A Republican Said it.....

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A Republican Said it.....

Post by DaBurglar »

One of the greatest REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS (and one of the Greatest AMERICANS of all time) said the following:     Try to keep this in perspective in the coming months.“Every GUN that is Made! Every WARSHIP Launched! Every ROCKET Fired!  Is a (Thief ) from Those Who “Hunger and
Are NOT Fed ! Those Who are COLD and are NOT Clothed. This World in Arms
is NOT spending money Alone. It is Spending the Sweat of its Laborers,
the Genius of its Scientists, the HOPE’s of its Children. This is Not a
Way of Life at ALL in any true sense. Under the Clouds of WAR, it is
Humanity Hanging on a CROSS of IRON...."General Dwight D Eisenhower

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Post by DaBurglar »

gotta love how no one has anything to add, say or respond to this.....I surmise it is due to the fact that today's typical  "Republican" is a bankrupt, simple, clueless vitriolic white male who cannot reconcile that the great republicans of the PAST (Eisenhower, Reagan, et al)  would be 100% aghast at what they see this party has devolved into.....That is why you have TRump as the nominee,,,,that is why one the absolute BEST republican presidents ever, George HW Bush (the dad), along with his wayward but still goodhearted son George W Bush, is not, repeat NOT having anything to do with the convention.    Same with a slew of other current, living republicans.We are stuck with Hillary as the only viable choice.....ALL because today's republican party has been hijacked by angry, no clue, simpleton, gun loving  racists.

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Post by edog743 »

I could not agree with you more Da except for the gun part.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I could not agree with you more Da except for the gun part.I have no problem with Guns Edog, I just for the life of me cannot grasp the unreasonable, idiotic stance the NRA forces its bought and paid members of congress to take regarding simply preventing suspected terrorists and other criminal types from LEgitimately BUYING guns!!!?!?!?!Why oh WHY cannot people clearly see that the NRA's ONLY concern is protecting the profits of gunmakers?Seriously, i am ok with the 2nd amendment rights being asserted by decent law abiding citizens.     But I will never grasp WHY a person legitimately NEEDS to own a dozen shotguns, or more than one (1)  AR 15s...........in fact why anyone who is NOT in law enforcement would need an AR-15 is beyond me, but again, if they are otherwise clean and upstanding, so be it.Inceidentally Edog, General Dwight D. Eisenhower accuarately and correctly foretold and foresaw the rise of the Militaty Industrial complex, the exact situation we have today where even a DEMOCRAT like OBAMA is politically UNABLE to streamline and revamp the military and cut costs by eliminating waste and redundancy.     I assert and maintain that we can have a dynamic, sufficient and vibrant Defense capability for a LOT LOT less than the currently ABSURD amounts being spent on defense YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR.....of course the 4 trillion plus "BLOWN" in Iraq, and the 1.5 - 2 Trillion in Afghanistan since 2091  is a economic fiscal crime of EPIC proportions.    It is hillarious how certain people bemoan the Taxes they must pay and yet are totally "OK:" with such sickening spectacles of waster and fraud and abuse as the money lost in those two countries, to absolutely ZERO real benefit or effect. That is why I will never ever again support cutting domestic aid or entitlement (i.e. FOOD and benefits) for US citizens when we have wasted nearly 5 to 6 trillion dollars in two countries that are total wrecks.    5 to 6 TRILLION.......!!

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Post by edog743 »

I am not a supporter of the NRA you are correct about those people. Yes, it is easier to kill people with guns. It is considerably easier to kill people with a truck.

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Post by notes1 »

for anyone interested in great TV, watch the interview between DON LEMON, CNN and SHERIFF CLARKE, that took place the other night.

Clarke tore lemon apart for his obvious slanted reporting of BLM. lemon tried to fight back, but the typical replies from the left about a conservative being a racist would not work. Clarke is a black cop. lemon cut to commercial, came back, got beat up some more and then cnn went to other reporters. lemon disappeared for a while.

saw it live, great tv.

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Post by DaBurglar »

For the record, I am not a supporter of the Black Lives matter movement..... I too think it is a counter productive, racist-in-its-own-way  spectacle that is just making the whole thing worse.Let me point some things out:1)  did not vote for Obama and disagree with many things he has done or failed to do (although I refuse to engage in the subtle racism many people engage in as they attempt to BLAME him for everything, and thwart EVERY other thing he tried to accomplish no matter WHAT it is....)1a)  I shall not be voting for Hillary2)  I do not support BLM and think it is making things worse3)  I support cutting spending where it can and SHOULD be cut, a strong effective military that does not consume the outrageous percentage of discretionary spending it currently does whereby we OUTSPEND the mext 30 countries COMBINED (most of whom are ALLIES)4)  Just as George HW Bush (the dad) eventually realized and implemented, I support a tax INCREASE on the VERY wealthy and on corporations, at least for the next 5-7 years, so that SOME of the 20 trillion in debt we now have can be paid back down to a more "reasonable" and sustainable level......note, if we had not BLOWN 6 Trillion of that 20 trillion in the two "medieval" countries the past 15 years, a Tax increase might NOT still be needed....but now it is no longer avoidable, the MATH simply DEMANDS it.

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Post by jetermacaw »

Edog: please explain what "one of those people " when talking about the NRA?

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Post by edog743 »

Those people are the people that are closed minded to anything that pertains to gun control of any kind. If you want me to expound on this feel free to P.M. me.

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Post by billryan »

   The percentage of people owning guns in America is at an all time low since they started keeping records, yet the number of guns is at an all-time high. Fewer people have guns, but those people seem to have an obsessive need to add more guns to their arsenals, and seemingly cant leave their homes without a gun. If you listened to the convention last night, you'd think crime was exploding, rather than being much much lower than when Reagan was in office. I wonder how Rudy explains crime dropping in NY after he left office?

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