Cops shoot unarmed Deaf Mute

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Cops shoot unarmed Deaf Mute

Post by DaBurglar » ... 3219.htmlI have several close relatives in Law Enforcement, including a Chief OF Police of a department of 30+ officers......I support all DECENT, sane, good hearted law enforcement agents wherever they exist.    That said, I am NOT one of these people who, carte blanche and without reservation, automatically SIDE or SUPPORT "Our wonderful police officers" no matter what.......its a sad, simple fact of life that NOT everyone who wants to be a Astronaut can be one, and even some of the people who Qualify to be Astronauts SHOULD NOT BE one because they lack the proper temperament or motivation;    Everyone who WANTS to be a DOCTOR does not qualify, nor SHOULD they be allowed to be a Doctor;   you see where I am going?MOST law enforcement agents are capable, decent and professional........Sadly, in a job such as Law enforcement, when someone is NOT either properly trained or PROPERLY MOTIVATED (i.e. doing it for the right reasons while also NOT doing it for all the wrong reasons), the ramifications are deadly......DEADLY.     There are as we speak, cops who are simply too fearful, or too malicious, or too UNSTABLE to be doing the job they are paid to do.....this cop in North Carolina who SHOT this deaf mute is clearly such a case, and NO, I do not need to hear or see anymore of the "STORY" before making this judgement.....  Use of your service weapon, as my COUSIN reminds all of us constantly, is SUPPOSED to be the ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT, does not work anyway else;  the concept of PUBLIC TRUST is paramount to having a effective LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY, and regardless of how or why and all the extenuating circumstances or "WHAT IFs", if that  PUBLIC TRUST is lost or VIOLATED, it is something that needs to be rectified NO MATTER WHAT and NO MATTER the cost!There is no EXCUSE whatsoever to this latest example of Police incompetence and brutality......NONE.    You cannot even interject this Bullsh*te  "racial element" into it......And a big  F--- You to the  BLACK LIVES matter movement too.......ALL LIVES MATTER, period.    And if ever there was an innocent victim of all this nonsense, this deaf mute was it.......

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