What NO ONE wants to hear or deal with

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What NO ONE wants to hear or deal with

Post by DaBurglar »

You hear from both dysfunctional and inept (and corrupt) Political parties that the reason JOBS are scarce, or the reason more AMERICANS are not working or unable to FIND work, are the following:-- Bad trade deals (both parties have their spin/version on this false flag issue, but its 100% BS......Trade is essential, Trade Deals are a process of give and take, and the simple fact is if a country is competitive and has a educated and efficient work force, they will succeed in the MAJORITY of all trade deals......sadly the USA no longer is competitive nor has a work force that fits that bill)-- Sociological issues, such as a rapidly aging (and SICKLY) population, or a poorly educated population/young people ...... and the biggest LIE perpetrated by the Republicans, that ILLEGAL (and illiterate) Aliens are "Stealing" real Americans jobs.......if you believe that a significant segment of the USA native born population actually WANTS to pick lemons, and WANTS to mow lawns, and WANTS to clean up filthy hotel rooms, then possibly there is a SMALL amount of legitimacy to the "Aliens stole my job" excuse....--  Taxes need to be MASSIVELY reduced on the Super wealthy, because this frees up the wealthy to take all that money they are hiding in offshore accounts and nobly and patriotically reinvest it in the American Economy, thus magically "CREATING" millions of NEW JOBS for all the regular people out there to finally be able to afford another crack at owning a house.....100% HOGWASH PURE FANTASY.   Lowering Taxes on the RICH (they already are pretty low) will do NOTHING of the kind, it will just allow the rich to sock it away in ever greater amounts.....besides, here is the point I am making that will hopefully enlighten all of you who already do not KNOW the truth:THE REASON JOBS are becoming more and MORE scarce, and the reason that the number of permanently unemployed Americans continues to GROW despite allegedly "rosy" economic numbers is THIS:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-hap ... AUTOMATION and TECHNOLOGY have eliminated 10s of MILLIONS of former jobs that USED to be occupied by everyday, low educated Americans.....and it is about to become FAR FAR WORSE with the newest and latest generations of Technology and AUTOMATION.     That's it folks!   all this political BS arguments and debates and accusations is total crap and is actually causing people to NOT understand what is really happening.....and why?  Because politicians (of ALL PARTIES) have NO pleasant or painless solutions or answers to this problem.  its that simple.So what do we do?   it is the NATURAL progression, or order of things for humans to ALWAYS look for better, more efficient and technologically better ways of doing things.....but what is happening now is the pace of technology is FAR FAR greater than the pace of which new jobs can be created to employ the people who are being replaced by Technology,     The measures to address this situation are things that NO ONE wants to talk about, but soon we are going to HAVE to do so!Look, when DRONES and DRIVERLESS vehicles are poised to eliminate a whole class of jobs that previously could ONLY be done by people, then you KNOW it is time to face reality and swallow some things we previously could not.....

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Post by Tedlark »

I thought you said that you were not going to make posts like this anymore?

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Post by DaBurglar »

I thought you said that you were not going to make posts like this anymore?Obviously i must have exercised my first amendment rights......OR.......more likely, I am sure you misinterpreted or misapplied, or misunderstood what I originally posted.......why don't you dig it up from your Da Burglar files Ted, repost it and then we'll discuss it.....But as you do that, be prepared to answer/address the following:    WHY is this such a big deal TOO YOU?     Of all the things going on in your life, going on in the world....of all the immensely more important and interesting things you could have POSSIBLY posted, why did you select .....THIS  "issue" (such as it even IS an "issue")?as I just stated, I am sure you have things confused......the topic in THIS thread, about Jobs and the economy and the need for politicians to rethink the whole topic & process is, in my opinion, vitally important to the future.......wouldn't you at least concede that much?And despite your underlying hatred of me and your hope/goal of getting me to just LEAVE (or trying to get a groundswell of people to DEMAND I be banished), I adhered to basic tenets of forum decorum and I did post this important thread in the proper section ("everything/Anything"  etc)

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Post by DaBurglar »

The reason i posted this is actually quite simple:This is but one SINGLE example (among COUNTLESS) of a political hot potato (the issue of employment and the economy and what if anything Government should do to mitigate or help the situation....);   Both sides (dumocranks and Repugnantcans)  continually spew out tired old party lines that in actuality are no longer relevant or even true......and yet people, INTELLIGENT people, on both sides readily believe and swallow these party lines time after time.My point is this:   PEOPLE will actually (almost defiantly) believe things that are blatantly false or wrong despite evidence to the contrary.......they REFUSE to change, adjust or admit that their "views" are wrong or out of touch with reality.Because of THIS, there will never ever be proactive solutions to the crises facing American Society, and the World at large.......only when the systems totally disintegrates, explodes or runs out of gas will people actually try to do anything to solve or fix things, and by then it is too late and the only thing to do is try to survive like animals in the wild.We are going to GET exactly what we all deserve, and everyone can have a swell ol' time pointing fingers of blame and recrimination as the world devolves into planet of the apes.    Real smart......I'm putting my trust in the Lord (of the Hebrew Christian Scriptures), it is the only rational thing to do really.......

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Post by Tedlark »

I guess then; you were passed over for Skull & Bones???

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Skull and Bones....hmmmmm right in my back yard at Yale. To think, I passed up acceptance at Yale ( cost ) for UCONN which was free at the time. To think though. Had I gone to Yale I might have been in classes with Bill and Hillary. More likely, I would have been in some with George Bush. He was at Yale from 64-68. The Clintons met in 1970 at Yale. I started school in 66. I can almost guarantee I would have hit the New Haven beer bar scene with George.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Skull and Bones....hmmmmm right in my back yard at Yale. To think, I passed up acceptance at Yale ( cost ) for UCONN which was free at the time. To think though. Had I gone to Yale I might have been in classes with Bill and Hillary. More likely, I would have been in some with George Bush. He was at Yale from 64-68. The Clintons met in 1970 at Yale. I started school in 66. I can almost guarantee I would have hit the New Haven beer bar scene with George. Olds, you were accepted at Yale!?!?!?       Wow, if so that is very impressive indeed, especially since it was harder to get accepted back in the 1960s than today!I totally do NOT blame you for choosing a free education at a great school (UCONN)  vs.  a degree from a Ivy league school.......if I could go back and re-live my life at age 18, I might choose UMASS Amherst (for FREE) !!    It's a tough call, but ultimately pointless.....cannot go back in time!For better or worse, you are who you are......

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Not bragging, just thinking back now that politics is in such vogue at the moment. Those two schools were the only ones I applied to. I am really glad I chose UCONN, however, I regret not taking their offer to send me up to Woods Hole for a good part of my stay up there. At the time I was a Jacques Cousteau wanna be. Unfortunately, I choose the party life up there over the extra tough schedule. The good thing was I met the Mrs. up there. I never would have met her if I was at Yale. God forbid if I did go to Yale and somehow ended up with Hillary. I saw the pics of her at Yale and she was pretty cute, but I prefer the Brown eyed Irish beauty I found. Never did have too much luck with blondes.

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