since 9/11  155 people have died from actual TVs falling on them, while the actual number of terrorist deaths in the USA is less.2) Cows :    According to the CDC,
cattle slay an average of 20 Americans every year. While these deaths
occur mostly among farm workers, dogs kill 28 Americans per year,
spiders kill seven, and venomous lizards and snakes kill six. All of
these animals are still more likely to kill an American than the
caliphate and other Islamic boogeymen.3) Fireworks   7 people blow THEMSELVES UP EVERY YEAR in the the MATH (or am I being "Elitist" in saying that?).4) Elevators:   27 people per year5)  Choking:   2500 people die EVERY YEAR from Not chewing their food properly or by blabbing with a mouthful of pasta.   Ridiculous......You get the idea people?   Don't allow the terrorists to WIN a cheap psychological victory by becoming irrational and hysterical cowards.  Do not allow them to change our  way of life or our virtues and beliefs.

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Post by Tedlark »

6) Die of boredom after reading your long winded never ending posts.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I am not terrified of the terrorists; i.e., I am not,
myself, terrorized. Rather, I am terrified of the terrorized; terrified
of the bovine masses who are so easily manipulated by terrorists,
governments, and the terror-amplifying media into allowing our country to slip toward totalitarianism and total war!Anyone know the author of this quote?    Either way, I agree that the MEDIA once again deserves SOME blame here.....they LOVE to report these incidents, it makes their jobs outrageously easy.   And whether they are Conservative HAcks (like FOX)  or Liberal Hacks (CNN),  they stir the pot so that things become vastly over amplified.   and when that happens, people start making bad decisions.

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Post by DaBurglar »

6) Die of boredom after reading your long winded never ending posts.See!  Exactly   Thanks for amplifying my point(s) Ted!     Now why dont you start lobbying for a drone strike on my Garage.....

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Post by mymaggie »

God you two are funny! You guys should take your show on the road!

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Post by Tedlark »

Why waste a perfectly good drone when one perfectly placed M-80 will do?

P.S. I'm sorry for the tardy response DaBurglar, I was busy at Four Winds in New Buffalo Michigan. While playing one of those "gimmick games" you can't stand, specifically DreamCard, .25 denomination 10 play I was dealt aces and picked up kickers on 4 lines for a very sweet $5,200.00 handpay. About 30 minutes later I was dealt 4 to the royal and caught 2 for another $2,100.00 handpay. I also caught 2 more royals, 1 at .25 denom and the other at .10 denom, and AWAK twice at .25 denom. Nice night's work.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Why waste a perfectly good drone when one perfectly placed M-80 will do?

P.S. I'm sorry for the tardy response DaBurglar, I was busy at Four Winds in New Buffalo Michigan. While playing one of those "gimmick games" you can't stand, specifically DreamCard, .25 denomination 10 play I was dealt aces and picked up kickers on 4 lines for a very sweet $5,200.00 handpay. About 30 minutes later I was dealt 4 to the royal and caught 2 for another $2,100.00 handpay. I also caught 2 more royals, 1 at .25 denom and the other at .10 denom, and AWAK twice at .25 denom. Nice night's work.That's awesome Ted, seems like you just won well over 10 grand!    I personally have never ever won that much in Video poker, EVER.Let me ask you this and I would appreciate you responding with a legit, non hate filled, non childish, non ridiculous answer:  Why did you not post such a AWESOME series of results in the appropriate section, with the pictures that the ENTIRE FORUM always enjoys and looks forward to and as you have done in the (now very distant) PAST???   Seriously why not?I look forward to your reply and again, congrats.PS:   If you do not reply (or actually post what I suggested above)  that would indeed conclusively demonstrate that you entirely made up this fantastical tale of results and did so just to try and "get one more silly jab in" towards me, in a thread and section that have nothing to do with such great results......But I hope I am wrong on that last "PS", i really really do.    I personally enjoy seeing ANYONE post pictures of awesome wins, as I have already stated many times.     Even people like you who hate me, I'd rather see win that the stinkin' casinos.

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Post by Tedlark »

I was just replying here,as to WHY I was tardy with a retort back to you.I can absolutely make a special post in the stories section about this and no, I didn't make up a "fantastical tale." I could also take pictures of my W2-G's with certain information redacted if that will help prove my play to you.

How many times in the past have you DOUBTED my results and basically called me a liar? So why should now be any different? Yes, I had a pretty good night at Four Winds this past Saturday night and it wasdn't quite 10 grand that I walked out with but it was close.

And again DaBurglar; I do not hate you.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I was just replying here,as to WHY I was tardy with a retort back to you.I can absolutely make a special post in the stories section about this and no, I didn't make up a "fantastical tale." I could also take pictures of my W2-G's with certain information redacted if that will help prove my play to you.

How many times in the past have you DOUBTED my results and basically called me a liar? So why should now be any different? Yes, I had a pretty good night at Four Winds this past Saturday night and it wasdn't quite 10 grand that I walked out with but it was close.

And again DaBurglar; I do not hate you. 1)  Sure, go ahead and post your "Redacted" w-2.....I am sure however that the FORUM at large would love to see pics (as would I).....that's kinda one of the more enjoyable aspects of this forum, seeing others success which we can ALL enjoy vicariously.....I'm not making that up or accusing you or whatever.....that's just a fact.    Screw trying to "prove" anything to or about me.....who gives a sh*t about that besides you.  I'm going to think and believe what I want about you regardless, just as you do me, etc.2)  In response to or in conjunction with ALL the things you have tossed my way in the past , or to address the many many threads of mine you've totally and pointlessly derailed,  I HAVE INDEED ESSENTIALLY called you a liar numerous times ...... things just do not add up with you in regards this absurd amount of success you seem to experience playing the same video poker we all do (i.e.  this 80% or whatever rate of success or profitability or however you define it)......that's just a fact of your OWN making Ted.      Now this latest Four Winds success on Saturday July 16  ........ this was the night AFTER the previous night's(JULY 15) success you ALSO posted about in a different THREAD, about winning some significant amount at HOLLYWOOD in JOLIET ?!?!?!?!        See, this is what I am talking about.......You want us to believe you hit and won a lot in JOLIET on Friday July 15, and then you post this fantastical story in this totally irrelevant thread about s HUGE win the subsequent night, JULY 16?!?!   Who cares about TARDINESS in replying, I don't....I leave that to NOTES1 to worry about.Look, here's the bottom line, so you can have some peace of mind regardless of the truth or actual situation or your motvations, etc:If you really have won all this time and all these hits in all these casinos, Congrats.    I rejoice whenever casinos lose.    You DO NOT make me envious, you do not cause me anguish or any other negative emotions, which is clearly your intent....all you are doing is making yourself look really really foolish and weird.    And I KNOW I am not the only one here who shares in the doubt about your outrageous good fortune.      ERGO, I strongly urge you to continue to lob your customary potshots at me (like making fun of all my giggle snorts or whatever admittedly, and intentionally, SILLY antics I might be engaging in.....) and avoid these tales of outrageous, Donald Trump-ian success UNLESS YOU REALLY DO post obvious, non sketchy PROOF of them.  OK???If you really have won and you have pics, POST AWAY, so we can all share the joy!

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Post by Tedlark »

Actually DaBurglar I won $1,100.00 at Hollywood Casin, Joliet Illinois on Friday JULY 8, 2016. I was home all night this past Friday July 15, 2016. I also happened to win about $500.00 in a short session at Hollywood Casino Joliet Illinois, also in early July.

I don't care if you are envious of me or not but get over the fact that I am both: better at and luckier at, video poker than you are. I post accurate reports here of my results at video poker.

I will give you credit though: you are the first grown man I've ever known to use a term like "gigglesnort."

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